如果在越狱的iPhone OS 2.2.1上调试iPhone应用程序崩溃(libgcc版本?)

时间:2022-03-16 20:43:45

I'm new to iPhone development. I used a jailbraked iPhone (OS 2.2) for for some time with no problems. Recently I had to upgrade to OS 2.2.1 and after the update I am no longer able to debug apps on the phone. In the console I'm getting the following warning and the apps crash at launch (only when debugged) :

我是iPhone开发的新手。我使用了jailbraked iPhone(OS 2.2)一段时间没有问题。最近我不得不升级到OS 2.2.1,在更新后我不再能够在手机上调试应用程序。在控制台中,我收到以下警告,并且启动时应用程序崩溃(仅在调试时):

warning: UUID mismatch detected with the loaded library - on disk is:
warning: Unable to read symbols for "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS2.2.1.sdk/usr/lib/iPhoneHE.dylib" (file not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols for "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS2.2.1.sdk/usr/lib/libsubstrate.dylib" (file not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols for "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS2.2.1.sdk/usr/lib/HE.dylib" (file not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols for "/Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib" (file not found).
Program received signal:  “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.

I searched on the web, but was not able to find clear answers. Is this a familiar problem with iPhone OS 2.2.1 on a jailbraked phone? Is there a solution to this?

我在网上搜索,但无法找到明确的答案。这是一个熟悉的iPhone OS 2.2.1在jailbraked手机上的问题吗?这个问题有方法解决吗?

Many thanks,


2 个解决方案


A little late, but it looks like you're having a problem with MobileSubstrate. Just upgrade to the latest version and to OS 3.1.2 and you'll be fine. (You've probably fixed this by now though...)

有点晚了,但看起来你遇到了MobileSubstrate的问题。只需升级到最新版本和OS 3.1.2,你就可以了。 (你现在可能已经解决了这个问题......)


I know this is old but I thought I would like to pop in and say that jumping into Safe Mode from SBSettings Power option allowed for Debugging on my jailbroken phone.

我知道这已经过时了,但我想我想进入并说从SBSettings Power选项进入安全模式允许在我的越狱手机上进行调试。


A little late, but it looks like you're having a problem with MobileSubstrate. Just upgrade to the latest version and to OS 3.1.2 and you'll be fine. (You've probably fixed this by now though...)

有点晚了,但看起来你遇到了MobileSubstrate的问题。只需升级到最新版本和OS 3.1.2,你就可以了。 (你现在可能已经解决了这个问题......)


I know this is old but I thought I would like to pop in and say that jumping into Safe Mode from SBSettings Power option allowed for Debugging on my jailbroken phone.

我知道这已经过时了,但我想我想进入并说从SBSettings Power选项进入安全模式允许在我的越狱手机上进行调试。