
时间:2022-09-25 20:22:07

The prob package numerically evaluates characteristic functions for base R distributions. For almost all distributions there are existing formulas. For a few cases, though, no closed-form solution is known. Case in point: the Weibull distribution (but see below).


For the Weibull characteristic function I essentially compute two integrals and put them together:


fr <- function(x) cos(t * x) * dweibull(x, shape, scale)
fi <- function(x) sin(t * x) * dweibull(x, shape, scale)
Rp <- integrate(fr, lower = 0, upper = Inf)$value
Ip <- integrate(fi, lower = 0, upper = Inf)$value
Rp + (0+1i) * Ip

Yes, it's clumsy, but it works surprisingly well! ...ahem, most of the time. A user reported recently that the following breaks:


cfweibull(56, shape = 0.5, scale = 1)

Error in integrate(fr, lower = 0, upper = Inf) : 
  the integral is probably divergent

Now, we know that the integral isn't divergent, so it must be a numerical problem. With some fiddling I could get the following to work:


fr <- function(x) cos(56 * x) * dweibull(x, 0.5, 1)

integrate(fr, lower = 0.00001, upper = Inf, subdivisions=1e7)$value
[1] 0.08024055

That's OK, but it isn't quite right, plus it takes a fair bit of fiddling which doesn't scale well. I've been investigating this for a better solution. I found a recently published "closed-form" for the characteristic function with scale > 1 (see here), but it involves Wright's generalized confluent hypergeometric function which isn't implemented in R (yet). I looked into the archives for integrate alternatives, and there's a ton of stuff out there which doesn't seem very well organized.

这是可以的,但它不是很正确,而且它需要做一些不太好伸缩的小改动。我一直在寻找更好的解决办法。我发现了一个最近出版的关于> 1尺度的特征函数的“封闭形式”(见这里),但是它涉及到Wright的广义并汇合超几何函数,这个函数在R中还没有实现。我查了一下档案库,寻找替代方案,有很多东西看起来都不太有条理。

As part of that searching it occurred to me to translate the region of integration to a finite interval via the inverse tangent, and voila! Check it out:


cfweibull3 <- function (t, shape, scale = 1){
  if (shape <= 0 || scale <= 0) 
    stop("shape and scale must be positive")
  fr <- function(x) cos(t * tan(x)) * dweibull(tan(x), shape, scale)/(cos(x))^2
  fi <- function(x) sin(t * tan(x)) * dweibull(tan(x), shape, scale)/(cos(x))^2
  Rp <- integrate(fr, lower = 0, upper = pi/2, stop.on.error = FALSE)$value
  Ip <- integrate(fi, lower = 0, upper = pi/2, stop.on.error = FALSE)$value
  Rp + (0+1i) * Ip

> cfweibull3(56, shape=0.5, scale = 1)
[1] 0.08297194+0.07528834i


  1. Can you do better than this?
  2. 你能做得比这更好吗?
  3. Is there something about numerical integration routines that people who are expert about such things could shed some light on what's happening here? I have a sneaking suspicion that for large t the cosine fluctuates rapidly which causes problems...?
  4. 有什么关于数值积分例程的人对于这类事情的专家能够解释这里发生的事情吗?我偷偷地怀疑,对于大的t,余弦波动很快,这会导致问题……
  5. Are there existing R routines/packages which are better suited for this type of problem, and could somebody point me to a well-placed position (on the mountain) to start the climb?
  6. 是否存在更适合这种类型的问题的R例程/包,是否有人能给我指出一个合适的位置(在山上)开始攀登?


  1. Yes, it is bad practice to use t as a function argument.
  2. 是的,用t作为函数参数是不好的做法。
  3. I calculated the exact answer for shape > 1 using the published result with Maple, and the brute-force-integrate-by-the-definition-with-R kicked Maple's ass. That is, I get the same answer (up to numerical precision) in a small fraction of a second and an even smaller fraction of the price.
  4. 我计算出了形状> 1的确切答案,使用的是与Maple公布的结果,以及基于brute-force-integrate-by- definition- r的结合。


I was going to write down the exact integrals I'm looking for but it seems this particular site doesn't support MathJAX so I'll give links instead. I'm looking to numerically evaluate the characteristic function of the Weibull distribution for reasonable inputs t (whatever that means). The value is a complex number but we can split it into its real and imaginary parts and that's what I was calling Rp and Ip above.


One final comment: Wikipedia has a formula listed (an infinite series) for the Weibull c.f. and that formula matches the one proved in the paper I referenced above, however, that series has only been proved to hold for shape > 1. The case 0 < shape < 1 is still an open problem; see the paper for details.

最后一个评论是:*为威布尔c.f.列出了一个公式(一个无穷级数),这个公式与我在上面引用的论文中证明的公式相匹配,然而,这个级数仅被证明适用于> 1型。情形0 < shape < 1仍然是一个开放的问题;详见论文。

4 个解决方案



You may be interested to look at this paper, which discuss different integration methods for highly oscillating integrals -- that's what you are essentially trying to compute: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=

您可能会对这篇文章感兴趣,它讨论了用于高振荡积分的不同集成方法——这就是您试图计算的内容:http://citeseerx.ist.psuedu./viewdoc/summary? doi=

Also, another possible advice, is that instead of infinite limit you may want to specify a smaller one, because if you specify the precision that you want, then based on the cdf of the weibull you can easily estimate how much of the tail you can truncate. And if you have a fixed limit, then you can specify exactly (or almost) the number of subdivisions (e.g. in order to have a few(4-8) points per period).




I had the same problem than Jay - not with the Weibull distribution but with the integrate function. I found my answer to Jay's question 3 in a comment to this question:


Divergent Integral in R is solvable in Wolfram


The R package pracma contains several functions for solving integrals numerically. In the package, one finds some R functions for integrating certain mathematical functions. And there is a more general function integral. That helped in my case. Example code is given below.


To questions 2: The first answer to the linked question (above) states that not the complete error message of the C source file is printed out by R (The function may just converge too slowly). Therefore, I would agree with Jay that the fast fluctuation of the cosine may be a problem. In my case and in the example below it was the problem.


Example Code


# load Practical Numerical Math Functions package

# define function
testfun <- function(r) cos(r*10^6)*exp(-r)

# Integrate it numerically with the basic 'integrate'.
out1 = integarte(testfun, 0, 100)
# "Error in integrate(testfun, 0, 100) : the integral is probably divergent"

# Integrate it numerically with 'integral' from 'pracma' package
# using 'Gauss-Kronrod' method and 10^-8 as relative tolerance. I
# did not try the other ones.
out2 = integral(testfun, 0, 100, method = 'Kronrod', reltol = 1e-8)

Two remarks


  1. The integral function does not break as the integrate function does but it may take quite a long time to run. I do not know (and I did not try) whether the user can limit the number of iterations (?).
  2. 积分函数不像积分函数那样会断裂,但它可能需要很长时间才能运行。我不知道(我也没有尝试)用户是否可以限制迭代次数(?)。
  3. Even if the integral function finalises without errors I am not sure how correct the result is. Numerically integrating a function which is fast fluctuating around zero seems to be quite tricky since one does not know where exactly values on the fluctuating function are calculated (twice as much positive than negative values; positive values close to local maxima and negative values far off). I am not on expert on numeric integration but I just got to know some basic fixed-step integration methods in my numerics lectures. So maybe the adaptive methods used in integral deal with this problem in some way.
  4. 即使积分函数没有误差,我也不知道结果是怎样的。对一个在0附近快速波动的函数进行数值积分似乎很棘手,因为人们不知道波动函数的确切值是在哪里计算的(正值是负值的两倍);正的值接近局部极值,负的值远离局部极值)。我不是数值积分的专家,但我只是在我的数字课上了解了一些基本的固定步积分方法。也许积分中的自适应方法在某种程度上解决了这个问题。



I'm attempting to answer questions 1 & 3. That being said I am not contributing any original code. I did a google search and hopefully this is helpful. Good luck!


Source:http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Ricci-distributions-en.pdf (p.6)




## sampling from a Weibull distribution with parameters shape=2.1 and scale=1.1

#Weibull population with known paramters shape=2 e scale=1
x.teo<-rweibull(n=200,shape=2, scale=1) ## theorical quantiles from a

qqplot(x.teo,x.wei,main="QQ-plot distr. Weibull") ## QQ-plot
abline(0,1) ## a 45-degree reference line is plotted



Is this of any use?




Muraleedharana et al (2007) Modified Weibull distribution for maximum and significant wave height simulation and prediction, Coastal Engineering, Volume 54, Issue 8, August 2007, Pages 630–638

Muraleedharana et al(2007)修改了Weibull分布,最大和显著的波浪高度模拟和预测,海岸工程,第54卷,第8期,2007年8月,第630-638页。

From the abstract: "The characteristic function of the Weibull distribution is derived."




You may be interested to look at this paper, which discuss different integration methods for highly oscillating integrals -- that's what you are essentially trying to compute: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=

您可能会对这篇文章感兴趣,它讨论了用于高振荡积分的不同集成方法——这就是您试图计算的内容:http://citeseerx.ist.psuedu./viewdoc/summary? doi=

Also, another possible advice, is that instead of infinite limit you may want to specify a smaller one, because if you specify the precision that you want, then based on the cdf of the weibull you can easily estimate how much of the tail you can truncate. And if you have a fixed limit, then you can specify exactly (or almost) the number of subdivisions (e.g. in order to have a few(4-8) points per period).




I had the same problem than Jay - not with the Weibull distribution but with the integrate function. I found my answer to Jay's question 3 in a comment to this question:


Divergent Integral in R is solvable in Wolfram


The R package pracma contains several functions for solving integrals numerically. In the package, one finds some R functions for integrating certain mathematical functions. And there is a more general function integral. That helped in my case. Example code is given below.


To questions 2: The first answer to the linked question (above) states that not the complete error message of the C source file is printed out by R (The function may just converge too slowly). Therefore, I would agree with Jay that the fast fluctuation of the cosine may be a problem. In my case and in the example below it was the problem.


Example Code


# load Practical Numerical Math Functions package

# define function
testfun <- function(r) cos(r*10^6)*exp(-r)

# Integrate it numerically with the basic 'integrate'.
out1 = integarte(testfun, 0, 100)
# "Error in integrate(testfun, 0, 100) : the integral is probably divergent"

# Integrate it numerically with 'integral' from 'pracma' package
# using 'Gauss-Kronrod' method and 10^-8 as relative tolerance. I
# did not try the other ones.
out2 = integral(testfun, 0, 100, method = 'Kronrod', reltol = 1e-8)

Two remarks


  1. The integral function does not break as the integrate function does but it may take quite a long time to run. I do not know (and I did not try) whether the user can limit the number of iterations (?).
  2. 积分函数不像积分函数那样会断裂,但它可能需要很长时间才能运行。我不知道(我也没有尝试)用户是否可以限制迭代次数(?)。
  3. Even if the integral function finalises without errors I am not sure how correct the result is. Numerically integrating a function which is fast fluctuating around zero seems to be quite tricky since one does not know where exactly values on the fluctuating function are calculated (twice as much positive than negative values; positive values close to local maxima and negative values far off). I am not on expert on numeric integration but I just got to know some basic fixed-step integration methods in my numerics lectures. So maybe the adaptive methods used in integral deal with this problem in some way.
  4. 即使积分函数没有误差,我也不知道结果是怎样的。对一个在0附近快速波动的函数进行数值积分似乎很棘手,因为人们不知道波动函数的确切值是在哪里计算的(正值是负值的两倍);正的值接近局部极值,负的值远离局部极值)。我不是数值积分的专家,但我只是在我的数字课上了解了一些基本的固定步积分方法。也许积分中的自适应方法在某种程度上解决了这个问题。



I'm attempting to answer questions 1 & 3. That being said I am not contributing any original code. I did a google search and hopefully this is helpful. Good luck!


Source:http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Ricci-distributions-en.pdf (p.6)




## sampling from a Weibull distribution with parameters shape=2.1 and scale=1.1

#Weibull population with known paramters shape=2 e scale=1
x.teo<-rweibull(n=200,shape=2, scale=1) ## theorical quantiles from a

qqplot(x.teo,x.wei,main="QQ-plot distr. Weibull") ## QQ-plot
abline(0,1) ## a 45-degree reference line is plotted



Is this of any use?




Muraleedharana et al (2007) Modified Weibull distribution for maximum and significant wave height simulation and prediction, Coastal Engineering, Volume 54, Issue 8, August 2007, Pages 630–638

Muraleedharana et al(2007)修改了Weibull分布,最大和显著的波浪高度模拟和预测,海岸工程,第54卷,第8期,2007年8月,第630-638页。

From the abstract: "The characteristic function of the Weibull distribution is derived."

