
时间:2021-10-19 18:20:17

NumPy is really helpful when creating arrays. If the first argument for numpy.array has a __getitem__ and __len__ method these are used on the basis that it might be a valid sequence.


Unfortunatly I want to create an array containing dtype=object without NumPy being "helpful".

不幸的是,我想创建一个包含dtype = object而不使用NumPy“有用”的数组。

Broken down to a minimal example the class would like this:


import numpy as np

class Test(object):
    def __init__(self, iterable):
        self.data = iterable

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return self.data[idx]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.data)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.data)

and if the "iterables" have different lengths everything is fine and I get exactly the result I want to have:


>>> np.array([Test([1,2,3]), Test([3,2])], dtype=object)
array([Test([1, 2, 3]), Test([3, 2])], dtype=object)

but NumPy creates a multidimensional array if these happen to have the same length:


>>> np.array([Test([1,2,3]), Test([3,2,1])], dtype=object)
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [3, 2, 1]], dtype=object)

Unfortunatly there is only a ndmin argument so I was wondering if there is a way to enforce a ndmax or somehow prevent NumPy from interpreting the custom classes as another dimension (without deleting __len__ or __getitem__)?


3 个解决方案



A workaround is of course to create an array of the desired shape and then copy the data:


In [19]: lst = [Test([1, 2, 3]), Test([3, 2, 1])]

In [20]: arr = np.empty(len(lst), dtype=object)

In [21]: arr[:] = lst[:]

In [22]: arr
Out[22]: array([Test([1, 2, 3]), Test([3, 2, 1])], dtype=object)

Notice that in any case I would not be surprised if numpy behavior w.r.t. interpreting iterable objects (which is what you want to use, right?) is numpy version dependent. And possibly buggy. Or maybe some of these bugs are actually features. Anyway, I'd be wary of breakage when a numpy version changes.


On the contrary, copying into a pre-created array should be way more robust.




This behavior has been discussed a number of times before (e.g. Override a dict with numpy support). np.array tries to make as high a dimensional array as it can. The model case is nested lists. If it can iterate and the sublists are equal in length it will 'drill' on down.

之前已经多次讨论过这种行为(例如,覆盖带有numpy支持的dict)。 np.array尝试制作尽可能高的维数组。模型案例是嵌套列表。如果它可以迭代并且子列表的长度相等,那么它将“向下钻取”。

Here it went down 2 levels before encountering lists of different length:


In [250]: np.array([[[1,2],[3]],[1,2]],dtype=object)
array([[[1, 2], [3]],
       [1, 2]], dtype=object)
In [251]: _.shape
Out[251]: (2, 2)

Without a shape or ndmax parameter it has no way of knowing whether I want it to be (2,) or (2,2). Both of those would work with the dtype.


It's compiled code, so it isn't easy to see exactly what tests it uses. It tries to iterate on lists and tuples, but not on sets or dictionaries.


The surest way to make an object array with a given dimension is to start with an empty one, and fill it


In [266]: A=np.empty((2,3),object)
In [267]: A.fill([[1,'one']])
In [276]: A[:]={1,2}
In [277]: A[:]=[1,2]   # broadcast error

Another way is to start with at least one different element (e.g. a None), and then replace that.


There is a more primitive creator, ndarray that takes shape:


In [280]: np.ndarray((2,3),dtype=object)
array([[None, None, None],
       [None, None, None]], dtype=object)

But that's basically the same as np.empty (unless I give it a buffer).


These are fudges, but they aren't expensive (time wise).


================ (edit)

https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/5933, Enh: Object array creation function. is an enhancement request. Also https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/5303 the error message for accidentally irregular arrays is confusing.


The developer sentiment seems to favor a separate function to create dtype=object arrays, one with more control over the initial dimensions and depth of iteration. They might even strengthen the error checking to keep np.array from creating 'irregular' arrays.

开发人员的情绪似乎倾向于使用单独的函数来创建dtype =对象数组,其中一个对初始维度和迭代深度有更多控制。他们甚至可以加强错误检查,以防止np.array创建“不规则”数组。

Such a function could detect the shape of a regular nested iterable down to a specified depth, and build an object type array to be filled.


def objarray(alist, depth=1):
    shape=[]; l=alist
    for _ in range(depth):
        l = l[0]
    arr = np.empty(shape, dtype=object)
    return arr

With various depths:


In [528]: alist=[[Test([1,2,3])], [Test([3,2,1])]]
In [529]: objarray(alist,1)
Out[529]: array([[Test([1, 2, 3])], [Test([3, 2, 1])]], dtype=object)
In [530]: objarray(alist,2)
array([[Test([1, 2, 3])],
       [Test([3, 2, 1])]], dtype=object)
In [531]: objarray(alist,3)  
array([[[1, 2, 3]],

       [[3, 2, 1]]], dtype=object)
In [532]: objarray(alist,4)
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()



This workaround may not be the most efficient, but I like it for its clarity:


test_list = [Test([1,2,3]), Test([3,2,1])]
test_array = np.array(test_list, dtype=object)[:-1]

Summary: You take your list, append None, then convert to a numpy array, preventing numpy from converting to a multidimensional array. Finally you just remove the last entry to get the structure you want.




A workaround is of course to create an array of the desired shape and then copy the data:


In [19]: lst = [Test([1, 2, 3]), Test([3, 2, 1])]

In [20]: arr = np.empty(len(lst), dtype=object)

In [21]: arr[:] = lst[:]

In [22]: arr
Out[22]: array([Test([1, 2, 3]), Test([3, 2, 1])], dtype=object)

Notice that in any case I would not be surprised if numpy behavior w.r.t. interpreting iterable objects (which is what you want to use, right?) is numpy version dependent. And possibly buggy. Or maybe some of these bugs are actually features. Anyway, I'd be wary of breakage when a numpy version changes.


On the contrary, copying into a pre-created array should be way more robust.




This behavior has been discussed a number of times before (e.g. Override a dict with numpy support). np.array tries to make as high a dimensional array as it can. The model case is nested lists. If it can iterate and the sublists are equal in length it will 'drill' on down.

之前已经多次讨论过这种行为(例如,覆盖带有numpy支持的dict)。 np.array尝试制作尽可能高的维数组。模型案例是嵌套列表。如果它可以迭代并且子列表的长度相等,那么它将“向下钻取”。

Here it went down 2 levels before encountering lists of different length:


In [250]: np.array([[[1,2],[3]],[1,2]],dtype=object)
array([[[1, 2], [3]],
       [1, 2]], dtype=object)
In [251]: _.shape
Out[251]: (2, 2)

Without a shape or ndmax parameter it has no way of knowing whether I want it to be (2,) or (2,2). Both of those would work with the dtype.


It's compiled code, so it isn't easy to see exactly what tests it uses. It tries to iterate on lists and tuples, but not on sets or dictionaries.


The surest way to make an object array with a given dimension is to start with an empty one, and fill it


In [266]: A=np.empty((2,3),object)
In [267]: A.fill([[1,'one']])
In [276]: A[:]={1,2}
In [277]: A[:]=[1,2]   # broadcast error

Another way is to start with at least one different element (e.g. a None), and then replace that.


There is a more primitive creator, ndarray that takes shape:


In [280]: np.ndarray((2,3),dtype=object)
array([[None, None, None],
       [None, None, None]], dtype=object)

But that's basically the same as np.empty (unless I give it a buffer).


These are fudges, but they aren't expensive (time wise).


================ (edit)

https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/5933, Enh: Object array creation function. is an enhancement request. Also https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/5303 the error message for accidentally irregular arrays is confusing.


The developer sentiment seems to favor a separate function to create dtype=object arrays, one with more control over the initial dimensions and depth of iteration. They might even strengthen the error checking to keep np.array from creating 'irregular' arrays.

开发人员的情绪似乎倾向于使用单独的函数来创建dtype =对象数组,其中一个对初始维度和迭代深度有更多控制。他们甚至可以加强错误检查,以防止np.array创建“不规则”数组。

Such a function could detect the shape of a regular nested iterable down to a specified depth, and build an object type array to be filled.


def objarray(alist, depth=1):
    shape=[]; l=alist
    for _ in range(depth):
        l = l[0]
    arr = np.empty(shape, dtype=object)
    return arr

With various depths:


In [528]: alist=[[Test([1,2,3])], [Test([3,2,1])]]
In [529]: objarray(alist,1)
Out[529]: array([[Test([1, 2, 3])], [Test([3, 2, 1])]], dtype=object)
In [530]: objarray(alist,2)
array([[Test([1, 2, 3])],
       [Test([3, 2, 1])]], dtype=object)
In [531]: objarray(alist,3)  
array([[[1, 2, 3]],

       [[3, 2, 1]]], dtype=object)
In [532]: objarray(alist,4)
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()



This workaround may not be the most efficient, but I like it for its clarity:


test_list = [Test([1,2,3]), Test([3,2,1])]
test_array = np.array(test_list, dtype=object)[:-1]

Summary: You take your list, append None, then convert to a numpy array, preventing numpy from converting to a multidimensional array. Finally you just remove the last entry to get the structure you want.
