
时间:2022-03-29 20:10:40

I have found a code that pivotize a square matrix for LU decomposition, but I can't understand some of them.


def pivotize(m):
    """Creates the pivoting matrix for m."""
    n = len(m)
    ID = [[float(i == j) for i in xrange(n)] for j in xrange(n)]
    for j in xrange(n):
        row = max(xrange(j, n), key=lambda i: abs(m[i][j]))
        if j != row:
            ID[j], ID[row] = ID[row], ID[j]
    return ID

First, isn't the line for ID simply the identity matrix? any advantage doing this?


Second, I can't really understand the line for row. I know lambda is used to define a function in the text, and it simply returns the value of M_ij once the value of i is supplied (and the value of j depends on the for loop), but what is i?


And isn't xrange similar to range? But what does it return here?


And when combined with the function max, what happens? I just don't know what are the things inside the max function that are being compared.


Sorry if this question sounds stupid. I'm pretty new to programming


2 个解决方案



First, isn't the line for ID simply the identity matrix?




Second, I can't really understand the line for row....


See this for a discussion about the max/key/lambda interaction. To answer "what is i?", its the argument to the lambda function, i could equivalently be x for foo. (For clarity, yielding abs(m[x][j]) and abs(m[foo][j]), respectively).


And isn't xrange similar to range?


Yes. In Python 2 xrange returns a sequence object that lazily computes the next value, only when needed. See this for more info. When looped through in entirety, range and xrange will produce the same results, with different implementations.

是的。在Python 2 xrange中,返回一个序列对象,该对象只在需要时延迟计算下一个值。更多信息见此。当整个循环时,range和xrange将产生相同的结果,并具有不同的实现。

But what does it return here?


Line 5's xrange(n) will return the integer values from 0 to (n-1) while Line 6's xrange(j, n) will return the integer values from j to (n-1).

第5行的xrange(n)将返回从0到(n-1)的整数值,而第6行的xrange(j, n)将返回从j到(n-1)的整数值。



More on lambda:


Consider how you might take a given sequence of numbers, and double each of them. First define a function that doubles a number x and returns that value. Then map that function to each element of a sequence.


# Traditional
def double(x): return x*2
print map(double, [1,2,3,4])         # [2, 4, 6, 8]

You could have alternatively used an anonymous (lambda) function to do the same thing:


# Lambda
print map(lambda i: i*2, [1,2,3,4])  # [2, 4, 6, 8]

Note that everything is the same, except the definition of the double function is gone and the reference to the function in the call to map is replaced by the "inline" lambda function.




And when combined with the function max, what happens?


This line row = max(xrange(j, n), key=lambda i: abs(m[i][j])) can be broken down as follows:

这一行= max(xrange(j, n), key= i: abs(m[i][j]))可细分如下:

  • xrange(j,n) generates a sequence of integers from j (inclusive) to n (exclusive).
  • xrange(j,n)生成一个从j(包括)到n(排除)的整数序列。
  • Each of those integers are then "passed" as arguments to the function in the key argument. In other words, they're each used as the i in the lambda function. The lambda function "returns" the absolute value of the ith row and jth column.[1]
  • 然后将这些整数中的每一个作为参数“传递”给键参数中的函数。换句话说,它们都被用作函数中的i。lambda函数“返回”第i行和第j列的绝对值[1]。
  • The max function then finds the greatest value of these "lambda outputs" and sets row equal to it.
  • max函数然后找到这些“lambda输出”的最大值,并将行设置为它。

This could have alternatively been written as a max of a list comprehension:


row = max( [abs(m[i][j]) for i in xrange(j,n)] )

Or as Dan D. points out in his comment, written as a generator expression (without creating an intermediary list) as simply:

或者像Dan D.在他的评论中指出的那样,作为一个生成器表达式(不创建一个中间列表)写成简单的:

row = max( abs(m[i][j]) for i in xrange(j,n) )



[1] Some assumptions here, but row-column is a standard way of expressing matrices.




xrange is an Python2 construct that's used for handling range memory efficient. Beforerange actually created a list, and then for loop would run through it. xrange however is a generator, that means it spits out 1 value at a time when it's asked to, without creating a full list.


ID is actually an identity matrix. You're right there. That's a neat trick that boolean can be converted to float of value 1.0.


Then the snippet runs through all the remaining rows and finds the maximum value of that row in the original matrix row = max(xrange(j, n), key=lambda i: abs(m[i][j])). Notice that there's a 2nd nice trick in there, max can take any iterable object to operate on, including generators. lambda keyword in that row indicates what's known as "anonymous function".

然后,代码片段遍历所有剩余的行,并在原始矩阵行= max(xrange(j, n), key= i: abs(m[i][j])中找到该行的最大值。注意,这里有第二个很好的技巧,max可以对任何可迭代的对象进行操作,包括生成器。该行中的lambda关键字指示所谓的“匿名函数”。

In more details: Anonymous functions are functions that are not bound to an identifier. Lambda function in your snippet takes in 1 value, i and returns an absolute value at matrix position m[i][j]. The values that get sent as the input for the function are provided by the generator xrange(j, n).

更详细地说:匿名函数是不绑定到标识符的函数。在你的代码片段中,Lambda函数接受一个值i并返回一个在矩阵位置m[i][j]处的绝对值。作为函数的输入发送的值由生成器xrange(j, n)提供。

max then takes the return values of the lambda function as the thing it actually compares. In example, in python3 it's not possible to compare 2 different types. I.e. comparing string > int produces: TypeError: unorderable types: str() > int(). However if we're sure that the list contains numbers, just in different format, you can do something like:

max取函数的返回值作为它实际比较的值。例如,在python3中不可能比较两种不同的类型。即比较字符串> int产生:TypeError:无序类型:str() > int()但是,如果我们确定列表包含数字,只是格式不同,您可以做以下事情:

>>> l = ["1", "2", 3, 4]
>>> max(l, key=lambda x: int(x))
>>> min(l, key=lambda x: int(x))
'1' #type 'str'

This just shows, that the actual compared values are the returns of your key function, but actual produced values are your original input values.


Once it found the rows maximum value, it "rotates", by substitution ID[j], ID[row] = ID[row], ID[j], all the other rows, in the identity matrix, around it so that only the maximum value remains on the diagonal.

一旦它找到了行最大值,它就会“旋转”,通过替换ID[j], ID[row] = ID[row], ID[j],所有其他的行,在单位矩阵中,围绕它旋转,使得只有最大值保持在对角线上。

This helps prevent division by a too small a number in the next step of LU decomposition.


What you get in return, isn't the original matrix, rotated, but a matrix of 1.0s and 0.0s that is your transformation matrix that multiplied by the original one will result in the pivoted matrix.


This seems a very nicely written function that saves memory and helps performance in python. Hopefully I did this right.




First, isn't the line for ID simply the identity matrix?




Second, I can't really understand the line for row....


See this for a discussion about the max/key/lambda interaction. To answer "what is i?", its the argument to the lambda function, i could equivalently be x for foo. (For clarity, yielding abs(m[x][j]) and abs(m[foo][j]), respectively).


And isn't xrange similar to range?


Yes. In Python 2 xrange returns a sequence object that lazily computes the next value, only when needed. See this for more info. When looped through in entirety, range and xrange will produce the same results, with different implementations.

是的。在Python 2 xrange中,返回一个序列对象,该对象只在需要时延迟计算下一个值。更多信息见此。当整个循环时,range和xrange将产生相同的结果,并具有不同的实现。

But what does it return here?


Line 5's xrange(n) will return the integer values from 0 to (n-1) while Line 6's xrange(j, n) will return the integer values from j to (n-1).

第5行的xrange(n)将返回从0到(n-1)的整数值,而第6行的xrange(j, n)将返回从j到(n-1)的整数值。



More on lambda:


Consider how you might take a given sequence of numbers, and double each of them. First define a function that doubles a number x and returns that value. Then map that function to each element of a sequence.


# Traditional
def double(x): return x*2
print map(double, [1,2,3,4])         # [2, 4, 6, 8]

You could have alternatively used an anonymous (lambda) function to do the same thing:


# Lambda
print map(lambda i: i*2, [1,2,3,4])  # [2, 4, 6, 8]

Note that everything is the same, except the definition of the double function is gone and the reference to the function in the call to map is replaced by the "inline" lambda function.




And when combined with the function max, what happens?


This line row = max(xrange(j, n), key=lambda i: abs(m[i][j])) can be broken down as follows:

这一行= max(xrange(j, n), key= i: abs(m[i][j]))可细分如下:

  • xrange(j,n) generates a sequence of integers from j (inclusive) to n (exclusive).
  • xrange(j,n)生成一个从j(包括)到n(排除)的整数序列。
  • Each of those integers are then "passed" as arguments to the function in the key argument. In other words, they're each used as the i in the lambda function. The lambda function "returns" the absolute value of the ith row and jth column.[1]
  • 然后将这些整数中的每一个作为参数“传递”给键参数中的函数。换句话说,它们都被用作函数中的i。lambda函数“返回”第i行和第j列的绝对值[1]。
  • The max function then finds the greatest value of these "lambda outputs" and sets row equal to it.
  • max函数然后找到这些“lambda输出”的最大值,并将行设置为它。

This could have alternatively been written as a max of a list comprehension:


row = max( [abs(m[i][j]) for i in xrange(j,n)] )

Or as Dan D. points out in his comment, written as a generator expression (without creating an intermediary list) as simply:

或者像Dan D.在他的评论中指出的那样,作为一个生成器表达式(不创建一个中间列表)写成简单的:

row = max( abs(m[i][j]) for i in xrange(j,n) )



[1] Some assumptions here, but row-column is a standard way of expressing matrices.




xrange is an Python2 construct that's used for handling range memory efficient. Beforerange actually created a list, and then for loop would run through it. xrange however is a generator, that means it spits out 1 value at a time when it's asked to, without creating a full list.


ID is actually an identity matrix. You're right there. That's a neat trick that boolean can be converted to float of value 1.0.


Then the snippet runs through all the remaining rows and finds the maximum value of that row in the original matrix row = max(xrange(j, n), key=lambda i: abs(m[i][j])). Notice that there's a 2nd nice trick in there, max can take any iterable object to operate on, including generators. lambda keyword in that row indicates what's known as "anonymous function".

然后,代码片段遍历所有剩余的行,并在原始矩阵行= max(xrange(j, n), key= i: abs(m[i][j])中找到该行的最大值。注意,这里有第二个很好的技巧,max可以对任何可迭代的对象进行操作,包括生成器。该行中的lambda关键字指示所谓的“匿名函数”。

In more details: Anonymous functions are functions that are not bound to an identifier. Lambda function in your snippet takes in 1 value, i and returns an absolute value at matrix position m[i][j]. The values that get sent as the input for the function are provided by the generator xrange(j, n).

更详细地说:匿名函数是不绑定到标识符的函数。在你的代码片段中,Lambda函数接受一个值i并返回一个在矩阵位置m[i][j]处的绝对值。作为函数的输入发送的值由生成器xrange(j, n)提供。

max then takes the return values of the lambda function as the thing it actually compares. In example, in python3 it's not possible to compare 2 different types. I.e. comparing string > int produces: TypeError: unorderable types: str() > int(). However if we're sure that the list contains numbers, just in different format, you can do something like:

max取函数的返回值作为它实际比较的值。例如,在python3中不可能比较两种不同的类型。即比较字符串> int产生:TypeError:无序类型:str() > int()但是,如果我们确定列表包含数字,只是格式不同,您可以做以下事情:

>>> l = ["1", "2", 3, 4]
>>> max(l, key=lambda x: int(x))
>>> min(l, key=lambda x: int(x))
'1' #type 'str'

This just shows, that the actual compared values are the returns of your key function, but actual produced values are your original input values.


Once it found the rows maximum value, it "rotates", by substitution ID[j], ID[row] = ID[row], ID[j], all the other rows, in the identity matrix, around it so that only the maximum value remains on the diagonal.

一旦它找到了行最大值,它就会“旋转”,通过替换ID[j], ID[row] = ID[row], ID[j],所有其他的行,在单位矩阵中,围绕它旋转,使得只有最大值保持在对角线上。

This helps prevent division by a too small a number in the next step of LU decomposition.


What you get in return, isn't the original matrix, rotated, but a matrix of 1.0s and 0.0s that is your transformation matrix that multiplied by the original one will result in the pivoted matrix.


This seems a very nicely written function that saves memory and helps performance in python. Hopefully I did this right.
