在MySQL WorkBench中是否有用于创建具有重复列的表的宏?

时间:2021-01-15 19:21:41

I find myself building many tables in MySQL Workbench that have the same first three columns:

我发现自己在MySQL Workbench中构建了许多具有相同前三列的表:

  1. id
  2. isActive
  3. lastChanged

Not only are these three columns repeated, but their exact properties (not null, auto increment for the id, default value of 1 for isActive, etc) are also repeated.


So my Question:


-Does there exist a macro to begin building the table for a given table name, to speed up this process?

- 是否存在一个宏来开始为给定的表名构建表,以加快这个过程?

-If not can someone provide a link to getting me started for building something like this?

- 如果没有人可以提供一个链接,让我开始建立这样的东西?

(Then after using this macro I can fill in the additional columns but the database development time will be less).



1 个解决方案



The answer to my question - which I thought of based on a great suggestion by Ed Heal (see his comments above), would be to use the SQL Additions to workbench - Snippets.

我的问题的答案 - 我根据Ed Heal的一个很好的建议(参见上面的评论)的想法,将使用SQL Additions到工作台 - 片段。

You can add a new snippet under 'My Snippets' which contains the create table script, rather than maintaining in a text file, and then just fill in the rest of the columns after you do a right mouse + 'insert snippet at text cursor'




The answer to my question - which I thought of based on a great suggestion by Ed Heal (see his comments above), would be to use the SQL Additions to workbench - Snippets.

我的问题的答案 - 我根据Ed Heal的一个很好的建议(参见上面的评论)的想法,将使用SQL Additions到工作台 - 片段。

You can add a new snippet under 'My Snippets' which contains the create table script, rather than maintaining in a text file, and then just fill in the rest of the columns after you do a right mouse + 'insert snippet at text cursor'
