The centripetal Catmull–Rom is a subclass of cubic Hermite spline that extends the Catmull–Rom implementation by allowing each of the four control points to be associated with an arbitrary time interval in the computation of a value on the curve. This modifies the behavior of the curve. The curve is an interpolation, and will intersect with all but the first and last control points. If the time intervals are uniform, the result will be the same as that of the original Catmull–Rom spline curve. The chordal curve uses the two dimensional Euclidean distance between control points to provide the time elements, while the centripetal curve uses the square root of the Euclidean distance. The principal reason for using the centripetal version is that it has been shown to be free of cusps and self-intersections.
void YcCatmullRomSpline::BuildWeights()
ClearWeights(); for (Yuint i = ; i < ; i++)
m_splineWeights[i] = (Yreal*)malloc((m_subD)*sizeof(Yreal));
m_tangentWeights[i] = (Yreal*)malloc((m_subD)*sizeof(Yreal));
} Yreal u, u_2, u_3;
for (Yuint i = ; i < m_subD; i++)
u = (float)i / m_subD;
u_2 = u * u;
u_3 = u_2 * u; // 参见"游戏编程精粹1"P333
m_splineWeights[][i] = (-1.0f*u_3 + 2.0f*u_2 - 1.0f*u + 0.0f)*0.5f;
m_splineWeights[][i] = ( 3.0f*u_3 - 5.0f*u_2 + 0.0f*u + 2.0f)*0.5f;
m_splineWeights[][i] = (-3.0f*u_3 + 4.0f*u_2 + 1.0f*u + 0.0f)*0.5f;
m_splineWeights[][i] = ( 1.0f*u_3 - 1.0f*u_2 + 0.0f*u + 0.0f)*0.5f; m_tangentWeights[][i] = (-3.0f*u_2 + 4.0f*u - 1.0f)*0.5f;
m_tangentWeights[][i] = ( 9.0f*u_2 - 10.0f*u + 0.0f)*0.5f;
m_tangentWeights[][i] = (-9.0f*u_2 + 8.0f*u + 1.0f)*0.5f;
m_tangentWeights[][i] = ( 3.0f*u_2 - 2.0f*u + 0.0f)*0.5f;