Java中的Kerberos身份验证 - java中的“登录”操作是否等于“kinit”?

时间:2022-10-01 20:48:07

I'm using GSSAPI in Java in order to login to an LDAP server using Kerberos authentication. I'm a newbie to Kerberos, so I'm sorry if this is an obvious question, but I couldn't find anything clear enough on the internet.


I perform the following steps:


  1. Define Login configuration by setting the system property "" to the configuration file path.
  2. 通过将系统属性“”设置为配置文件路径来定义登录配置。

  3. Call LoginContext.login() with the name of the configuration and a self defined callback handler
  4. 使用配置名称和自定义的回调处理程序调用LoginContext.login()

  5. In case login succeeded, "pretend to be" the subject (by using Subject.doAs()), and connect to the LDAP server by creating a new InitialLDAPContext with the appropriate environment variables.
  6. 如果登录成功,“假装成”主题(通过使用Subject.doAs()),并通过创建具有适当环境变量的新InitialLDAPContext连接到LDAP服务器。

Now, My problem is I don't understand which step correlates to which kerberos action? Is it correct to say that after the login action I only have a TGT? When do I get the service specific ticket?


Thanks, Dikla

1 个解决方案


The class is Sun's implementation of a login module for the Kerberos version 5 protocol. Upon successful authentication the Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) is stored in the Subject's private credentials set and the Kerberos principal is stored in the Subject's principal set.类是Sun为Kerberos版本5协议的登录模块的实现。成功验证后,票证授予票证(TGT)存储在Subject的私有凭证集中,Kerberos主体存储在Subject的主体集中。

(Taken from here)


This means that LoginContext.login is indeed equal to kinit in that after each of them, we have a TGT.


The service ticket will be obtained and used later - according to the action performed in Subject.doAs().

服务票证将在以后获取并使用 - 根据在Subject.doAs()中执行的操作。


The class is Sun's implementation of a login module for the Kerberos version 5 protocol. Upon successful authentication the Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) is stored in the Subject's private credentials set and the Kerberos principal is stored in the Subject's principal set.类是Sun为Kerberos版本5协议的登录模块的实现。成功验证后,票证授予票证(TGT)存储在Subject的私有凭证集中,Kerberos主体存储在Subject的主体集中。

(Taken from here)


This means that LoginContext.login is indeed equal to kinit in that after each of them, we have a TGT.


The service ticket will be obtained and used later - according to the action performed in Subject.doAs().

服务票证将在以后获取并使用 - 根据在Subject.doAs()中执行的操作。