is there any way i can integrate function of two variable, say
f=@(x) x^2 + x*y
f = @(x)x ^ 2 + y *
over just x
tried quad(f, a, b)
but doesn't work, looking for alternative solution
2 个解决方案
Sorry, but quad does not solve symbolic problems. It does only numerical integration.
syms x y
int(x^2 + x*y,x)
ans =
(x^2*(2*x + 3*y))/6
The natural way to solve a symbolic problem is to use a symbolic tool.
From the followup, Anya wants something in-between. To steal the words of an old rock star named Mick, "You can't always get what you want."
Again, quad can't be used if you wish to integrate ONLY over x, as quad is an adaptive tool.
In SOME SIMPLE cases, you can use a simple tool like Simpson's rule to do the work. For example, suppose you wanted to solve the above problem, with x integrated over the interval [0 1]. For purposes of comparison, I'll do it symbolically first.
在一些简单的情况下,您可以使用像Simpson规则这样的简单工具来完成工作。例如,假设您想要解决上述问题,在区间[0 1]中集成了x。为了便于比较,我先象征性地做一下。
syms x y
res = int(x^2 + x*y,x);
subs(res,x,1) - subs(res,0)
ans =
y/2 + 1/3
Now, lets try it using a numerical integration on x.
syms y
x = 0:.01:1;
coef = mod((0:100)',2)*2 + 2;
coef([1 end]) = 1;
coef = 0.01*coef/3;
(x.^2 + x.*y)*coef
ans =
y/2 + 1/3
So in this very SIMPLE case, it did work. How about something a little more complicated? Integrate x*exp(x*y) over the interval [-1 1]. Again, a known form is accessible symbolically.
在这个非常简单的例子中,它确实起作用了。稍微复杂点的怎么样?积分x*exp(x*y)除以区间[-1 -1]。同样,一个已知的形式可以被象征性地访问。
syms x y
res = int(x*exp(x*y),x);
res = subs(res,x,1) - subs(res,-1)
res =
(exp(-y)*(y + 1))/y^2 + (exp(y)*(y - 1))/y^2
To test it out later, what value does this take on at y = 1/2?
为了检验它,y = 1/2的值是多少?
ans =
Lets try the same trick, using Simpson's rule.
syms y
x = -1:.01:1;
coef = mod((-100:100)',2)*2 + 2;
coef([1 end]) = 1;
coef = 0.01*coef/3;
res = (x.*exp(x*y))*coef
res =
exp(y/2)/300 - exp(-y/2)/300 - exp(-y)/300 - exp(-y/4)/300 + exp(y/4)/300 - exp(-y/5)/750 + exp(y/5)/750 - exp(-(3*y)/4)/100 - exp(-(2*y)/5)/375 + exp((2*y)/5)/375 + exp((3*y)/4)/100 - exp(-(3*y)/5)/250 + exp((3*y)/5)/250 - (2*exp(-(4*y)/5))/375 + (2*exp((4*y)/5))/375 - exp(-y/10)/1500 + exp(y/10)/1500 - exp(-(3*y)/10)/500 + exp((3*y)/10)/500 - (7*exp(-(7*y)/10))/1500 + (7*exp((7*y)/10))/1500 - (3*exp(-(9*y)/10))/500 + (3*exp((9*y)/10))/500 - exp(-y/20)/1500 + exp(y/20)/1500 - exp(-(3*y)/20)/500 + exp((3*y)/20)/500 - exp(-y/25)/3750 + exp(y/25)/3750 - (7*exp(-(7*y)/20))/1500 - exp(-(2*y)/25)/1875 + exp((2*y)/25)/1875 + (7*exp((7*y)/20))/1500 - exp(-(3*y)/25)/1250 + exp((3*y)/25)/1250 - (3*exp(-(9*y)/20))/500 - (2*exp(-(4*y)/25))/1875 + (2*exp((4*y)/25))/1875 + (3*exp((9*y)/20))/500 - (11*exp(-(11*y)/20))/1500 - exp(-(6*y)/25)/625 + exp((6*y)/25)/625 + (11*exp((11*y)/20))/1500 - (7*exp(-(7*y)/25))/3750 + (7*exp((7*y)/25))/3750 - (13*exp(-(13*y)/20))/1500 - (4*exp(-(8*y)/25))/1875 + (4*exp((8*y)/25))/1875 + (13*exp((13*y)/20))/1500 - (3*exp(-(9*y)/25))/1250 + (3*exp((9*y)/25))/1250 - (11*exp(-(11*y)/25))/3750 + (11*exp((11*y)/25))/3750 - (17*exp(-(17*y)/20))/1500 - (2*exp(-(12*y)/25))/625 + (2*exp((12*y)/25))/625 + (17*exp((17*y)/20))/1500 - (13*exp(-(13*y)/25))/3750 + (13*exp((13*y)/25))/3750 - (19*exp(-(19*y)/20))/1500 - (7*exp(-(14*y)/25))/1875 + (7*exp((14*y)/25))/1875 + (19*exp((19*y)/20))/1500 - (8*exp(-(16*y)/25))/1875 + (8*exp((16*y)/25))/1875 - (17*exp(-(17*y)/25))/3750 + (17*exp((17*y)/25))/3750 - (3*exp(-(18*y)/25))/625 + (3*exp((18*y)/25))/625 - (19*exp(-(19*y)/25))/3750 + (19*exp((19*y)/25))/3750 - (7*exp(-(21*y)/25))/1250 + (7*exp((21*y)/25))/1250 - (11*exp(-(22*y)/25))/1875 + (11*exp((22*y)/25))/1875 - (23*exp(-(23*y)/25))/3750 + (23*exp((23*y)/25))/3750 - (4*exp(-(24*y)/25))/625 + (4*exp((24*y)/25))/625 - exp(-y/50)/7500 + exp(y/50)/7500 - exp(-(3*y)/50)/2500 + exp((3*y)/50)/2500 - (7*exp(-(7*y)/50))/7500 + (7*exp((7*y)/50))/7500 - (3*exp(-(9*y)/50))/2500 + (3*exp((9*y)/50))/2500 - (11*exp(-(11*y)/50))/7500 + (11*exp((11*y)/50))/7500 - (13*exp(-(13*y)/50))/7500 + (13*exp((13*y)/50))/7500 - (17*exp(-(17*y)/50))/7500 + (17*exp((17*y)/50))/7500 - (19*exp(-(19*y)/50))/7500 + (19*exp((19*y)/50))/7500 - (7*exp(-(21*y)/50))/2500 + (7*exp((21*y)/50))/2500 - (23*exp(-(23*y)/50))/7500 + (23*exp((23*y)/50))/7500 - (9*exp(-(27*y)/50))/2500 + (9*exp((27*y)/50))/2500 - (29*exp(-(29*y)/50))/7500 + (29*exp((29*y)/50))/7500 - (31*exp(-(31*y)/50))/7500 + (31*exp((31*y)/50))/7500 - (11*exp(-(33*y)/50))/2500 + (11*exp((33*y)/50))/2500 - (37*exp(-(37*y)/50))/7500 + (37*exp((37*y)/50))/7500 - (13*exp(-(39*y)/50))/2500 + (13*exp((39*y)/50))/2500 - (41*exp(-(41*y)/50))/7500 + (41*exp((41*y)/50))/7500 - (43*exp(-(43*y)/50))/7500 + (43*exp((43*y)/50))/7500 - (47*exp(-(47*y)/50))/7500 + (47*exp((47*y)/50))/7500 - (49*exp(-(49*y)/50))/7500 + (49*exp((49*y)/50))/7500 - exp(-y/100)/7500 + exp(y/100)/7500 - exp(-(3*y)/100)/2500 + exp((3*y)/100)/2500 - (7*exp(-(7*y)/100))/7500 + (7*exp((7*y)/100))/7500 - (3*exp(-(9*y)/100))/2500 + (3*exp((9*y)/100))/2500 - (11*exp(-(11*y)/100))/7500 + (11*exp((11*y)/100))/7500 - (13*exp(-(13*y)/100))/7500 + (13*exp((13*y)/100))/7500 - (17*exp(-(17*y)/100))/7500 + (17*exp((17*y)/100))/7500 - (19*exp(-(19*y)/100))/7500 + (19*exp((19*y)/100))/7500 - (7*exp(-(21*y)/100))/2500 + (7*exp((21*y)/100))/2500 - (23*exp(-(23*y)/100))/7500 + (23*exp((23*y)/100))/7500 - (9*exp(-(27*y)/100))/2500 + (9*exp((27*y)/100))/2500 - (29*exp(-(29*y)/100))/7500 + (29*exp((29*y)/100))/7500 - (31*exp(-(31*y)/100))/7500 + (31*exp((31*y)/100))/7500 - (11*exp(-(33*y)/100))/2500 + (11*exp((33*y)/100))/2500 - (37*exp(-(37*y)/100))/7500 + (37*exp((37*y)/100))/7500 - (13*exp(-(39*y)/100))/2500 + (13*exp((39*y)/100))/2500 - (41*exp(-(41*y)/100))/7500 + (41*exp((41*y)/100))/7500 - (43*exp(-(43*y)/100))/7500 + (43*exp((43*y)/100))/7500 - (47*exp(-(47*y)/100))/7500 + (47*exp((47*y)/100))/7500 - (49*exp(-(49*y)/100))/7500 + (49*exp((49*y)/100))/7500 - (17*exp(-(51*y)/100))/2500 + (17*exp((51*y)/100))/2500 - (53*exp(-(53*y)/100))/7500 + (53*exp((53*y)/100))/7500 - (19*exp(-(57*y)/100))/2500 + (19*exp((57*y)/100))/2500 - (59*exp(-(59*y)/100))/7500 + (59*exp((59*y)/100))/7500 - (61*exp(-(61*y)/100))/7500 + (61*exp((61*y)/100))/7500 - (21*exp(-(63*y)/100))/2500 + (21*exp((63*y)/100))/2500 - (67*exp(-(67*y)/100))/7500 + (67*exp((67*y)/100))/7500 - (23*exp(-(69*y)/100))/2500 + (23*exp((69*y)/100))/2500 - (71*exp(-(71*y)/100))/7500 + (71*exp((71*y)/100))/7500 - (73*exp(-(73*y)/100))/7500 + (73*exp((73*y)/100))/7500 - (77*exp(-(77*y)/100))/7500 + (77*exp((77*y)/100))/7500 - (79*exp(-(79*y)/100))/7500 + (79*exp((79*y)/100))/7500 - (27*exp(-(81*y)/100))/2500 + (27*exp((81*y)/100))/2500 - (83*exp(-(83*y)/100))/7500 + (83*exp((83*y)/100))/7500 - (29*exp(-(87*y)/100))/2500 + (29*exp((87*y)/100))/2500 - (89*exp(-(89*y)/100))/7500 + (89*exp((89*y)/100))/7500 - (91*exp(-(91*y)/100))/7500 + (91*exp((91*y)/100))/7500 - (31*exp(-(93*y)/100))/2500 + (31*exp((93*y)/100))/2500 - (97*exp(-(97*y)/100))/7500 + (97*exp((97*y)/100))/7500 - (33*exp(-(99*y)/100))/2500 + (33*exp((99*y)/100))/2500 + exp(y)/300
So I got a result, but its not the analytical one I wanted, and a bit of a nasty mess. Is it correct?
ans =
I'll copy the analytical result from above so we can compare...
As you can see, Simpson's rule, at a step size of 0.01 over [-1,1], did reasonably well, agreeing out to about 9 decimal digits.
正如你所看到的,辛普森的规则,步长为0.01 /(-1,1),做得相当好,同意约9位小数。
There is no assurance that this technique will work as well on any more general kernel, but it might give you what you desire.
Looks like you want something like this:
y = 100; % whatever y is
a = 0;
b = 2;
% you'll need to vectorize the integrand function
f = @(x) x.*x + x.*y
val = quad(f, a, b);
However, if you are looking for an algebraic answer, you'll need to use the Symbolic Toolbox, or some other software, or your calculus book. :-)
The whole "vectorize" thing comes from the Mathworks quad documentation that says:
整个“vectorize”是来自Mathworks quad文档,它说:
The function y = fun(x) should accept a vector argument x and return a vector result y, the integrand evaluated at each element of x.
函数y = fun(x)应该接受一个向量参数x,并返回一个向量结果y,并在x的每个元素上进行积分。
Sorry, but quad does not solve symbolic problems. It does only numerical integration.
syms x y
int(x^2 + x*y,x)
ans =
(x^2*(2*x + 3*y))/6
The natural way to solve a symbolic problem is to use a symbolic tool.
From the followup, Anya wants something in-between. To steal the words of an old rock star named Mick, "You can't always get what you want."
Again, quad can't be used if you wish to integrate ONLY over x, as quad is an adaptive tool.
In SOME SIMPLE cases, you can use a simple tool like Simpson's rule to do the work. For example, suppose you wanted to solve the above problem, with x integrated over the interval [0 1]. For purposes of comparison, I'll do it symbolically first.
在一些简单的情况下,您可以使用像Simpson规则这样的简单工具来完成工作。例如,假设您想要解决上述问题,在区间[0 1]中集成了x。为了便于比较,我先象征性地做一下。
syms x y
res = int(x^2 + x*y,x);
subs(res,x,1) - subs(res,0)
ans =
y/2 + 1/3
Now, lets try it using a numerical integration on x.
syms y
x = 0:.01:1;
coef = mod((0:100)',2)*2 + 2;
coef([1 end]) = 1;
coef = 0.01*coef/3;
(x.^2 + x.*y)*coef
ans =
y/2 + 1/3
So in this very SIMPLE case, it did work. How about something a little more complicated? Integrate x*exp(x*y) over the interval [-1 1]. Again, a known form is accessible symbolically.
在这个非常简单的例子中,它确实起作用了。稍微复杂点的怎么样?积分x*exp(x*y)除以区间[-1 -1]。同样,一个已知的形式可以被象征性地访问。
syms x y
res = int(x*exp(x*y),x);
res = subs(res,x,1) - subs(res,-1)
res =
(exp(-y)*(y + 1))/y^2 + (exp(y)*(y - 1))/y^2
To test it out later, what value does this take on at y = 1/2?
为了检验它,y = 1/2的值是多少?
ans =
Lets try the same trick, using Simpson's rule.
syms y
x = -1:.01:1;
coef = mod((-100:100)',2)*2 + 2;
coef([1 end]) = 1;
coef = 0.01*coef/3;
res = (x.*exp(x*y))*coef
res =
exp(y/2)/300 - exp(-y/2)/300 - exp(-y)/300 - exp(-y/4)/300 + exp(y/4)/300 - exp(-y/5)/750 + exp(y/5)/750 - exp(-(3*y)/4)/100 - exp(-(2*y)/5)/375 + exp((2*y)/5)/375 + exp((3*y)/4)/100 - exp(-(3*y)/5)/250 + exp((3*y)/5)/250 - (2*exp(-(4*y)/5))/375 + (2*exp((4*y)/5))/375 - exp(-y/10)/1500 + exp(y/10)/1500 - exp(-(3*y)/10)/500 + exp((3*y)/10)/500 - (7*exp(-(7*y)/10))/1500 + (7*exp((7*y)/10))/1500 - (3*exp(-(9*y)/10))/500 + (3*exp((9*y)/10))/500 - exp(-y/20)/1500 + exp(y/20)/1500 - exp(-(3*y)/20)/500 + exp((3*y)/20)/500 - exp(-y/25)/3750 + exp(y/25)/3750 - (7*exp(-(7*y)/20))/1500 - exp(-(2*y)/25)/1875 + exp((2*y)/25)/1875 + (7*exp((7*y)/20))/1500 - exp(-(3*y)/25)/1250 + exp((3*y)/25)/1250 - (3*exp(-(9*y)/20))/500 - (2*exp(-(4*y)/25))/1875 + (2*exp((4*y)/25))/1875 + (3*exp((9*y)/20))/500 - (11*exp(-(11*y)/20))/1500 - exp(-(6*y)/25)/625 + exp((6*y)/25)/625 + (11*exp((11*y)/20))/1500 - (7*exp(-(7*y)/25))/3750 + (7*exp((7*y)/25))/3750 - (13*exp(-(13*y)/20))/1500 - (4*exp(-(8*y)/25))/1875 + (4*exp((8*y)/25))/1875 + (13*exp((13*y)/20))/1500 - (3*exp(-(9*y)/25))/1250 + (3*exp((9*y)/25))/1250 - (11*exp(-(11*y)/25))/3750 + (11*exp((11*y)/25))/3750 - (17*exp(-(17*y)/20))/1500 - (2*exp(-(12*y)/25))/625 + (2*exp((12*y)/25))/625 + (17*exp((17*y)/20))/1500 - (13*exp(-(13*y)/25))/3750 + (13*exp((13*y)/25))/3750 - (19*exp(-(19*y)/20))/1500 - (7*exp(-(14*y)/25))/1875 + (7*exp((14*y)/25))/1875 + (19*exp((19*y)/20))/1500 - (8*exp(-(16*y)/25))/1875 + (8*exp((16*y)/25))/1875 - (17*exp(-(17*y)/25))/3750 + (17*exp((17*y)/25))/3750 - (3*exp(-(18*y)/25))/625 + (3*exp((18*y)/25))/625 - (19*exp(-(19*y)/25))/3750 + (19*exp((19*y)/25))/3750 - (7*exp(-(21*y)/25))/1250 + (7*exp((21*y)/25))/1250 - (11*exp(-(22*y)/25))/1875 + (11*exp((22*y)/25))/1875 - (23*exp(-(23*y)/25))/3750 + (23*exp((23*y)/25))/3750 - (4*exp(-(24*y)/25))/625 + (4*exp((24*y)/25))/625 - exp(-y/50)/7500 + exp(y/50)/7500 - exp(-(3*y)/50)/2500 + exp((3*y)/50)/2500 - (7*exp(-(7*y)/50))/7500 + (7*exp((7*y)/50))/7500 - (3*exp(-(9*y)/50))/2500 + (3*exp((9*y)/50))/2500 - (11*exp(-(11*y)/50))/7500 + (11*exp((11*y)/50))/7500 - (13*exp(-(13*y)/50))/7500 + (13*exp((13*y)/50))/7500 - (17*exp(-(17*y)/50))/7500 + (17*exp((17*y)/50))/7500 - (19*exp(-(19*y)/50))/7500 + (19*exp((19*y)/50))/7500 - (7*exp(-(21*y)/50))/2500 + (7*exp((21*y)/50))/2500 - (23*exp(-(23*y)/50))/7500 + (23*exp((23*y)/50))/7500 - (9*exp(-(27*y)/50))/2500 + (9*exp((27*y)/50))/2500 - (29*exp(-(29*y)/50))/7500 + (29*exp((29*y)/50))/7500 - (31*exp(-(31*y)/50))/7500 + (31*exp((31*y)/50))/7500 - (11*exp(-(33*y)/50))/2500 + (11*exp((33*y)/50))/2500 - (37*exp(-(37*y)/50))/7500 + (37*exp((37*y)/50))/7500 - (13*exp(-(39*y)/50))/2500 + (13*exp((39*y)/50))/2500 - (41*exp(-(41*y)/50))/7500 + (41*exp((41*y)/50))/7500 - (43*exp(-(43*y)/50))/7500 + (43*exp((43*y)/50))/7500 - (47*exp(-(47*y)/50))/7500 + (47*exp((47*y)/50))/7500 - (49*exp(-(49*y)/50))/7500 + (49*exp((49*y)/50))/7500 - exp(-y/100)/7500 + exp(y/100)/7500 - exp(-(3*y)/100)/2500 + exp((3*y)/100)/2500 - (7*exp(-(7*y)/100))/7500 + (7*exp((7*y)/100))/7500 - (3*exp(-(9*y)/100))/2500 + (3*exp((9*y)/100))/2500 - (11*exp(-(11*y)/100))/7500 + (11*exp((11*y)/100))/7500 - (13*exp(-(13*y)/100))/7500 + (13*exp((13*y)/100))/7500 - (17*exp(-(17*y)/100))/7500 + (17*exp((17*y)/100))/7500 - (19*exp(-(19*y)/100))/7500 + (19*exp((19*y)/100))/7500 - (7*exp(-(21*y)/100))/2500 + (7*exp((21*y)/100))/2500 - (23*exp(-(23*y)/100))/7500 + (23*exp((23*y)/100))/7500 - (9*exp(-(27*y)/100))/2500 + (9*exp((27*y)/100))/2500 - (29*exp(-(29*y)/100))/7500 + (29*exp((29*y)/100))/7500 - (31*exp(-(31*y)/100))/7500 + (31*exp((31*y)/100))/7500 - (11*exp(-(33*y)/100))/2500 + (11*exp((33*y)/100))/2500 - (37*exp(-(37*y)/100))/7500 + (37*exp((37*y)/100))/7500 - (13*exp(-(39*y)/100))/2500 + (13*exp((39*y)/100))/2500 - (41*exp(-(41*y)/100))/7500 + (41*exp((41*y)/100))/7500 - (43*exp(-(43*y)/100))/7500 + (43*exp((43*y)/100))/7500 - (47*exp(-(47*y)/100))/7500 + (47*exp((47*y)/100))/7500 - (49*exp(-(49*y)/100))/7500 + (49*exp((49*y)/100))/7500 - (17*exp(-(51*y)/100))/2500 + (17*exp((51*y)/100))/2500 - (53*exp(-(53*y)/100))/7500 + (53*exp((53*y)/100))/7500 - (19*exp(-(57*y)/100))/2500 + (19*exp((57*y)/100))/2500 - (59*exp(-(59*y)/100))/7500 + (59*exp((59*y)/100))/7500 - (61*exp(-(61*y)/100))/7500 + (61*exp((61*y)/100))/7500 - (21*exp(-(63*y)/100))/2500 + (21*exp((63*y)/100))/2500 - (67*exp(-(67*y)/100))/7500 + (67*exp((67*y)/100))/7500 - (23*exp(-(69*y)/100))/2500 + (23*exp((69*y)/100))/2500 - (71*exp(-(71*y)/100))/7500 + (71*exp((71*y)/100))/7500 - (73*exp(-(73*y)/100))/7500 + (73*exp((73*y)/100))/7500 - (77*exp(-(77*y)/100))/7500 + (77*exp((77*y)/100))/7500 - (79*exp(-(79*y)/100))/7500 + (79*exp((79*y)/100))/7500 - (27*exp(-(81*y)/100))/2500 + (27*exp((81*y)/100))/2500 - (83*exp(-(83*y)/100))/7500 + (83*exp((83*y)/100))/7500 - (29*exp(-(87*y)/100))/2500 + (29*exp((87*y)/100))/2500 - (89*exp(-(89*y)/100))/7500 + (89*exp((89*y)/100))/7500 - (91*exp(-(91*y)/100))/7500 + (91*exp((91*y)/100))/7500 - (31*exp(-(93*y)/100))/2500 + (31*exp((93*y)/100))/2500 - (97*exp(-(97*y)/100))/7500 + (97*exp((97*y)/100))/7500 - (33*exp(-(99*y)/100))/2500 + (33*exp((99*y)/100))/2500 + exp(y)/300
So I got a result, but its not the analytical one I wanted, and a bit of a nasty mess. Is it correct?
ans =
I'll copy the analytical result from above so we can compare...
As you can see, Simpson's rule, at a step size of 0.01 over [-1,1], did reasonably well, agreeing out to about 9 decimal digits.
正如你所看到的,辛普森的规则,步长为0.01 /(-1,1),做得相当好,同意约9位小数。
There is no assurance that this technique will work as well on any more general kernel, but it might give you what you desire.
Looks like you want something like this:
y = 100; % whatever y is
a = 0;
b = 2;
% you'll need to vectorize the integrand function
f = @(x) x.*x + x.*y
val = quad(f, a, b);
However, if you are looking for an algebraic answer, you'll need to use the Symbolic Toolbox, or some other software, or your calculus book. :-)
The whole "vectorize" thing comes from the Mathworks quad documentation that says:
整个“vectorize”是来自Mathworks quad文档,它说:
The function y = fun(x) should accept a vector argument x and return a vector result y, the integrand evaluated at each element of x.
函数y = fun(x)应该接受一个向量参数x,并返回一个向量结果y,并在x的每个元素上进行积分。