
时间:2021-04-18 20:25:29

I have a main activity (Main) and another activity (Sub) that is called from Main by

我有一个主要活动(Main)和另一个从Main by调用的活动(Sub)

startActivityForResult(new Intent(this, SubActivity.class), 25); 

When I'm at Sub, and I kill the process (using a task manager or by adb shell kill <pid>), and I re-open the application, I'm taken immediately to Sub.

当我在Sub时,我终止进程(使用任务管理器或adb shell kill ),然后我重新打开应用程序,我立刻被带到了Sub。

In Sub I have this code to call back to the Main activity:


setResult(RESULT_OK, data);

I would have received the requestCode (25), the resultCode (RESULT_OK) and the data on onActivityResult if I didn't kill the process. However in this case I'm taken to the Main activity, but the onActivityResult is not called.


Is this how Android works (which I don't expect), or is there something wrong with my approach?


Update: This happened on my Nexus One, CyanogenMod 7.0.2, Android 2.3.3. I tried using emulator API 10, Android 2.3.4 and it worked as expected, onActivityResult is still called after I killed the process.

更新:这发生在我的Nexus One,CyanogenMod 7.0.2,Android 2.3.3上。我尝试使用模拟器API 10,Android 2.3.4并且它按预期工作,onActivityResult在我杀死进程后仍然被调用。

2 个解决方案



I think the question is not why onActivityResult is not called, but why when you kill your app second is still alive. Did you put Toast messages in the lifecycle methods of Main and Sub, just to check which methods are called?




I was facing the same problem and I solved it replacing the startActivityForResult functionality storing the result into the shared preferences and loading them later in onResume. Here's the link to the full solution.




I think the question is not why onActivityResult is not called, but why when you kill your app second is still alive. Did you put Toast messages in the lifecycle methods of Main and Sub, just to check which methods are called?




I was facing the same problem and I solved it replacing the startActivityForResult functionality storing the result into the shared preferences and loading them later in onResume. Here's the link to the full solution.
