
时间:2022-05-08 18:14:45

I have a python file, with a function that I want to call in multiple places. But I want the file with the function to be in the home directory and not have to store it in every directory I want to use it. Is this possible?


For example lets say I have a py file called add.py, and it is in the home directory and its this


def add(b):
    a = 3
    print "ADDING %d + %d" % (a, b)
    return a + b

And then in a sub directory I want to call add, how could I do that, I know if there in the same directory I could do from a import add


But in my case the add function is more complex and I want to call it in a bunch of different places without having to store multiples of the file in each directory. I know I could use init.py, but what goes in the field?




1 个解决方案



You can add the home directory to PYTHONPATH and then it would be possible to do from a import add.


To programmatically add a directory to PYTHONPATH , you can use sys.path.


Example -

示例 -

import sys

After doing the above you would be able to directly import any scripts that exist in the home directory. Example if in home directory there is an a.py with add function, after above lines you would be able to do -

完成上述操作后,您将能够直接导入主目录中存在的任何脚本。例如,如果在主目录中有一个带有添加功能的a.py,在上面的行之后你可以做到 -

from a import add

Outside python, you can also set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to contain your home directory, and then you would be able to import any python scripts in the home directory directly (from anywhere) -

在python之外,您还可以设置PYTHONPATH环境变量以包含您的主目录,然后您就可以直接(从任何地方)导入主目录中的任何python脚本 -

Example of setting the PYTHONPATH in bash -

在bash中设置PYTHONPATH的示例 -

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH;/path/to/home/directory



You can add the home directory to PYTHONPATH and then it would be possible to do from a import add.


To programmatically add a directory to PYTHONPATH , you can use sys.path.


Example -

示例 -

import sys

After doing the above you would be able to directly import any scripts that exist in the home directory. Example if in home directory there is an a.py with add function, after above lines you would be able to do -

完成上述操作后,您将能够直接导入主目录中存在的任何脚本。例如,如果在主目录中有一个带有添加功能的a.py,在上面的行之后你可以做到 -

from a import add

Outside python, you can also set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to contain your home directory, and then you would be able to import any python scripts in the home directory directly (from anywhere) -

在python之外,您还可以设置PYTHONPATH环境变量以包含您的主目录,然后您就可以直接(从任何地方)导入主目录中的任何python脚本 -

Example of setting the PYTHONPATH in bash -

在bash中设置PYTHONPATH的示例 -

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH;/path/to/home/directory