I have an object defined with about 15 properties. I am trying to iterate over all of the properties that aren't equal to zero and are of type Int or Double. Something like this:
object.price1 = 10.0
object.price2 = 9.9
object.price3 = 8.9
object.price4 = 10.1
object.name = "banana"
object.type = "fruit"
object.quantitySold = 0
object.dateIntroduced = ""
let banana = object()
for property in banana {
object.property = property*2
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
2 个解决方案
This isn't an easy thing to do in Swift (although possible), but that's no bad thing: being able to iterate over an object's properties and mutate (change) them without having to directly reference a property by name could easily lead to some confusion for you or another developer later on, when you're trying to find out why a property of an object has changed.
Much better instead to make this kind of operation explicit, and name it correctly. Something like the following:
extension Object {
func doubledPrice() -> Object {
return Object(
price1: price1 * 2,
price2: price2 * 2,
price3: price3 * 2,
price4: price4 * 2,
name: name, //we can't double a string
type: type,
quantitySold: quantitySold, //I've named the func assuming you won't double the quantitySold, obviously if that's not the desired behaviour then this needs to change
dateIntroduced: dateIntroduced //can't double a date
Make the prices an array? This is from my phone so check for errors. The bad side to this is how messy it can be and how difficult it would be to keep organized.
class MyProduct{
var price1 : Int
var price2 : Int
var price3 : Int
var pricesArray : [Int]
init(price1 : Int, price2 : Int, price3 : Int, pricesArray : [Int]){
self.price1 = price1
self.price2 = price2
self.price3 = price3
for i in 0...2
{ pricesArray.append(0)}
pircesArray[0] = price1
pricesArray[1] = price2
pricesArray[2] = price3
self.pricesArray = pricesArray
//then to go over it like
for i in 0...3{
banana.pricesArray[i] = banana.procesArray[i] * 2
Or you could make a function in the product class
func equate( sum : Int)
yourVar = yourVar * sum
This isn't an easy thing to do in Swift (although possible), but that's no bad thing: being able to iterate over an object's properties and mutate (change) them without having to directly reference a property by name could easily lead to some confusion for you or another developer later on, when you're trying to find out why a property of an object has changed.
Much better instead to make this kind of operation explicit, and name it correctly. Something like the following:
extension Object {
func doubledPrice() -> Object {
return Object(
price1: price1 * 2,
price2: price2 * 2,
price3: price3 * 2,
price4: price4 * 2,
name: name, //we can't double a string
type: type,
quantitySold: quantitySold, //I've named the func assuming you won't double the quantitySold, obviously if that's not the desired behaviour then this needs to change
dateIntroduced: dateIntroduced //can't double a date
Make the prices an array? This is from my phone so check for errors. The bad side to this is how messy it can be and how difficult it would be to keep organized.
class MyProduct{
var price1 : Int
var price2 : Int
var price3 : Int
var pricesArray : [Int]
init(price1 : Int, price2 : Int, price3 : Int, pricesArray : [Int]){
self.price1 = price1
self.price2 = price2
self.price3 = price3
for i in 0...2
{ pricesArray.append(0)}
pircesArray[0] = price1
pricesArray[1] = price2
pricesArray[2] = price3
self.pricesArray = pricesArray
//then to go over it like
for i in 0...3{
banana.pricesArray[i] = banana.procesArray[i] * 2
Or you could make a function in the product class
func equate( sum : Int)
yourVar = yourVar * sum