
时间:2022-06-30 20:14:49

I want to convert some tables from a Postgres database to MySQL. Ideally I would like to create an script that would convert the tables for PG to MySQL, but I am glad if we are able to figure out how to make it possible in a not-scriptable way.


First of all, I have read a similar post here: Migrate database from Postgres to MySQL


I have tried both solutions proposed there, but they did't make the trick.


It's important to say that I want to migrate the structure and the data.


But first things first, here is the SQL dump of the postgres-database:


-- PostgreSQL database dump

SET statement_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = off; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET escape_string_warning = off;

SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;

SET default_tablespace = '';

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: grupos; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    "dirGrupo" text,
    valor real,
    "flagIntelli" boolean DEFAULT false,
    "flagQDS" boolean DEFAULT false,
    finalidad text,
    "idGrupo" integer DEFAULT nextval('"idGrupo"'::regclass) NOT NULL,
    "claseDomo" text,
    instalado boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
    "codCasa" "char",
    "codUnidad" integer,
    protocolo text NOT NULL,
    escritura boolean,
    dispositivo text,
    "tipoDatos" oid,
    "coordX" integer DEFAULT (-1),
    "coordY" integer DEFAULT (-1),
    mapa text,
    "reglasAsociadas" text );

ALTER TABLE public.grupos OWNER TO postgres;

-- Data for Name: grupos; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

INSERT INTO grupos VALUES (NULL, 0, false, false, 'sensor', 10, 'LightSensor', true, 'E', 1, 'x10', false, 'SensorLum1', 7, -1, -1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES (NULL, 0, false, false, 'luz', 11, 'SimpleLamp', true, 'K', 1, 'x10', true, 'Luz4', 1, -1, -1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES (NULL, 0, false, false, 'Radiador de la sala', 298, 'Heater', true, 'B', 1, 'x10', true, 'RadiadorX10', 1, 163, 168, 'Sala Quercus', '108;111;115;117;119;123;127;131;134;136;138;140;144;148;150;152;155;157;159;162;166;169;172;176;179;182;185;188;190;193;196;199;201;205;209;214;218;222;226;230;234;238;250;254;260;264;277;278;279;280;284;293;297;301;305;309;313;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;'); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('0/0/5', 1, false, false, 'Interruptor', 213, 'Button', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'Interruptor', 1, 301, 326, 'Plano Casa', NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('0/0/4', 0, false, false, 'Enchufe4', 316, 'Switch', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'Enchufe4', 1, 303, 133, 'Plano Casa', '268;272;276;'); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('0/0/2', 0, false, false, 'Enchufe2', 210, 'Switch', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'Enchufe2', 1, 141, 322, 'Plano Casa', NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('0/0/1', 0, false, false, 'LuzFlexo', 217, 'SimpleLamp', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'LuzFlexo', 1, 80, 45, 'Plano Casa', '267;271;275;'); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('0/0/3', 1, false, false, 'Router', 221, 'Router', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'Router1', 1, 467, 439, 'Plano Casa', NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('0/0/6', 21.68, false, false, 'SensorTemperatura', 237, 'TemperatureSensor', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', false, 'SensorTemperatura', 2, 146, 436, 'Plano Casa', NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES (NULL, 0, false, false, 'SensorX10', 219, 'MotionSensor', true, 'A', 1, 'x10', false, 'SensorX10', 6, 362, 11, 'Plano Casa', '335;336;'); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('1/1/5', 1, false, false, '', 12, 'MotionSensor', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', false, 'SensorPresencia', 6, -1, -1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('1/1/2', 50, false, true, 'Luz Intervalo', 248, 'DimmableLight', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'LuzHInt', 3, 97, 276, 'Plano Casa', '265;269;273;338;'); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('1/1/1', 0, false, false, 'LuzHBin', 215, 'SimpleLamp', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'LuzHBin', 1, 357, 189, 'Plano Casa', '266;270;274;'); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES (NULL, 1, false, true, 'Encender la luz del flexo', 291, 'SimpleLamp', true, 'C', 1, 'x10', true, 'BombillaX10', 1, 272, 130, 'Sala Quercus', '107;109;110;112;113;114;116;118;120;121;122;124;125;126;128;129;130;132;133;135;137;139;141;142;143;145;146;147;149;151;153;154;156;158;160;161;163;164;165;167;168;170;171;173;174;175;177;178;180;181;183;184;186;187;189;191;192;194;195;197;198;200;202;203;204;206;207;208;210;211;212;213;215;216;217;219;220;221;223;224;225;227;228;229;231;232;233;235;236;237;239;240;249;251;252;253;255;256;257;258;259;261;262;263;281;282;283;290;291;292;294;295;296;298;299;300;302;303;304;306;307;308;310;311;312;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;335;336;');

-- Name: grupos_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    ADD CONSTRAINT grupos_pkey PRIMARY KEY ("idGrupo");

-- Name: grupos_tipoDatos_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

    ADD CONSTRAINT "grupos_tipoDatos_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("tipoDatos") REFERENCES "TiposDatos"(id);

-- PostgreSQL database dump complete

1) First approach, Using pG2Mysql: http://www.lightbox.ca/pg2mysql.php Simple and fast (in theory): Unfortunately it has several errors when parsing:


Here is the document retrieved:


# Converted with pg2mysql-1.9
# Converted on Mon, 22 Apr 2013 14:12:28 -0400
# Lightbox Technologies Inc. http://www.lightbox.ca

SET SQL_MODE="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; SET time_zone="+00:00";

    `dirGrupo` text,
    valor real,
    `flagIntelli` bool DEFAULT 0,
    `flagQDS` bool DEFAULT 0,
    finalidad text,
    `idGrupo` int(11) auto_increment NOT NULL,
    `claseDomo` text,
    instalado bool DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
    `codCasa` `char`,
    `codUnidad` int(11),
    protocolo text NOT NULL,
    escritura bool,
    dispositivo text,
    `tipoDatos` oid,
    `coordX` int(11) DEFAULT -1 ,
    `coordY` int(11) DEFAULT -1 ,
    mapa text,
    `reglasAsociadas` text , PRIMARY KEY(`idGrupo`) ) TYPE=MyISAM;

INSERT INTO grupos VALUES (NULL, 0, false, false, 'sensor', 10, 'LightSensor', true, 'E', 1, 'x10', false, 'SensorLum1', 7, -1, -1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES (NULL, 0, false, false, 'luz', 11, 'SimpleLamp', true, 'K', 1, 'x10', true, 'Luz4', 1, -1, -1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES (NULL, 0, false, false, 'Radiador de la sala', 298, 'Heater', true, 'B', 1, 'x10', true, 'RadiadorX10', 1, 163, 168, 'Sala Quercus', '108;111;115;117;119;123;127;131;134;136;138;140;144;148;150;152;155;157;159;162;166;169;172;176;179;182;185;188;190;193;196;199;201;205;209;214;218;222;226;230;234;238;250;254;260;264;277;278;279;280;284;293;297;301;305;309;313;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;315;'); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('0/0/5', 1, false, false, 'Interruptor', 213, 'Button', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'Interruptor', 1, 301, 326, 'Plano Casa', NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('0/0/4', 0, false, false, 'Enchufe4', 316, 'Switch', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'Enchufe4', 1, 303, 133, 'Plano Casa', '268;272;276;'); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('0/0/2', 0, false, false, 'Enchufe2', 210, 'Switch', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'Enchufe2', 1, 141, 322, 'Plano Casa', NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('0/0/1', 0, false, false, 'LuzFlexo', 217, 'SimpleLamp', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'LuzFlexo', 1, 80, 45, 'Plano Casa', '267;271;275;'); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('0/0/3', 1, false, false, 'Router', 221, 'Router', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'Router1', 1, 467, 439, 'Plano Casa', NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('0/0/6', 21.68, false, false, 'SensorTemperatura', 237, 'TemperatureSensor', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', false, 'SensorTemperatura', 2, 146, 436, 'Plano Casa', NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES (NULL, 0, false, false, 'SensorX10', 219, 'MotionSensor', true, 'A', 1, 'x10', false, 'SensorX10', 6, 362, 11, 'Plano Casa', '335;336;'); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('1/1/5', 1, false, false, '', 12, 'MotionSensor', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', false, 'SensorPresencia', 6, -1, -1, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('1/1/2', 50, false, true, 'Luz Intervalo', 248, 'DimmableLight', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'LuzHInt', 3, 97, 276, 'Plano Casa', '265;269;273;338;'); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES ('1/1/1', 0, false, false, 'LuzHBin', 215, 'SimpleLamp', true, NULL, NULL, 'knx', true, 'LuzHBin', 1, 357, 189, 'Plano Casa', '266;270;274;'); INSERT INTO grupos VALUES (NULL, 1, false, true, 'Encender la luz del flexo', 291, 'SimpleLamp', true, 'C', 1, 'x10', true, 'BombillaX10', 1, 272, 130, 'Sala Quercus', '107;109;110;112;113;114;116;118;120;121;122;124;125;126;128;129;130;132;133;135;137;139;141;142;143;145;146;147;149;151;153;154;156;158;160;161;163;164;165;167;168;170;171;173;174;175;177;178;180;181;183;184;186;187;189;191;192;194;195;197;198;200;202;203;204;206;207;208;210;211;212;213;215;216;217;219;220;221;223;224;225;227;228;229;231;232;233;235;236;237;239;240;249;251;252;253;255;256;257;258;259;261;262;263;281;282;283;290;291;292;294;295;296;298;299;300;302;303;304;306;307;308;310;311;312;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;314;316;317;335;336;'); ALTER TABLE grupos
    ADD CONSTRAINT grupos_pkey PRIMARY KEY ("idGrupo");

When I import this file to the database using any Database Manager I recieve nothing but errors:



For some reason the parser marks chars between those symbols: ''. If we look carefully, sometimes the names of the columns are between '' and other times not, why?


I delete those symbols around char and proceed to do the same import again, but again another error faces up:



Type oid? what is that? Reading I see that is a type used for primary keys.


2) Second approach, I will try with Mysql Workbench:

2)第二种方法,我将尝试使用Mysql Workbench:

I installed this feature in Ubuntu and I gave it a try. There is an option to migrate databases, great!


1.- I introduce the source and test the connection:



2.- Then the Destination and test the connection:



3.- The next screen, everything is ok:



4.- Now I am asked to select the Schema, I select the default option:



5.- And I receive the following error, failing in the point named, "Reverse engineer selected schemata".


Connect to source DBMS...
- Connecting...
Connecting to postgresql@DRIVER=Postgresql;SERVER=;PORT=5432...
Opening ODBC connection to DRIVER=Postgresql;SERVER=;PORT=5432;DATABASE=QDSDatabase;UID=postgres...
Connect to source DBMS done
Reverse engineer selected schemata....
Reverse engineering public from QDSDatabase
- Reverse engineering catalog information
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/mysql-workbench/modules/db_postgresql_re_grt.py", line 335, in reverseEngineer
    return PostgresqlReverseEngineering.reverseEngineer(connection, catalog_name, schemata_list, context)
  File "/usr/lib/mysql-workbench/modules/db_generic_re_grt.py", line 207, in reverseEngineer
    catalog = cls.reverseEngineerCatalog(connection, catalog_name)
  File "/usr/lib/mysql-workbench/modules/db_generic_re_grt.py", line 367, in reverseEngineerCatalog
    cls.reverseEngineerSequences(connection, schema)
  File "/usr/lib/mysql-workbench/modules/db_postgresql_re_grt.py", line 76, in reverseEngineerSequences
    min_value, max_value, start_value, increment_by, last_value, is_cycled, ncache = cls.execute_query(connection, seq_details_query % (schema.name, seq_name)).fetchone()
  File "/usr/lib/mysql-workbench/modules/db_generic_re_grt.py", line 56, in execute_query
    return cls.get_connection(connection_object).cursor().execute(query, *args, **kwargs)
pyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('42P01', '[42P01] ERROR: no existe la relaci\xc3\xb3n \xc2\xabpublic.idtipodatos\xc2\xbb;\nError while executing the query (7) (SQLExecDirectW)')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/mysql-workbench/libraries/workbench/wizard_progress_page_widget.py", line 192, in thread_work
  File "/usr/lib/mysql-workbench/modules/migration_schema_selection.py", line 160, in task_reveng
  File "/usr/lib/mysql-workbench/modules/migration.py", line 332, in reverseEngineer
    self.state.sourceCatalog = self._rev_eng_module.reverseEngineer(self.connection, self.selectedCatalogName, self.selectedSchemataNames, self.state.applicationData)
SystemError: ProgrammingError("('42P01', '[42P01] ERROR: no existe la relaci\xc3\xb3n \xc2\xabpublic.idtipodatos\xc2\xbb;\nError while executing the query (7) (SQLExecDirectW)')"): error calling Python module function DbPostgresqlRE.reverseEngineer
ERROR: Reverse engineer selected schemata: ProgrammingError("('42P01', '[42P01] ERROR: no existe la relaci\xc3\xb3n \xc2\xabpublic.idtipodatos\xc2\xbb;\nError while executing the query (7) (SQLExecDirectW)')"): error calling Python module function DbPostgresqlRE.reverseEngineer

6.- If I try with other type of schemas (POINT 4.-) the program closes suddenly :

6.-如果我尝试使用其他类型的模式(POINT 4.-),程序会突然关闭:


That's all, I have tried this in several ways with Mysql Workbench, which seemed great, but unfortunately nothing worked.

就是这样,我用Mysql Workbench在几个方面尝试了这个,看起来很棒,但遗憾的是没有用。

Any ideas? Remember that the postgres SQL is in the beginning of the post, so anyone can try the migration.

有任何想法吗?请记住,postgres SQL位于帖子的开头,因此任何人都可以尝试迁移。

1 个解决方案



This is going to be difficult for you I'm afraid.


  1. You don't seem to understand PostgreSQL
  2. 你好像不懂PostgreSQL
  3. You don't seem to understand MySQL
  4. 你好像不懂MySQL
  5. You don't seem to understand your database schema
  6. 您似乎不了解您的数据库架构

If that is your entire schema, just copy it into your text editor of choice and manually update it.


What the "oid" column is being used for I couldn't say, but it's nothing to do with a primary key (perhaps a large object or "blob"?).


The quoting is used only where you've used mixed-case identifies LikeThis. By default SQL is case-insensitive.


Mysql doesn't have a real "boolean" type, you'll probably want to use bit or tinyint.


The nextval() call in the schema is to generate unique ids. This is a PostgreSQL thing and not supported in MySQL - you'll probably want an auto_increment modifier.

模式中的nextval()调用是生成唯一ID。这是一个PostgreSQL的东西,MySQL不支持 - 你可能想要一个auto_increment修饰符。

Between those tips and the pg2mysql output that should get you started.




This is going to be difficult for you I'm afraid.


  1. You don't seem to understand PostgreSQL
  2. 你好像不懂PostgreSQL
  3. You don't seem to understand MySQL
  4. 你好像不懂MySQL
  5. You don't seem to understand your database schema
  6. 您似乎不了解您的数据库架构

If that is your entire schema, just copy it into your text editor of choice and manually update it.


What the "oid" column is being used for I couldn't say, but it's nothing to do with a primary key (perhaps a large object or "blob"?).


The quoting is used only where you've used mixed-case identifies LikeThis. By default SQL is case-insensitive.


Mysql doesn't have a real "boolean" type, you'll probably want to use bit or tinyint.


The nextval() call in the schema is to generate unique ids. This is a PostgreSQL thing and not supported in MySQL - you'll probably want an auto_increment modifier.

模式中的nextval()调用是生成唯一ID。这是一个PostgreSQL的东西,MySQL不支持 - 你可能想要一个auto_increment修饰符。

Between those tips and the pg2mysql output that should get you started.
