
时间:2021-03-02 16:01:08

I have a function like the following one, which generates various variables with similar names. While inside this function, I want to get all of the variables into a list. I know this example doesn't seem very efficient, as I could use lists from the first place, but in my function it is necessary I do this.


test_function <- function(x) {
    myenv <- new.env()
    myenv$hello1 = "hello1string"
    myenv$hello2 = "hello2string"
    myenv$cello2 = "hello2string"
    mylist <- lapply(ls(name = myenv, pattern = "hello"), get)

How do I get all of the variables starting with "hello" into a list without it giving the error: Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : object 'hello1' not found when running test_function(). This even happens when putting the variables into a shared environment.


I would like the final mylist to be of class list, not character.




1 个解决方案



You can create an environment and then create variables inside it. Then using ls() function with the environment name and the correct pattern, you can see the list of variables in the environment that matches the given pattern.


test_function <- function(x) {
  myenv <- new.env()
  myenv$hello1 = "hello1"
  myenv$hello2 = "hello2"
  myenv$cello2 = "hello2"
  mylist <- ls(name = myenv, pattern = "hello")
# [1] "hello1" "hello2"

You can use mget to extract values for a list of variables inside an environment.


test_function <- function(x, y, z, pattern) {
  myenv <- new.env()
  ls_vars <- list( hello1 = x,
                   hello2 = y,
                   cello2 = z)
  list2env( ls_vars, myenv )   # add list of variables to myenv environment
  newvar <- "hello3"
  assign(newvar, value = "dfsfsf", envir = myenv)  # assign new variable
  mylist <- ls(name = myenv, pattern = pattern)
  return(mget(mylist, envir = myenv))
test_function(x = "hello1", y = "hello2", z = "sdfsd", pattern = "hello")
# $hello1
# [1] "hello1"
# $hello2
# [1] "hello2"
# $hello3
# [1] "dfsfsf"

test_function(x = "hello1", y = "hello2", z = "sdfsd", pattern = "cello")
# $cello2
# [1] "sdfsd"



You can create an environment and then create variables inside it. Then using ls() function with the environment name and the correct pattern, you can see the list of variables in the environment that matches the given pattern.


test_function <- function(x) {
  myenv <- new.env()
  myenv$hello1 = "hello1"
  myenv$hello2 = "hello2"
  myenv$cello2 = "hello2"
  mylist <- ls(name = myenv, pattern = "hello")
# [1] "hello1" "hello2"

You can use mget to extract values for a list of variables inside an environment.


test_function <- function(x, y, z, pattern) {
  myenv <- new.env()
  ls_vars <- list( hello1 = x,
                   hello2 = y,
                   cello2 = z)
  list2env( ls_vars, myenv )   # add list of variables to myenv environment
  newvar <- "hello3"
  assign(newvar, value = "dfsfsf", envir = myenv)  # assign new variable
  mylist <- ls(name = myenv, pattern = pattern)
  return(mget(mylist, envir = myenv))
test_function(x = "hello1", y = "hello2", z = "sdfsd", pattern = "hello")
# $hello1
# [1] "hello1"
# $hello2
# [1] "hello2"
# $hello3
# [1] "dfsfsf"

test_function(x = "hello1", y = "hello2", z = "sdfsd", pattern = "cello")
# $cello2
# [1] "sdfsd"