I have some HTML content:
Nunc nulla tincidunt metus sed eros auctor sagittis. Sed malesuada, mi et ornare
molestie, urna dui
<a href="http://google.com/" title="condimentum nulla">condimentum nulla, ut luctus</a> nisl ipsum ut dui.
Praesent aliquam velit quis neque congue consectetur <b>nulla</b>.
Curabitur turpis risus, malesuada nec volutpat sit amet, auctor porta velit.
And i want to replace all "nulla" words to links, but only if "nulla" is not a part of another link url or other HTML parameter (title, alt). In above example script should only replace first and last "nulla" word, and others leave as is. I'm stuck with this regular expression, but it doesn't work how i want:
1 个解决方案
Final solution that works as it should:
$str = preg_replace('~\bnulla\b(?!(?>[^<]*(?:<(?!/?a\b)[^<]*)*)</a>)~iu', '<a href="novo-mega-link.php">$0</a>', $str);
Final solution that works as it should:
$str = preg_replace('~\bnulla\b(?!(?>[^<]*(?:<(?!/?a\b)[^<]*)*)</a>)~iu', '<a href="novo-mega-link.php">$0</a>', $str);