
时间:2021-09-21 20:43:50

I am using Delphi 2009 on Vista Ultimate 64 bit.

我在Vista Ultimate 64位上使用Delphi 2009。

I run my application from within the Delphi IDE, and after some time (a minute or 2) my application will hang.

我在Delphi IDE中运行我的应用程序,经过一段时间(一分钟或两分钟)后,我的应用程序将挂起。

Looking at the event log, the hang is associated with a thread exiting. It is not the main thread, but a thread that has been started just after the module RSAENH.DLL has been loaded.


The app runs normally outside the debugger.


Further info: the app makes extensive use of OpenGL, including shaders and some OpenGL 3 features.

更多信息:该应用程序广泛使用OpenGL,包括着色器和一些OpenGL 3功能。

Any suggestions?

1 个解决方案



When running the IDE in Vista, the threads view should indicate if a thread is deadlocked and which resources it it waiting for. Check out this blog post on the "Wait Chain Traversal" feature: Tiburon Preview: Vista Wait Chain Traversal

在Vista中运行IDE时,线程视图应指示线程是否已死锁以及它正在等待哪些资源。查看关于“Wait Chain Traversal”功能的博客文章:Tiburon预览:Vista Wait Chain Traversal



When running the IDE in Vista, the threads view should indicate if a thread is deadlocked and which resources it it waiting for. Check out this blog post on the "Wait Chain Traversal" feature: Tiburon Preview: Vista Wait Chain Traversal

在Vista中运行IDE时,线程视图应指示线程是否已死锁以及它正在等待哪些资源。查看关于“Wait Chain Traversal”功能的博客文章:Tiburon预览:Vista Wait Chain Traversal