ASP.NET MVC页面,其中包含多个用户控件实例,这些实例使用独立数据

时间:2022-06-19 16:48:28

First let me thank all of you for numerous useful posts I have read during my recent ASP.NET MVC development. My questions is as follows:

首先,我要感谢大家在我最近的ASP.NET MVC开发过程中阅读的许多有用的帖子。我的问题如下:

I have a ASP.NET MVC application with loosely coupled model, meaning I use a business layer assembly in a controller to access the data and return data to a view by setting Viewdata["MyData"] from the controller.

我有一个松散耦合模型的ASP.NET MVC应用程序,这意味着我在控制器中使用业务层程序集来访问数据并通过从控制器设置Viewdata [“MyData”]将数据返回到视图。

Now my question is how to set individual data of a user control which has multiple instances in a MVC page.


Eg. I have a text box inside userctl.ascx as:


<%= Html.TextBox("ApprovalDate", ViewData["ApprovalDate"],
                 new { @ReadOnly = "True" })%>

If i set ViewData["ApprovalDate"] to be something, how does it apply to individual control data?

如果我将ViewData [“ApprovalDate”]设置为某种东西,它如何应用于单个控制数据?

Appreciate your help.


1 个解决方案



In your case it would work if you set your user controls (partial views in MVC terminology) to be strongly typed.


Then you can initialize the model and pass it to each individual partial view without those values getting mixed up.


Of course, you need to pass to the view the data for all hosted controls in some form.




In your case it would work if you set your user controls (partial views in MVC terminology) to be strongly typed.


Then you can initialize the model and pass it to each individual partial view without those values getting mixed up.


Of course, you need to pass to the view the data for all hosted controls in some form.
