
时间:2021-02-22 20:43:04

I'm coding in an embedded language called JS.


I want to be able to call three functions in any order. (ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CBA, CAB.)

我希望能够以任何顺序调用三个函数。 (ABC,ACB,BAC,BCA,CBA,CAB。)

The trick? The language doesn't have user-defined functions.


It does have a conditional and a looping construct.


I think I have three choices.


  1. Duplicate a whole bunch of code.
  2. 复制一大堆代码。

  3. Write a preprocessor (that would create all the duplicated code).
  4. 编写预处理器(将创建所有重复的代码)。

  5. Do a loop with three iterations, using an array to control which functionality gets called on each pass of the loop.
  6. 执行一个包含三次迭代的循环,使用数组来控制在循环的每次传递中调用哪些功能。

I hate #1. Duplicated code is nasty. How do I change anything without screwing up?


I guess #2 is OK. At least I don't have duplicated code in the source. But my output code is what I'll be debugging, and I wonder if I want to diverge from it. On the plus side, I could add a bunch of sugar to the language.


I think my best bet is #3.


Any other ideas? There is no goto. No functions. No existing preprocessor.


Funny thing about #3 is that it's essentially the infamous for/switch nightmare.


3 个解决方案


Perhaps some kind of mutant state-machine, viz:


int CODEWORD=0x123;

while (CODEWORD)
    case 1:
       /// case 1
    case 2:
       /// case 2
    case 3:
       //// case 3

DRY, no preprocessor, no array. for/switch seems somewhat unavoidable.

干,没有预处理器,没有数组。 for / switch似乎有点不可避免。


You might be able to use the C preprocessor instead of writing your own. That would at least let you try it to see if it's a workable solution.



The technically best solution (assuming that you have access to the code or the developers) is to modify the JS language to do what you really need.


Failing that, the best solution depends on aspects of the problem that you haven't explained:


  1. are the 'functions' recursive?
  2. 递归的'功能'是什么?

  3. are there function parameters?
  4. 有功能参数吗?

  5. do you need (are you likely to need) other control structures not provided in JS?
  6. 你需要(你可能需要)JS中没有提供的其他控制结构吗?

  7. does the function call order depend on runtime parameters?
  8. 函数调用顺序取决于运行时参数吗?

  9. are you skilled and confident enough to design and implement a preprocessor language that meets your current and projected requirements?
  10. 您是否熟练且有足够的信心来设计和实现满足当前和预计要求的预处理器语言?

  11. is implementing a preprocessor going to save you / coworkers time in the long run?
  12. 从长远来看,是否正在实施预处理器以节省您/同事的时间?

If the answers to 5. and enough of the others are "yes", then your option #2 is the right answer. Otherwise ... an ugly solution like your #1 or #3 might actually be a better idea.


EDIT: If you don't have source code access and the development team is not responsive to your needs, consider looking for an open-source alternative.



Perhaps some kind of mutant state-machine, viz:


int CODEWORD=0x123;

while (CODEWORD)
    case 1:
       /// case 1
    case 2:
       /// case 2
    case 3:
       //// case 3

DRY, no preprocessor, no array. for/switch seems somewhat unavoidable.

干,没有预处理器,没有数组。 for / switch似乎有点不可避免。


You might be able to use the C preprocessor instead of writing your own. That would at least let you try it to see if it's a workable solution.



The technically best solution (assuming that you have access to the code or the developers) is to modify the JS language to do what you really need.


Failing that, the best solution depends on aspects of the problem that you haven't explained:


  1. are the 'functions' recursive?
  2. 递归的'功能'是什么?

  3. are there function parameters?
  4. 有功能参数吗?

  5. do you need (are you likely to need) other control structures not provided in JS?
  6. 你需要(你可能需要)JS中没有提供的其他控制结构吗?

  7. does the function call order depend on runtime parameters?
  8. 函数调用顺序取决于运行时参数吗?

  9. are you skilled and confident enough to design and implement a preprocessor language that meets your current and projected requirements?
  10. 您是否熟练且有足够的信心来设计和实现满足当前和预计要求的预处理器语言?

  11. is implementing a preprocessor going to save you / coworkers time in the long run?
  12. 从长远来看,是否正在实施预处理器以节省您/同事的时间?

If the answers to 5. and enough of the others are "yes", then your option #2 is the right answer. Otherwise ... an ugly solution like your #1 or #3 might actually be a better idea.


EDIT: If you don't have source code access and the development team is not responsive to your needs, consider looking for an open-source alternative.
