
时间:2022-07-21 16:54:49

I modified a driver in Linux kernel.
Then, how can I make it?
I used 'make modules',but the kernel made a lot of modules.
So can I make just one module in the kernel?
Thank you in advance.

我修改了Linux内核中的驱动程序。然后,我该怎么做呢?我使用'make modules',但是内核制作了很多模块。那么我可以在内核中只创建一个模块吗?先感谢您。

2 个解决方案


Run 'make modules' again. It should only recompile source code you have edited.

再次运行'make modules'。它应该只重新编译你编辑过的源代码。


make -C ../../../themis.kernel/ M=`pwd` nf_conntrack.ko

this command will only make nf_conntrack.ko. you can use this command to make your module



Run 'make modules' again. It should only recompile source code you have edited.

再次运行'make modules'。它应该只重新编译你编辑过的源代码。


make -C ../../../themis.kernel/ M=`pwd` nf_conntrack.ko

this command will only make nf_conntrack.ko. you can use this command to make your module
