Has anyone tried to build an e-commerce site atop MS Dynamics, using the new Web Services introduced in Nav 2009 ? I'd like to know what kind of load these web services can take, and what kind of resources can be read/written, and any other challenges that I can expect.
有没有人尝试使用Nav 2009中引入的新Web服务在MS Dynamics上建立一个电子商务网站?我想知道这些Web服务可以承担什么样的负载,可以读取/写入什么样的资源,以及我可以期待的任何其他挑战。
I intend to integrate an existing linux-based webapp via Web Services ...
我打算通过Web Services集成现有的基于linux的webapp ...
1 个解决方案
Web services in NAV 2009 can call either CodeUnit or Page objects. Pages allow you to create, read, update and delete rows from their source table. CodeUnits offer greater flexibility, allowing you to invoke any action you can implement in C/AL. I think CodeUnit trigger arguements are limited to primitive types and Records.
NAV 2009中的Web服务可以调用CodeUnit或Page对象。页面允许您从源表创建,读取,更新和删除行。 CodeUnits提供了更大的灵活性,允许您调用可在C / AL中实现的任何操作。我认为CodeUnit触发器的争论仅限于原始类型和记录。
NAV web services use Windows Authentication, so your linux app will have to be able to present Windows credentials accordingly. I'm not an expert in this area, so I'm not sure how difficult this is from a Linux machine.
NAV Web服务使用Windows身份验证,因此您的Linux应用程序必须能够相应地显示Windows凭据。我不是这方面的专家,所以我不确定Linux机器有多难。
With regard to the supported load, I would ask in the forum at mibuso - this is the largest community of experienced users I am aware of. I expect you will be limited by the CPU and memory of the web service host. NAV does not support clustering\load balancing on the web service tier, but I beleive it is possible to run several side by side.
关于支持的负载,我会在mibuso的论坛中询问 - 这是我所知道的最大的有经验的用户社区。我希望您受到Web服务主机的CPU和内存的限制。 NAV不支持Web服务层上的群集\负载平衡,但我相信它可以并行运行多个。
Web services in NAV 2009 can call either CodeUnit or Page objects. Pages allow you to create, read, update and delete rows from their source table. CodeUnits offer greater flexibility, allowing you to invoke any action you can implement in C/AL. I think CodeUnit trigger arguements are limited to primitive types and Records.
NAV 2009中的Web服务可以调用CodeUnit或Page对象。页面允许您从源表创建,读取,更新和删除行。 CodeUnits提供了更大的灵活性,允许您调用可在C / AL中实现的任何操作。我认为CodeUnit触发器的争论仅限于原始类型和记录。
NAV web services use Windows Authentication, so your linux app will have to be able to present Windows credentials accordingly. I'm not an expert in this area, so I'm not sure how difficult this is from a Linux machine.
NAV Web服务使用Windows身份验证,因此您的Linux应用程序必须能够相应地显示Windows凭据。我不是这方面的专家,所以我不确定Linux机器有多难。
With regard to the supported load, I would ask in the forum at mibuso - this is the largest community of experienced users I am aware of. I expect you will be limited by the CPU and memory of the web service host. NAV does not support clustering\load balancing on the web service tier, but I beleive it is possible to run several side by side.
关于支持的负载,我会在mibuso的论坛中询问 - 这是我所知道的最大的有经验的用户社区。我希望您受到Web服务主机的CPU和内存的限制。 NAV不支持Web服务层上的群集\负载平衡,但我相信它可以并行运行多个。