
时间:2021-02-05 20:23:19

Is there a way to speed up the compilation and deployment to device of the android project using maven?


I tested build time of a blank android project (created from command line using 'android create project') in IntelliJ Idea - it took me 4 seconds from pressing the 'run' button until launching the app on device. Then I added maven support to it - now it takes almost 7 seconds.

我在IntelliJ Idea中测试了一个空白的android项目(用‘android create project’从命令行创建的)的构建时间——我用了4秒钟的时间按下‘run’按钮,直到在设备上启动应用程序。然后我为它添加了maven支持—现在几乎需要7秒。

For bigger projects it takes even more time. For example, blank project with ActionBarSherlock dependency added takes about 25-30 seconds to compile, deploy and run.

对于更大的项目,它需要更多的时间。例如,添加了ActionBarSherlock依赖项的blank project需要25-30秒来编译、部署和运行。

Is there a way to speed up this process?


I would like to hear answers from Square developers (especially Jake Wharton) :) how long does it take your android projects to compile?


6 个解决方案



Couple things I did which gave me a little improvement:


  • Turning off dex optimization for debug builds
  • 关闭用于调试构建的dex优化
  • Turning on library pre-dexing (which slows down the first build but speed up the followings)
  • 打开库预除(它减慢了第一个构建,但是加快了后续的构建)

Configuration is something like:


        <!-- All your current configuration -->

BTW I suspect there are some problems with the incremental compiler and every time all the code is ricompiled from scratch.




Maven 3 has multi-threaded builds. I'd at least try it out. Given you're already at 20 secs, it might not do much, but it certainly sped up our larger maven builds

Maven 3有多线程的构建。我至少要试一试。考虑到您已经达到了20秒,这可能不会有太大的作用,但是它确实加速了我们更大的maven构建

mvn -T 4 clean install # Builds with 4 threads
mvn -T 1C clean install # 1 thread per cpu core
mvn -T 1.5C clean install # 1.5 thread per cpu core

Parallel builds in Maven 3

Maven 3中的并行构建



25-30 Seconds to make, deploy and run an App? Lucky guy! I'm working on a Windows Laptop...


Here're the few things I do to speed up my development:


  • I made some good progress by putting the emulators image and SD-Drive on an SSD.
  • 我在SSD上安装了模拟器映像和SD-Drive,取得了一些很好的进展。
  • Running the emulator from a snapshot starts it faster.
  • 从快照运行仿真器可以更快地启动它。
  • When it's possible I run my code on an actual device instead of an emulator - depending on the actual device this is much faster (2x on my Sony Xperia) even with the virtualized emulator. Of course the downside of this is, that you cannot test different Android versions and device profiles.
  • 如果可能的话,我将代码运行在实际的设备上,而不是仿真器上——这取决于实际的设备,这要快得多(在我的Sony Xperia上是2x),即使使用虚拟仿真器也是如此。当然,这样做的缺点是不能测试不同的Android版本和设备配置文件。

But still with all the little changes in the emulator, deployment goes thru the TCP/IP Stack which is the bottleneck for it.


PS: I'm not Jake Wharton and dont know him. But if he can change something on the deployment he should do so :-)




You can try setting higher -Xms and -Xmx options for MAVEN_OPTS.


Also, ensure maven in idea is not configured to download/syncronizing with repository for jars every time.


You can also through some decent hardware upgrade ;-)




The answer is somehow strange, but Jake Wharton advised to move to gradle-builds which are truly incremental. Also using Genymotion instead of SDK emulators and USB-devices gave me much needed decrease in deploy time.


So now my build time decreased from ~1m to ~10-20sec.




You can try to use tools that upload only delta changes to the emulator: only changed classes will be pushed to the device, should save some time. You can try the tool: use "inirwetrust" as the password




Couple things I did which gave me a little improvement:


  • Turning off dex optimization for debug builds
  • 关闭用于调试构建的dex优化
  • Turning on library pre-dexing (which slows down the first build but speed up the followings)
  • 打开库预除(它减慢了第一个构建,但是加快了后续的构建)

Configuration is something like:


        <!-- All your current configuration -->

BTW I suspect there are some problems with the incremental compiler and every time all the code is ricompiled from scratch.




Maven 3 has multi-threaded builds. I'd at least try it out. Given you're already at 20 secs, it might not do much, but it certainly sped up our larger maven builds

Maven 3有多线程的构建。我至少要试一试。考虑到您已经达到了20秒,这可能不会有太大的作用,但是它确实加速了我们更大的maven构建

mvn -T 4 clean install # Builds with 4 threads
mvn -T 1C clean install # 1 thread per cpu core
mvn -T 1.5C clean install # 1.5 thread per cpu core

Parallel builds in Maven 3

Maven 3中的并行构建



25-30 Seconds to make, deploy and run an App? Lucky guy! I'm working on a Windows Laptop...


Here're the few things I do to speed up my development:


  • I made some good progress by putting the emulators image and SD-Drive on an SSD.
  • 我在SSD上安装了模拟器映像和SD-Drive,取得了一些很好的进展。
  • Running the emulator from a snapshot starts it faster.
  • 从快照运行仿真器可以更快地启动它。
  • When it's possible I run my code on an actual device instead of an emulator - depending on the actual device this is much faster (2x on my Sony Xperia) even with the virtualized emulator. Of course the downside of this is, that you cannot test different Android versions and device profiles.
  • 如果可能的话,我将代码运行在实际的设备上,而不是仿真器上——这取决于实际的设备,这要快得多(在我的Sony Xperia上是2x),即使使用虚拟仿真器也是如此。当然,这样做的缺点是不能测试不同的Android版本和设备配置文件。

But still with all the little changes in the emulator, deployment goes thru the TCP/IP Stack which is the bottleneck for it.


PS: I'm not Jake Wharton and dont know him. But if he can change something on the deployment he should do so :-)




You can try setting higher -Xms and -Xmx options for MAVEN_OPTS.


Also, ensure maven in idea is not configured to download/syncronizing with repository for jars every time.


You can also through some decent hardware upgrade ;-)




The answer is somehow strange, but Jake Wharton advised to move to gradle-builds which are truly incremental. Also using Genymotion instead of SDK emulators and USB-devices gave me much needed decrease in deploy time.


So now my build time decreased from ~1m to ~10-20sec.




You can try to use tools that upload only delta changes to the emulator: only changed classes will be pushed to the device, should save some time. You can try the tool: use "inirwetrust" as the password
