nordic mesh 任务调度实现

时间:2021-07-26 18:16:03

nordic mesh 任务调度实现

nordic mesh的任务调度室基于定时器实现的,有两个链表结构维护任务。

需要注意的是,任务调度的部分接口只能在“bearer event”的中段级别被调用,因此调用的形式是通过设置"bearer event"事件来实现的。

结构及接口 @timer_scheduler.h


typedef enum
TIMER_EVENT_STATE_UNUSED, /**< Not present in the scheduler */
TIMER_EVENT_STATE_ADDED, /**< Added for processing */
TIMER_EVENT_STATE_QUEUED, /**< Queued for firing */
TIMER_EVENT_STATE_RESCHEDULED, /**< Rescheduled, but not resorted */
TIMER_EVENT_STATE_ABORTED, /**< Aborted, but still in the list */
TIMER_EVENT_STATE_IGNORED, /**< Aborted, but added for processing */
TIMER_EVENT_STATE_IN_CALLBACK /**< Currently being called */
} timer_event_state_t; /**
* Timer event structure for schedulable timers.
typedef struct timer_event
volatile timer_event_state_t state; /**< Timer event state. */
timestamp_t timestamp; /**< 定时器激发时间 */ timer_sch_callback_t cb; /**< 定时器激发时的回调函数 */
uint32_t interval; /**< 周期事件的时间间隔,0时表示单次事件 */
void * p_context; /**< 调用回调函数cb时传入的参数 */
struct timer_event* p_next; /**< 指向下一个事件结构的指针,构成链表 */
} timer_event_t;


* Initializes the scheduler module.
* 在nrf_mesh_init()中被调用
void timer_sch_init(void); /**
* Schedules a timer event.
* @warning This function must be called from @ref BEARER_EVENT "bearer event" IRQ level or lower.
* 该函数必须在BEARER_EVENT的中断优先级上被调用
* @warning The structure parameters must not be changed after the structure has been added to the
* scheduler, as this may cause race conditions. If a change in timing is needed, please use the
* @ref timer_sch_reschedule() function. If any other changes are needed, abort the event, change the
* parameter, and schedule it again.
* @param[in] p_timer_evt A pointer to a statically allocated timer event, which will be used as
* context for the schedulable event.
void timer_sch_schedule(timer_event_t* p_timer_evt); /**
* Aborts a previously scheduled event.
* @warning This function must be called from @ref BEARER_EVENT "bearer event" IRQ level or lower.
* 该函数必须在BEARER_EVENT的中断优先级上被调用
* @param[in] p_timer_evt A pointer to a previously scheduled event.
void timer_sch_abort(timer_event_t* p_timer_evt); /**
* Reschedules a previously scheduled event.
* @warning This function must be called from @ref BEARER_EVENT "bearer event" IRQ level or lower.
* 该函数必须在BEARER_EVENT的中断优先级上被调用
* @param[in] p_timer_evt A pointer to a previously scheduled event.
* @param[in] new_timestamp When the event should time out, instead of the old time.
void timer_sch_reschedule(timer_event_t* p_timer_evt, timestamp_t new_timestamp);

任务调度实现 @timer_scheduler.c



typedef struct
timer_event_t* p_head;
timer_event_t* p_add_head;
uint32_t dirty_events; /**< Events in the fire list that needs processing */
uint32_t event_count;
} scheduler_t; /**
* Static globals
static volatile scheduler_t m_scheduler; /**<调度器实体 */
static bearer_event_flag_t m_event_flag; /**<bearer event 事件 */

需要注意的是,部分定时器接口是在”bearer event“的中断优先级的被调用的。因此,定义了m_event_flag的全局变量,以产生bearer-event事件调用。



void timer_sch_init(void)
// 调度器结构置零
memset((scheduler_t*) &m_scheduler, 0, sizeof(m_scheduler)); // 注册一个bearer-event事件
// 当调用函数 bearer_event_flag_set(m_event_flag) 时
// 会产生bearer-event中断,来调用flag_event_cb()回调函数
m_event_flag = bearer_event_flag_add(flag_event_cb);


static bool flag_event_cb(void)
/* 处理被污染的任务
* 被污染的任务要么直接移除
* 需要再次调度的,则加入到p_add_head链表中
process_dirty_events(); /* add all the popped events back in, at their right places.
* 该函数遍历第二个链表,将其中的新加的任务添加到第一个链表中
* 第一个链表的任务是根据运行时间排序的,从头到尾运行时间越来越晚
* 即第一个链表的链表头是最先运行的节点
process_add_list(); /* 激发定时器
* 遍历第一个链表,一次运行到达运行时间的任务
* p_head依次后移
fire_timers(timer_now()); /*
* 设置定时器函数下次激发时间
setup_timeout(timer_now()); return true;


// 任务加入调度时,首先是加入第二个任务链表中
void timer_sch_schedule(timer_event_t* p_timer_evt)
NRF_MESH_ASSERT(p_timer_evt != NULL);
NRF_MESH_ASSERT(p_timer_evt->cb != NULL); uint32_t was_masked;
p_timer_evt->p_next = NULL;
_ENABLE_IRQS(was_masked); bearer_event_flag_set(m_event_flag);



void timer_sch_abort(timer_event_t* p_timer_evt)
NRF_MESH_ASSERT(p_timer_evt != NULL);
uint32_t was_masked;
if (p_timer_evt->state == TIMER_EVENT_STATE_IN_CALLBACK)
p_timer_evt->state = TIMER_EVENT_STATE_UNUSED;
else if (p_timer_evt->state == TIMER_EVENT_STATE_ADDED)
p_timer_evt->state = TIMER_EVENT_STATE_IGNORED;
else if (p_timer_evt->state != TIMER_EVENT_STATE_UNUSED)
if (!is_dirty_state(p_timer_evt->state))
p_timer_evt->state = TIMER_EVENT_STATE_ABORTED;



void timer_sch_reschedule(timer_event_t* p_timer_evt, timestamp_t new_timeout)
NRF_MESH_ASSERT(p_timer_evt != NULL); uint32_t was_masked;
/* The events in the added queue will reinsert themselves in the processing. */
if (p_timer_evt->state == TIMER_EVENT_STATE_UNUSED ||
p_timer_evt->state == TIMER_EVENT_STATE_IN_CALLBACK)
else if (p_timer_evt->state == TIMER_EVENT_STATE_ADDED ||
p_timer_evt->state == TIMER_EVENT_STATE_IGNORED)
p_timer_evt->state = TIMER_EVENT_STATE_ADDED;
/* Mark the rescheduled event as dirty, will be processed at the next opportunity. */
if (!is_dirty_state(p_timer_evt->state))
p_timer_evt->timestamp = new_timeout;