访问Hello-World Google Cloud Endpoint服务的URL是什么?

时间:2022-03-31 20:20:09

I've generated a Google Endpoint AppEngine project in Eclipse by using the Generate AppEngine BackEnd as described in this blog post. What that post does not describe however, and which the official Google Docs describe poorly as well, is which URL I can access that service with locally?

我已经使用Generate AppEngine BackEnd在Eclipse中生成了一个Google Endpoint AppEngine项目,如本博文中所述。然而,该帖子没有描述的内容,以及官方Google Docs描述不佳的内容,我可以使用本地访问该服务的URL?

The service generated has one generated endpoint called DeviceInfoEndpoint. The code is shown below as well as the code in web.xml. Which URL should I access listDeviceInfo() with given that I'm hosting on port 8888 locally? I've tried the following:

生成的服务有一个名为DeviceInfoEndpoint的生成端点。代码如下所示,以及web.xml中的代码。鉴于我在本地端口8888上托管,我应该访问哪个URL listDeviceInfo()?我尝试过以下方法:

  • http://localhost:8888/_ah/api/deviceinfoendpoint/v1/listDeviceInfo => 404
  • http:// localhost:8888 / _ah / api / deviceinfoendpoint / v1 / listDeviceInfo => 404
  • http://localhost:8888/_ah/spi/deviceinfoendpoint/v1/listDeviceInfo => 405 GET not supported
  • http:// localhost:8888 / _ah / spi / deviceinfoendpoint / v1 / listDeviceInfo => 405 GET不支持
  • http://localhost:8888/_ah/spi/deviceinfoendpoint/v1/DeviceInfo => 405 GET (...)
  • http:// localhost:8888 / _ah / spi / deviceinfoendpoint / v1 / DeviceInfo => 405 GET(...)
  • http://localhost:8888/_ah/spi/v1/deviceinfoendpoint/listDeviceInfo = > 405 GET(...)
  • http:// localhost:8888 / _ah / spi / v1 / deviceinfoendpoint / listDeviceInfo => 405 GET(...)

Exerpt of DeviceInfoEndpoint.java:


@Api(name = "deviceinfoendpoint")
public class DeviceInfoEndpoint {

 * This method lists all the entities inserted in datastore.
 * It uses HTTP GET method.
 * @return List of all entities persisted.
@SuppressWarnings({ "cast", "unchecked" })
public List<DeviceInfo> listDeviceInfo() {
    EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager();
    List<DeviceInfo> result = new ArrayList<DeviceInfo>();
    try {
        Query query = mgr
                .createQuery("select from DeviceInfo as DeviceInfo");
        for (Object obj : (List<Object>) query.getResultList()) {
            result.add(((DeviceInfo) obj));
    } finally {
    return result;



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:web="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="2.5" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd">


2 个解决方案



API request paths should generally conform to the following:



If you're interested in fetching/updating/deleting a specific resource, add an ID to the end. In your example, that suggests you should be querying:



(which maps to list when you're making a GET request).


In general, the APIs Explorer available at /_ah/_api/explorer makes it easy to discover and query these URLs.

通常,/ _ah / _api / explorer中提供的API Explorer可以轻松发现和查询这些URL。



You can controle the path by use:


  @ApiMethod(path="listDeviceInfo",  httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET)
    public List<DeviceInfo> listDeviceInfo(){
    //... definition


Then you can call that from you client as: http://localhost:8888/_ah/api/deviceinfoendpoint/v1/listDeviceInfo

然后你可以从你的客户端调用它:http:// localhost:8888 / _ah / api / deviceinfoendpoint / v1 / listDeviceInfo

If you like send parameters then:


@ApiMethod(path="listDeviceInfo",  httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET)
        public List<DeviceInfo> listDeviceInfo(@Named("info") String info){
        //... definition



HTTP://本地主机:8888 / _ah / API / deviceinfoendpoint / V1 / listDeviceInfo信息= holamundo



API request paths should generally conform to the following:



If you're interested in fetching/updating/deleting a specific resource, add an ID to the end. In your example, that suggests you should be querying:



(which maps to list when you're making a GET request).


In general, the APIs Explorer available at /_ah/_api/explorer makes it easy to discover and query these URLs.

通常,/ _ah / _api / explorer中提供的API Explorer可以轻松发现和查询这些URL。



You can controle the path by use:


  @ApiMethod(path="listDeviceInfo",  httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET)
    public List<DeviceInfo> listDeviceInfo(){
    //... definition


Then you can call that from you client as: http://localhost:8888/_ah/api/deviceinfoendpoint/v1/listDeviceInfo

然后你可以从你的客户端调用它:http:// localhost:8888 / _ah / api / deviceinfoendpoint / v1 / listDeviceInfo

If you like send parameters then:


@ApiMethod(path="listDeviceInfo",  httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET)
        public List<DeviceInfo> listDeviceInfo(@Named("info") String info){
        //... definition



HTTP://本地主机:8888 / _ah / API / deviceinfoendpoint / V1 / listDeviceInfo信息= holamundo