I have a server (made with Express in Node.js) that gets notifications of RSS feeds, gets data from their entries (title, date, link) and then "does something" with the data by calling a function defined in another JS file ("article_filter_toDB.js"). The code on the server-side is:
我有一个服务器(用Node.js中的Express制作),它获取RSS提要的通知,从他们的条目(标题,日期,链接)获取数据,然后通过调用另一个JS文件中定义的函数对数据做“做某事” ( “article_filter_toDB.js”)。服务器端的代码是:
// parts omitted
var article_filter_toDB = require('./article_filter_toDB.js');
// parts omitted
client.on('notification', function (notification) {
// gets notifications of RSS feeds
entries = notification.entries;
for (index = 0; index < entries.length; ++index) {
title = entries[index].title;
date = entries[index].published;
link = entries[index].link.href;
// gets data from the entry of the feed
miniwords = 1000;
// a variable that I set
article_filter_toDB(link, title, miniwords);
// "does something" by calling a function defined in another JS file ("article_filter_toDB.js")
// parts omitted
What the function "article_filter_toDB" does is to get the content of the article given by the link from the RSS feed (using Request), parsing HTML code to count the words of the article, and, if this length is above "miniwords" (here 1000), save the data relative to the article (title, link, date...) to a database (MongoDB, via Mongoose).
Sometimes it works well. But sometimes it computes a length equal to 1 (that is, it was unable to really count the words) although, if I run the function "article_filter_toDB" separately (that is, the separate JS file, applied to same "link", "title", "miniwords" that I copy to it), it is able to correctly count the words.
Do you know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
To be more complete, here is the code of the "article_filter_toDB.js" file:
// parts omitted
article_filter_toDB = function (link, title, miniwords) {
title: title
}, 'title', function (err, articles) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
if (articles == null) {
// ...if an article with this title is not already present in my database...
// parts omitted here, that set the variable "balise" depending on the link
request(link, function (err, resp, body) {
$ = cheerio.load(body);
texte = $(balise).text();
content = texte.split(" ");
length = content.length;
// ...let's count its words with Request and Cheerio...
if ((length > miniwords)) {
var newArticle = new Article({
site: url.parse(link).hostname.replace(/^www\./, ''),
date: date,
link: link,
title: title,
length: length,
newArticle.save(function (err, newArticle) {
if (err) return console.error(err)
// if the article's length is more than the number given by "miniwords", let's save its data in my database
module.exports = article_filter_toDB;
// exportation of the function to use it elsewhere
1 个解决方案
This how you call functions from another file properly in node.js
// otherfile.js
// ========
module.exports = {
article_filter_toDB: function (link, title, miniwords) {
// do stuff here
Then on your code:
var otherfile = require('./otherfile');
otherfile.article_filter_toDB(link, title, miniwords);
This how you call functions from another file properly in node.js
// otherfile.js
// ========
module.exports = {
article_filter_toDB: function (link, title, miniwords) {
// do stuff here
Then on your code:
var otherfile = require('./otherfile');
otherfile.article_filter_toDB(link, title, miniwords);