什么是在Windows Vista中监控IIS的好/免费软件?

时间:2021-10-10 01:59:19

I always forget to check what's going on in IIS on our webservers, and am wondering: is there some stupid applet or something that always runs locally that I can click on to check event logs and IIS logs on a remote machine?



2 个解决方案


You can set up samurize to follow the output of the logging on the local and remote machines but it requires some setup.


You can use a remote shell utility such as OpenSSH to connect to remote machines securely.



One at a time. Compmgmt.msc -> connect to another computer.

一次一个。 Compmgmt.msc - >连接到另一台计算机。

But one at a time is boring. Monitoring dozens of machines? I've been using logparser from MS for my log monitoring needs. I run a query that dumps errors and warnings to a csv file a few times a day.


So far, I've only used it to aggregate event logs across the dozen servers in our QA environment, but it appears to take many forms on log input, including IIS. A pseudo log file query (don't have samples with me)


logparser "Select [eventtype], [message] into output.csv FROM \\server1\system, \\server2\system" -i EVT

This shows: You can aggregate multiple servers. You tell it the input format - it supports a dozen log types. You can dump it into a csv file. It looks sort of like SQL. This article in security focus has an IIS log sample.

这表明:您可以聚合多个服务器。你告诉它输入格式 - 它支持十几种日志类型。您可以将其转储到csv文件中。它看起来有点像SQL。安全焦点中的这篇文章有一个IIS日志示例。

I'm not an applet type of guy, so I haven't though much about desktop widgets to do this.



You can set up samurize to follow the output of the logging on the local and remote machines but it requires some setup.


You can use a remote shell utility such as OpenSSH to connect to remote machines securely.



One at a time. Compmgmt.msc -> connect to another computer.

一次一个。 Compmgmt.msc - >连接到另一台计算机。

But one at a time is boring. Monitoring dozens of machines? I've been using logparser from MS for my log monitoring needs. I run a query that dumps errors and warnings to a csv file a few times a day.


So far, I've only used it to aggregate event logs across the dozen servers in our QA environment, but it appears to take many forms on log input, including IIS. A pseudo log file query (don't have samples with me)


logparser "Select [eventtype], [message] into output.csv FROM \\server1\system, \\server2\system" -i EVT

This shows: You can aggregate multiple servers. You tell it the input format - it supports a dozen log types. You can dump it into a csv file. It looks sort of like SQL. This article in security focus has an IIS log sample.

这表明:您可以聚合多个服务器。你告诉它输入格式 - 它支持十几种日志类型。您可以将其转储到csv文件中。它看起来有点像SQL。安全焦点中的这篇文章有一个IIS日志示例。

I'm not an applet type of guy, so I haven't though much about desktop widgets to do this.
