Use sed and awk to prettify json

时间:2022-05-11 16:47:47
$ cat prettify.sed 


$ cat prettify.awk 
BEGIN{  depth = 0;}
/\[/ {  
        sp = 0;
        while(sp++ < depth)
            printf("    "); 
        print $0;
        depth += 1;

/{/  { 
        sp = 0;
        while(sp++ < depth)
            printf("    "); 
        print $0;
        depth += 1;

/\]/ { 
        if (depth > 1) 
            depth -= 1;
        sp = 0;
        while(sp++ < depth)
            printf("    "); 
        print $0;

/}/  { 
        if (depth > 1) 
            depth -= 1;
        sp = 0;
        while(sp++ < depth)
            printf("    "); 
        print $0;

/".*":".*"/ {sp = 0;while(sp++ < depth)printf("    "); print $0;}


$ cat digitalstrategy.json | sed -f prettify.sed | awk -f prettify.awk | head -50
    "generated":"2014-08-07 06:38:36",
            "due":"90 Days",
                    "label":"Overall Status",
                            "label":"Not Started",
                            "label":"In Progress",
            "text":"Paragraph on customer engagement approach",
            "due":"90 days",
                    "label":"Paragraph on customer engagement approach",



$ cat prettify.awk 
BEGIN{  depth = 0;}
/\[/ {  
#        sp = 0;
#        while(sp++ < depth)
#            printf("    "); 
#        print $0;
        depth += 1;

/{/  { 
#        sp = 0;
#        while(sp++ < depth)
#            printf("    "); 
#        print $0;
        depth += 1;

/\]/ { 
        if (depth > 1) 
            depth -= 1;
#        sp = 0;
#        while(sp++ < depth)
#            printf("    "); 
#        print $0;

/}/  { 
        if (depth > 1) 
            depth -= 1;
#        sp = 0;
#        while(sp++ < depth)
#            printf("    "); 
#        print $0;

{sp = 0;while(sp++ < depth)printf("    "); print $0;}