Ubuntu - 使用file_put_contents的正确权限

时间:2021-06-12 16:47:32

In my PHP application I am using file_put_contents() to create a file to display comprising of a blob retrieved from a table in my database. However, currently, in order to get the function to work on my Amazon EC2 Ubuntu instance, I had to give the folder it's writing to 777 permissions. However, I know this is extremely bad and I want to change this, but I don't know what to.

在我的PHP应用程序中,我使用file_put_contents()来创建要显示的文件,其中包含从数据库中的表中检索的blob。但是,目前,为了让函数在我的Amazon EC2 Ubuntu实例上运行,我必须给它写入777权限的文件夹。但是,我知道这非常糟糕,我想改变这一点,但我不知道该怎么做。

I'm a novice at Linux and I'm currently navigating around my instance through the help of Google. This is part of a university assignment, so I can't just hire a Linux expert (just in case one of you says I shouldn't be using such an instance if I don't know Linux!)


1 个解决方案



Assuming that you are using this from a browser with normal http requests, you need to find out what the user is that is running the web-server. Probably something like apache, www-user or something similar.


Then you can do 2 things:


  • Change the ownership of the directory where you want to save the file to the web-server user and then it can have permissions 755
  • 将要保存文件的目录的所有权更改为Web服务器用户,然后它可以具有权限755
  • Change the group of the directory to the group of the web-server and then the directory needs 775.
  • 将目录组更改为Web服务器组,然后目录需要775。



Assuming that you are using this from a browser with normal http requests, you need to find out what the user is that is running the web-server. Probably something like apache, www-user or something similar.


Then you can do 2 things:


  • Change the ownership of the directory where you want to save the file to the web-server user and then it can have permissions 755
  • 将要保存文件的目录的所有权更改为Web服务器用户,然后它可以具有权限755
  • Change the group of the directory to the group of the web-server and then the directory needs 775.
  • 将目录组更改为Web服务器组,然后目录需要775。