python max函数使用'key'和lambda表达式。

时间:2020-11-30 18:03:41

I come from OOP background and trying to learn python. I am using the max function which uses a lambda expression to return the instance of type Player having maximum totalScore among the list players.


def winner():
    w = max(players, key=lambda p: p.totalScore)

The function correctly returns instance of type Player having maximum totalScore. I am confused about the following three things:


  1. How does the max function work? What are the arguments it is taking? I looked at the documentation but failed to understand.
  2. max函数是如何工作的?它的论据是什么?我查看了文档,但没能理解。
  3. What is use of the keyword key in max function? I know it is also used in context of sort function
  4. 在max函数中关键字键的使用是什么?我知道它也被用于排序函数的上下文。
  5. Meaning of the lambda expression? How to read them? How do they work?
  6. lambda表达式的含义?如何阅读?他们如何工作?

These are all very noobish conceptual questions but will help me understand the language. It would help if you could give examples to explain. Thanks


6 个解决方案



lambda is an anonymous function, it is equivalent to:


def func(p):
   return p.totalScore     

Now max becomes:


max(players, key=func)

But as def statements are compound statements they can't be used where an expression is required, that's why sometimes lambda's are used.


Note that lambda is equivalent to what you'd put in a return statement of a def. Thus, you can't use statements inside a lambda, only expressions are allowed.


What does max do?


max(a, b, c, ...[, key=func]) -> value

max(a,b,c,……(关键= func])- >价值

With a single iterable argument, return its largest item. With two or more arguments, return the largest argument.


So, it simply returns the object that is largest.


How `key` works?

By default in Python 2 key compares items based on a set of rules based on the type of the objects(for example a string is always greater than an integer).

在Python 2中,默认情况下,根据对象的类型(例如字符串总是大于整数)来比较基于规则集的项。

To modify the object before comparison or to compare based on a particular attribute/index you've to use the key argument.


Example 1:


A simple example, suppose you've a list of numbers in string form, but you want to compare those items by their integer value.


>>> lis = ['1','100','111','2']

Here max compares the items using their original values(strings are compared lexicographically so you'd get '2' as output) :


>>> max(lis)

To compare the items by their integer value use key with a simple lambda:


>>> max(lis, key=lambda x:int(x))  #compare `int` version of each item

Example 2: Applying max to a list of lists.


>>> lis = [(1,'a'),(3,'c'), (4,'e'), (-1,'z')]

By default max will will compare the items by the first index, if the first index is same then it'd compare the second index. As in my example all items have unique first index so, you'd get this as the answer:


>>> max(lis)
(4, 'e')

But, what if you wanted to compare each item by the value at index 1? Simple, use lambda:


>>> max(lis, key = lambda x: x[1])
(-1, 'z')

Comparing items in an iterable that contains objects of different type:


List with mixed items:


>>> lis = ['1','100','111','2', 2, 2.57]

In Python 2 it is possible to compare items of two different types:

在Python 2中,可以比较两种不同类型的项目:

>>> max(lis) # works in Python 2
>>> max(lis, key=lambda x: int(x)) #compare integer version of each item

But in Python 3 you can't do that any more:

但是在Python 3中,你不能再这样做了:

>>> lis = ['1','100','111','2', 2, 2.57]
>>> max(lis)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-2-0ce0a02693e4>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unorderable types: int() > str()

But this works, as we are comparing integer version of each object:


>>> max(lis, key=lambda x: int(x)) # or simply `max(lis, key=int)`



Strongly simplified version of max:


def max(items, key=lambda x: x):
    current = item[0]
    for item in items:
        if key(item) > key(current):
            current = item
    return current

Regarding lambda:


>>> ident = lambda x: x
>>> ident(3)
>>> ident(5)

>>> times_two = lambda x: 2*x
>>> times_two(2)



How does the max function work?


It looks for the "largest" item in an iterable. I'll assume that you can look up what that is, but if not, it's something you can loop over, i.e. a list or string.


What is use of the keyword key in max function? I know it is also used in context of sort function


Key is a lambda function that will tell max which objects in the iterable are larger than others. Say if you were sorting some object that you created yourself, and not something obvious, like integers.


Meaning of the lambda expression? How to read them? How do they work?


That's sort of a larger question. In simple terms, a lambda is a function you can pass around, and have other pieces of code use it. Take this for example:


def sum(a, b, f):
    return (f(a) + f(b))

This takes two objects, a and b, and a function f. It calls f() on each object, then adds them together. So look at this call:


>>> sum(2, 2, lambda a:  a * 2)

sum() takes 2, and calls the lambda expression on it. So f(a) becomes 2 * 2, which becomes 4. It then does this for b, and adds the two together.

sum()取2,并调用它上的lambda表达式。所以f(a)变成2 * 2,变成4。然后对b做这个,把这两个相加。

In not so simple terms, lambdas come from lambda calculus, which is the idea of a function that returns a function; a very cool math concept for expressing computation. You can read about that here, and then actually understand it here.


It's probably better to read about this a little more, as lambdas can be confusing, and it's not immediately obvious how useful they are. Check here.




According to the documentation:


max(iterable[, key])
max(arg1, arg2, *args[, key])
Return the largest item in an iterable or the largest of two or more arguments.

max(iterable[, key]) max(arg1, arg2, *args[, key])返回一个可迭代的或最大的两个或多个参数中的最大的项。

If one positional argument is provided, iterable must be a non-empty iterable (such as a non-empty string, tuple or list). The largest item in the iterable is returned. If two or more positional arguments are provided, the largest of the positional arguments is returned.


The optional key argument specifies a one-argument ordering function like that used for list.sort(). The key argument, if supplied, must be in keyword form (for example, max(a,b,c,key=func)).


What this is saying is that in your case, you are providing a list, in this case players. Then the max function will iterate over all the items in the list and compare them to each other to get a "maximum".


As you can imagine, with a complex object like a player determining its value for comparison is tricky, so you are given the key argument to determine how the max function will decide the value of each player. In this case, you are using a lambda function to say "for each p in players get p.totalscore and use that as his value for comparison".




max function is used to get the maximum out of an iterable.


The iterators may be lists, tuples, dict objects, etc. Or even custom objects as in the example you provided.


max(iterable[, key=func]) -> value
max(a, b, c, ...[, key=func]) -> value

With a single iterable argument, return its largest item.
With two or more arguments, return the largest argument.

So, the key=func basically allows us to pass an optional argument key to the function on whose basis the the given iterator/arguments are sorted & the maximum is returned.


lambda is a python keyword that acts as a pseudo function. So, when you pass player object to it, it will return player.totalScore. Thus, the iterable passed over to function max will sort according to the key totalScore of the player objects given to it & will return the player who has maximum totalScore.

lambda是一个python关键字,充当pseudo函数。因此,当您将player对象传递给它时,它将返回player. totalscore。因此,迭代传递到函数max将根据给定的player对象的关键totalScore排序,并返回具有最大totalScore的播放器。

If no key argument is provided, the maximum is returned according to default Python orderings.


Examples -


max(1, 3, 5, 7)
max([1, 3, 5, 7])

people = [('Barack', 'Obama'), ('Oprah', 'Winfrey'), ('Mahatma', 'Gandhi')]
max(people, key=lambda x: x[1])
>>>('Oprah', 'Winfrey')



max is built in function which takes first argument an iterable (like list or tuple)


keyword argument key has it's default value None but it accept function to evaluate, consider it as wrapper which evaluates iterable based on function


Consider this example dictionary:


d = {'aim':99, 'aid': 45, 'axe': 59, 'big': 9, 'short': 995, 'sin':12, 'sword':1, 'friend':1000, 'artwork':23}



>>> max(d.keys())

As you can see if you only pass the iterable without kwarg(a function to key) it is returning maximum value of key(alphabetically)


Ex. Instead of finding max value of key alphabetically you might need to find max key by length of key:


>>>max(d.keys(), key=lambda x: len(x))

in this example lambda function is returning length of key which will be iterated hence while evaluating values instead of considering alphabetically it will keep track of max length of key and returns key which has max length




>>> max(d.keys(), key=lambda x: d[x])

in this example lambda function is returning value of corresponding dictionary key which has maximum value




lambda is an anonymous function, it is equivalent to:


def func(p):
   return p.totalScore     

Now max becomes:


max(players, key=func)

But as def statements are compound statements they can't be used where an expression is required, that's why sometimes lambda's are used.


Note that lambda is equivalent to what you'd put in a return statement of a def. Thus, you can't use statements inside a lambda, only expressions are allowed.


What does max do?


max(a, b, c, ...[, key=func]) -> value

max(a,b,c,……(关键= func])- >价值

With a single iterable argument, return its largest item. With two or more arguments, return the largest argument.


So, it simply returns the object that is largest.


How `key` works?

By default in Python 2 key compares items based on a set of rules based on the type of the objects(for example a string is always greater than an integer).

在Python 2中,默认情况下,根据对象的类型(例如字符串总是大于整数)来比较基于规则集的项。

To modify the object before comparison or to compare based on a particular attribute/index you've to use the key argument.


Example 1:


A simple example, suppose you've a list of numbers in string form, but you want to compare those items by their integer value.


>>> lis = ['1','100','111','2']

Here max compares the items using their original values(strings are compared lexicographically so you'd get '2' as output) :


>>> max(lis)

To compare the items by their integer value use key with a simple lambda:


>>> max(lis, key=lambda x:int(x))  #compare `int` version of each item

Example 2: Applying max to a list of lists.


>>> lis = [(1,'a'),(3,'c'), (4,'e'), (-1,'z')]

By default max will will compare the items by the first index, if the first index is same then it'd compare the second index. As in my example all items have unique first index so, you'd get this as the answer:


>>> max(lis)
(4, 'e')

But, what if you wanted to compare each item by the value at index 1? Simple, use lambda:


>>> max(lis, key = lambda x: x[1])
(-1, 'z')

Comparing items in an iterable that contains objects of different type:


List with mixed items:


>>> lis = ['1','100','111','2', 2, 2.57]

In Python 2 it is possible to compare items of two different types:

在Python 2中,可以比较两种不同类型的项目:

>>> max(lis) # works in Python 2
>>> max(lis, key=lambda x: int(x)) #compare integer version of each item

But in Python 3 you can't do that any more:

但是在Python 3中,你不能再这样做了:

>>> lis = ['1','100','111','2', 2, 2.57]
>>> max(lis)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-2-0ce0a02693e4>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unorderable types: int() > str()

But this works, as we are comparing integer version of each object:


>>> max(lis, key=lambda x: int(x)) # or simply `max(lis, key=int)`



Strongly simplified version of max:


def max(items, key=lambda x: x):
    current = item[0]
    for item in items:
        if key(item) > key(current):
            current = item
    return current

Regarding lambda:


>>> ident = lambda x: x
>>> ident(3)
>>> ident(5)

>>> times_two = lambda x: 2*x
>>> times_two(2)



How does the max function work?


It looks for the "largest" item in an iterable. I'll assume that you can look up what that is, but if not, it's something you can loop over, i.e. a list or string.


What is use of the keyword key in max function? I know it is also used in context of sort function


Key is a lambda function that will tell max which objects in the iterable are larger than others. Say if you were sorting some object that you created yourself, and not something obvious, like integers.


Meaning of the lambda expression? How to read them? How do they work?


That's sort of a larger question. In simple terms, a lambda is a function you can pass around, and have other pieces of code use it. Take this for example:


def sum(a, b, f):
    return (f(a) + f(b))

This takes two objects, a and b, and a function f. It calls f() on each object, then adds them together. So look at this call:


>>> sum(2, 2, lambda a:  a * 2)

sum() takes 2, and calls the lambda expression on it. So f(a) becomes 2 * 2, which becomes 4. It then does this for b, and adds the two together.

sum()取2,并调用它上的lambda表达式。所以f(a)变成2 * 2,变成4。然后对b做这个,把这两个相加。

In not so simple terms, lambdas come from lambda calculus, which is the idea of a function that returns a function; a very cool math concept for expressing computation. You can read about that here, and then actually understand it here.


It's probably better to read about this a little more, as lambdas can be confusing, and it's not immediately obvious how useful they are. Check here.




According to the documentation:


max(iterable[, key])
max(arg1, arg2, *args[, key])
Return the largest item in an iterable or the largest of two or more arguments.

max(iterable[, key]) max(arg1, arg2, *args[, key])返回一个可迭代的或最大的两个或多个参数中的最大的项。

If one positional argument is provided, iterable must be a non-empty iterable (such as a non-empty string, tuple or list). The largest item in the iterable is returned. If two or more positional arguments are provided, the largest of the positional arguments is returned.


The optional key argument specifies a one-argument ordering function like that used for list.sort(). The key argument, if supplied, must be in keyword form (for example, max(a,b,c,key=func)).


What this is saying is that in your case, you are providing a list, in this case players. Then the max function will iterate over all the items in the list and compare them to each other to get a "maximum".


As you can imagine, with a complex object like a player determining its value for comparison is tricky, so you are given the key argument to determine how the max function will decide the value of each player. In this case, you are using a lambda function to say "for each p in players get p.totalscore and use that as his value for comparison".




max function is used to get the maximum out of an iterable.


The iterators may be lists, tuples, dict objects, etc. Or even custom objects as in the example you provided.


max(iterable[, key=func]) -> value
max(a, b, c, ...[, key=func]) -> value

With a single iterable argument, return its largest item.
With two or more arguments, return the largest argument.

So, the key=func basically allows us to pass an optional argument key to the function on whose basis the the given iterator/arguments are sorted & the maximum is returned.


lambda is a python keyword that acts as a pseudo function. So, when you pass player object to it, it will return player.totalScore. Thus, the iterable passed over to function max will sort according to the key totalScore of the player objects given to it & will return the player who has maximum totalScore.

lambda是一个python关键字,充当pseudo函数。因此,当您将player对象传递给它时,它将返回player. totalscore。因此,迭代传递到函数max将根据给定的player对象的关键totalScore排序,并返回具有最大totalScore的播放器。

If no key argument is provided, the maximum is returned according to default Python orderings.


Examples -


max(1, 3, 5, 7)
max([1, 3, 5, 7])

people = [('Barack', 'Obama'), ('Oprah', 'Winfrey'), ('Mahatma', 'Gandhi')]
max(people, key=lambda x: x[1])
>>>('Oprah', 'Winfrey')



max is built in function which takes first argument an iterable (like list or tuple)


keyword argument key has it's default value None but it accept function to evaluate, consider it as wrapper which evaluates iterable based on function


Consider this example dictionary:


d = {'aim':99, 'aid': 45, 'axe': 59, 'big': 9, 'short': 995, 'sin':12, 'sword':1, 'friend':1000, 'artwork':23}



>>> max(d.keys())

As you can see if you only pass the iterable without kwarg(a function to key) it is returning maximum value of key(alphabetically)


Ex. Instead of finding max value of key alphabetically you might need to find max key by length of key:


>>>max(d.keys(), key=lambda x: len(x))

in this example lambda function is returning length of key which will be iterated hence while evaluating values instead of considering alphabetically it will keep track of max length of key and returns key which has max length




>>> max(d.keys(), key=lambda x: d[x])

in this example lambda function is returning value of corresponding dictionary key which has maximum value
