
时间:2022-07-05 20:42:03

The time consume is not normal in multi-thread in Windows. Our device has 5 nozzles, the process is:


  1. The nozzles pick chips up at the same time, so I use the 5 threads do it
  2. 喷嘴同时拾取芯片​​,所以我使用5个线程来做

  3. Move the nozzles to another place
  4. 将喷嘴移到另一个地方

  5. Put the chips
  6. 放芯片

It's smooth at normal time, but sometimes it has a short stop before moving to another place (we can see it obviously). Picking chips takes about 80 milliseconds at normal time, and sometimes it becomes 130 milliseconds. I write a simple code to test it:


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <WINDOWS.H>
#include <PROCESS.H>
#include <iostream>
#include <Mmsystem.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib")

using namespace std;

static TIMECAPS                 l_timecaps;

UINT WINAPI MainThread(LPVOID lParam /* = NULL */);
UINT WINAPI TestThread(LPVOID lParam /* = NULL */);
void MainProcess();

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    //set current process priority as real time
    SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS);

    //use more accurate time
    timeGetDevCaps(&l_timecaps, sizeof(l_timecaps));

    UINT uiThreadId = 0;
    HANDLE hEvents = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, MainThread, NULL, 0, &uiThreadId);
    SetThreadPriority(hEvents, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);

    WaitForSingleObject(hEvents, INFINITE);

    cerr << endl << "Press Enter to exit." << endl;
    while (cin.get() != '\n');


    return 0;

UINT WINAPI MainThread(LPVOID lParam /* = NULL */)
    int i = 0;
    while (i < 100)

    return 0;

void MainProcess()
    const int THREAD_NUMBER = 5;
    static HANDLE hEvents[THREAD_NUMBER]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_NUMBER; ++i)
        hEvents[i] = NULL;

    //log time with more accurate time
    LARGE_INTEGER liPerfFreq={0};
    LARGE_INTEGER liBeginRunTime = {0}; 
    long lBeginRunTime = 0; 
    lBeginRunTime = liBeginRunTime.QuadPart * 1000 / liPerfFreq.QuadPart;

    for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_NUMBER; ++i)
        UINT uiThreadId = 0;
        hEvents[i] = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, TestThread, NULL, 0, &uiThreadId);
        SetThreadPriority(hEvents[i], THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);

        //assign to cpu
        SetThreadAffinityMask(hEvents[i], 0x00000001 + i);

    //wait all threads finished
    WaitForMultipleObjects(THREAD_NUMBER, hEvents, TRUE, INFINITE);

    LARGE_INTEGER liEndRunTime = {0};
    long lEndRunTime = 0; 
    lEndRunTime = liEndRunTime.QuadPart * 1000 / liPerfFreq.QuadPart;

    cout << "time: " << lEndRunTime - lBeginRunTime << endl;

UINT WINAPI TestThread(LPVOID lParam /* = NULL */)
    //do nothing
    return 0;

The output result time is 2,3 or 4 millisecond, but sometimes it becomes 57 or 62 millisecond. It's bad for our device when running, the device becomes slow.


1 个解决方案


Your test threads do nothing. All the time is spent creating and shutting down the thread. Overheads in the kernel object manager and scheduler will dominate. Perhaps some of the threads are having to wait on other threads holding (via API calls) kernel locks and thus seeing delays.


And of course those inner threads could be completing before the call to set their priority completes: to set this you really need to start the thread suspended and then start it.


Because you are measuring nothing, all you have are overheads which will depend on what else is going on.


Also remember, while you have names like THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL Windows is not a real-time OS.



Your test threads do nothing. All the time is spent creating and shutting down the thread. Overheads in the kernel object manager and scheduler will dominate. Perhaps some of the threads are having to wait on other threads holding (via API calls) kernel locks and thus seeing delays.


And of course those inner threads could be completing before the call to set their priority completes: to set this you really need to start the thread suspended and then start it.


Because you are measuring nothing, all you have are overheads which will depend on what else is going on.


Also remember, while you have names like THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL Windows is not a real-time OS.
