
时间:2022-04-04 20:15:44

As far as I know XML element type names as well as attribute names are case sensitive.


Is there a way or any trick to get case insensitive elements?


Clarification: A grammar has been defined via XSD which is used for some clients to upload data. The users -the content generators- are creating XML files using different tools but many of them are using plain text editors or whatever. Sometimes when this people are trying to upload their files they get incompatibility errors. It is a common error that they mix lowerCase and upperCase tags although it is was always clear that tags ARE case sensitive.

澄清:已经通过XSD定义了语法,该语法用于某些客户端上传数据。用户 - 内容生成器 - 使用不同的工具创建XML文件,但其中许多使用纯文本编辑器或其他任何工具。有时当这些人试图上传他们的文件时,会出现不兼容错误。它们混合使用lowerCase和upperCase标签是一个常见的错误,尽管标签总是很敏感。

I have access to the XSD file which defines this grammar and I can change it. The question is how to avoid this error-prone lower/upper case tags problem.


Any idea?


Thanks in advance!


7 个解决方案



If I understand your problem correctly then the case errors can only be corrected between the creation and the upload by a 3rd party parsing tool.


i.e. XML File > Parsed against XSD and corrected > Upload approved


You could do this at run-time by developing a container application for your clients to create their XML files in. Alternatively you could write an application on the server side that takes the uploaded file and checks the syntax. Either way you're going to have to make a decision and then do some work!!


A lot depends on the scale of the problem. If you have similar tags in different cases in your XSD e.g. and but you are receiving then you will need a complicated solution based on node counting etc.


If you are purely stuck with clients using random cases against an XSD only containing lower case tags then you should be able to parse the files and convert all tags to lower case in one go. This is assuming the content between the tags is multi-case and you can't just convert the full document.


How you do this depends on the mechanics of your situation. Obviously it will be easier to get the clients to error check their own submissions. If this isn't practical then you'll need to identify a window of opportunity in the process which will allow you to convert the file to the correct format before errors are encountered.


There are far too many ways to go about this to discuss here. It mainly depends on the skill-sets or finance available to you.




XPath/ Xslt processors are case sensitive. They can't select a node/ attribute if you specify the wrong case.

XPath / Xslt处理器区分大小写。如果指定了错误的大小写,则无法选择节点/属性。

In case you want to output the node name and want it to be in upper case, you can do:





As @Melkisadek said, the XSD validation exists for a purpose. If you allow users to upload files with invalid XML, your application is bound to fail at some point when the data within those files is accessed. Furthermore, the whole purpose of having an XSD validate the input XML schema is defeated. If you are willing to forego the whole schema validation feature, then you would need to use an XSLT to convert all tags to Uppercase or Lowercase as you desire (see @Rashmi's answer).

正如@Melkisadek所说,XSD验证存在于一个目的。如果允许用户上载包含无效XML的文件,则在访问这些文件中的数据时,您的应用程序必然会失败。此外,使用XSD验证输入XML模式的整个目的都被打败了。如果您愿意放弃整个模式验证功能,那么您需要使用XSLT将所有标记转换为大写或小写(请参阅@ Rashmi的答案)。

It would be analogous to allowing a user to input special characters in a Social Security Number entry field, just because the user is more comfortable entering special characters (Yes, this example is silly, couldn't think of a better one!)


Therefore, in my mind, the solution lies in keeping the schema validation as-is, but providing users a way to validate the schema before uploading. For instance, if this is Web app, you could provide a button on the page which uses Javascript to validate the file against your schema. Alternatively, validate on the server only when the file is uploaded. In both cases, provide appropriate feedback such as the line number on which the errant entities lie, the character position, and reason for flagging an error.




In theory, you could try to hack the XML Schema to validate incorrectly capitalised element names.

从理论上讲,您可以尝试破解XML Schema以验证错误的大写元素名称。

This can be done by using the substitution group mechanism in XML Schema. For example, if your schema had defined:

这可以通过使用XML Schema中的替换组机制来完成。例如,如果您的架构已定义:

  <xsd:element name="foobar" type="xsd:string"/>

then you could add the following to the XML Schema:

然后你可以将以下内容添加到XML Schema:

  <xsd:element name="Foobar" type="xsd:string" substitutionGroup="foobar"/>
  <xsd:element name="FooBar" type="xsd:string" substitutionGroup="foobar"/>
  <xsd:element name="fooBar" type="xsd:string" substitutionGroup="foobar"/>
  <xsd:element name="FOOBAR" type="xsd:string" substitutionGroup="foobar"/>



to try and anticipate the possible mistakes they could make. For each element, there could be 2^n possible combination of cases, where n is the length of the name (assuming each character of the name is a letter).

试图预测他们可能犯的错误。对于每个元素,可能存在2 ^ n个可能的情况组合,其中n是名称的长度(假设名称的每个字符是字母)。

In practice, this is too much trouble, only delays the problem rather than solving it, and probably won't work. If the users don't realise that XML is case sensitive, then they might not have end tags that match the case of the start tag and it will still fail to validate.


As other people have said, either pre-process the submitted input to fix the case or to get the users to produce correct input before they submit it.




XML is normally machine generated. Therefore, you should have no real issue here width <RANdOm /> case.

XML通常是机器生成的。因此,这里你应该没有真正的问题width case。

If the real issue is that two different systems are generating two different types of the tag (<Widget /> vs. <widget />), I guess you could simply define both cases in your XSD.

如果真正的问题是两个不同的系统正在生成两种不同类型的标签( vs. ),我想你可以简单地在XSD中定义两种情况。



After uploading, walk the XML file (via DOM or SAX) and fix the casing before you validate?




The simples solution is send to lowercase all tags/attributes when you load xml from user and only then check it over xsd designed for all lowercase tags/attributes




If I understand your problem correctly then the case errors can only be corrected between the creation and the upload by a 3rd party parsing tool.


i.e. XML File > Parsed against XSD and corrected > Upload approved


You could do this at run-time by developing a container application for your clients to create their XML files in. Alternatively you could write an application on the server side that takes the uploaded file and checks the syntax. Either way you're going to have to make a decision and then do some work!!


A lot depends on the scale of the problem. If you have similar tags in different cases in your XSD e.g. and but you are receiving then you will need a complicated solution based on node counting etc.


If you are purely stuck with clients using random cases against an XSD only containing lower case tags then you should be able to parse the files and convert all tags to lower case in one go. This is assuming the content between the tags is multi-case and you can't just convert the full document.


How you do this depends on the mechanics of your situation. Obviously it will be easier to get the clients to error check their own submissions. If this isn't practical then you'll need to identify a window of opportunity in the process which will allow you to convert the file to the correct format before errors are encountered.


There are far too many ways to go about this to discuss here. It mainly depends on the skill-sets or finance available to you.




XPath/ Xslt processors are case sensitive. They can't select a node/ attribute if you specify the wrong case.

XPath / Xslt处理器区分大小写。如果指定了错误的大小写,则无法选择节点/属性。

In case you want to output the node name and want it to be in upper case, you can do:





As @Melkisadek said, the XSD validation exists for a purpose. If you allow users to upload files with invalid XML, your application is bound to fail at some point when the data within those files is accessed. Furthermore, the whole purpose of having an XSD validate the input XML schema is defeated. If you are willing to forego the whole schema validation feature, then you would need to use an XSLT to convert all tags to Uppercase or Lowercase as you desire (see @Rashmi's answer).

正如@Melkisadek所说,XSD验证存在于一个目的。如果允许用户上载包含无效XML的文件,则在访问这些文件中的数据时,您的应用程序必然会失败。此外,使用XSD验证输入XML模式的整个目的都被打败了。如果您愿意放弃整个模式验证功能,那么您需要使用XSLT将所有标记转换为大写或小写(请参阅@ Rashmi的答案)。

It would be analogous to allowing a user to input special characters in a Social Security Number entry field, just because the user is more comfortable entering special characters (Yes, this example is silly, couldn't think of a better one!)


Therefore, in my mind, the solution lies in keeping the schema validation as-is, but providing users a way to validate the schema before uploading. For instance, if this is Web app, you could provide a button on the page which uses Javascript to validate the file against your schema. Alternatively, validate on the server only when the file is uploaded. In both cases, provide appropriate feedback such as the line number on which the errant entities lie, the character position, and reason for flagging an error.




In theory, you could try to hack the XML Schema to validate incorrectly capitalised element names.

从理论上讲,您可以尝试破解XML Schema以验证错误的大写元素名称。

This can be done by using the substitution group mechanism in XML Schema. For example, if your schema had defined:

这可以通过使用XML Schema中的替换组机制来完成。例如,如果您的架构已定义:

  <xsd:element name="foobar" type="xsd:string"/>

then you could add the following to the XML Schema:

然后你可以将以下内容添加到XML Schema:

  <xsd:element name="Foobar" type="xsd:string" substitutionGroup="foobar"/>
  <xsd:element name="FooBar" type="xsd:string" substitutionGroup="foobar"/>
  <xsd:element name="fooBar" type="xsd:string" substitutionGroup="foobar"/>
  <xsd:element name="FOOBAR" type="xsd:string" substitutionGroup="foobar"/>



to try and anticipate the possible mistakes they could make. For each element, there could be 2^n possible combination of cases, where n is the length of the name (assuming each character of the name is a letter).

试图预测他们可能犯的错误。对于每个元素,可能存在2 ^ n个可能的情况组合,其中n是名称的长度(假设名称的每个字符是字母)。

In practice, this is too much trouble, only delays the problem rather than solving it, and probably won't work. If the users don't realise that XML is case sensitive, then they might not have end tags that match the case of the start tag and it will still fail to validate.


As other people have said, either pre-process the submitted input to fix the case or to get the users to produce correct input before they submit it.




XML is normally machine generated. Therefore, you should have no real issue here width <RANdOm /> case.

XML通常是机器生成的。因此,这里你应该没有真正的问题width case。

If the real issue is that two different systems are generating two different types of the tag (<Widget /> vs. <widget />), I guess you could simply define both cases in your XSD.

如果真正的问题是两个不同的系统正在生成两种不同类型的标签( vs. ),我想你可以简单地在XSD中定义两种情况。



After uploading, walk the XML file (via DOM or SAX) and fix the casing before you validate?




The simples solution is send to lowercase all tags/attributes when you load xml from user and only then check it over xsd designed for all lowercase tags/attributes
