如何避免在asp.net mvc中缓存用户控件?

时间:2022-06-19 16:48:34

I add cache to my application, I have a page which contains several User Control, my problem is I just want to cache the data returned from Controller, but not want to cache all the page content. Since one of my user control is login control, if I cache all the result, then it will behave incorrectly.
my problem is :
1.Is it possible to just cache the data returned from controller ?
2.If a page is cached, can I force a control in the page to be uncached ?


2 个解决方案



I assume by caching you mean output caching (caching just the output html returned after processing the view result of controller). What you are looking for is called cache substitution or "donut caching". As far as I know it is not supported in ASP.NET MVC 1 & 2. In the rc of MVC 3 it is supported as you can read here - http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/11/09/announcing-the-asp-net-mvc-3-release-candidate.aspx.

我假设缓存指的是输出缓存(仅缓存处理了controller的视图结果后返回的输出html)。您需要的是缓存替换或“甜甜圈缓存”。据我所知,在ASP中不支持它。NET MVC 1和2。在MVC 3的rc中,它得到了支持,您可以在这里阅读——http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/11/09/announing-asp-net - MVC -3-release . candidate.aspx。



If you want to cache the data you could have the controller stuff it in session and issue it to the view from session when it needs to or get it fresh (and stuff it in session) when it needs to refresh the data.




I assume by caching you mean output caching (caching just the output html returned after processing the view result of controller). What you are looking for is called cache substitution or "donut caching". As far as I know it is not supported in ASP.NET MVC 1 & 2. In the rc of MVC 3 it is supported as you can read here - http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/11/09/announcing-the-asp-net-mvc-3-release-candidate.aspx.

我假设缓存指的是输出缓存(仅缓存处理了controller的视图结果后返回的输出html)。您需要的是缓存替换或“甜甜圈缓存”。据我所知,在ASP中不支持它。NET MVC 1和2。在MVC 3的rc中,它得到了支持,您可以在这里阅读——http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/11/09/announing-asp-net - MVC -3-release . candidate.aspx。



If you want to cache the data you could have the controller stuff it in session and issue it to the view from session when it needs to or get it fresh (and stuff it in session) when it needs to refresh the data.
