与Hibernate持久化相比,JPOX JDO和Castor JDO相比

时间:2022-03-28 17:37:12

Do these frameworks (JPOX JDO and Cater JDO) work off similar principles as Hibernate? Do they use configuration data plus a combination of reflection and generics? What are some of the major architectural differences?

这些框架(JPOX JDO和Cater JDO)的工作原理与Hibernate类似吗?他们使用配置数据加上反射和泛型的组合吗?有哪些主要的架构差异?

1 个解决方案


Castor JDO is not "JDO" (Java Data Objects). It still performs persistence but not to any "standard" so is misleading in naming and they know it. JPOX implements JDO and JPA standards for persistence. DataNucleus replaced JPOX some time ago and is the persistence solution adopted by Google AppEngine. DataNucleus allows JDO/JPA annotations/XML and support generics. Hibernate is an implementation of JPA

Castor JDO不是“JDO”(Java Data Objects)。它仍然执行持久性但不执行任何“标准”,因此在命名方面具有误导性并且他们知道它。 JPOX实现了持久性的JDO和JPA标准。 DataNucleus不久前取代了JPOX,是Google AppEngine采用的持久性解决方案。 DataNucleus允许JDO / JPA注释/ XML并支持泛型。 Hibernate是JPA的一个实现

--Andy (DataNucleus)


Castor JDO is not "JDO" (Java Data Objects). It still performs persistence but not to any "standard" so is misleading in naming and they know it. JPOX implements JDO and JPA standards for persistence. DataNucleus replaced JPOX some time ago and is the persistence solution adopted by Google AppEngine. DataNucleus allows JDO/JPA annotations/XML and support generics. Hibernate is an implementation of JPA

Castor JDO不是“JDO”(Java Data Objects)。它仍然执行持久性但不执行任何“标准”,因此在命名方面具有误导性并且他们知道它。 JPOX实现了持久性的JDO和JPA标准。 DataNucleus不久前取代了JPOX,是Google AppEngine采用的持久性解决方案。 DataNucleus允许JDO / JPA注释/ XML并支持泛型。 Hibernate是JPA的一个实现

--Andy (DataNucleus)