or something else to queue up the rest of my function? and use callbacks or does node handle that automatically?
I imagine that I would need to start my code and if there are other things that need to occur I should be giving up my functions control to give other events control. Is this the case? Or can i be stingy and node will cut off my function when I have used enough time?
2 个解决方案
If your long-running function does a lot of I/O just make sure that you do this in a non-blocking way. This is how node.js achieves concurrency even though it only has a single thread: As soon as any task needs to wait for something, another task gets the CPU.
如果您的长时间运行功能确实执行了很多I / O,请确保以非阻塞方式执行此操作。这就是node.js实现并发的方式,即使它只有一个线程:只要任何任务需要等待某事,另一个任务就会获得CPU。
If your long-running function needs uninterrupted CPU time (or the I/O cannot be made asynchronously) , then you probably need to fork out a separate process, because otherwise every one else will have to wait until you are done.
如果长时间运行的函数需要不间断的CPU时间(或者不能异步进行I / O),那么您可能需要分出一个单独的进程,否则每个人都必须等到完成后再进行。
Or can i be stingy and node will cut off my function when I have used enough time?
No. This is totally cooperative multi-tasking. Node cannot preempt you.
You should put your long running function or the code which takes long to execute into separate process because it can, for example, block other incoming requests while this code/function is executing. From node.js website:
But what about multiple-processor concurrency? Aren't threads necessary to scale programs to multi-core computers? You can start new processes via child_process.fork() these other processes will be scheduled in parallel.
I would suggest to watch these articles/presentations in order to get a bigger picture on this topic:
- Understanding the node.js event loop
- Understanding event loops and writing great code for Node.js
- YUI Theater — Tom Hughes-Croucher: “How to Stop Writing Spaghetti Code” (45 min.)
YUI剧院 - Tom Hughes-Croucher:“如何停止写意大利面条代码”(45分钟)
If your long-running function does a lot of I/O just make sure that you do this in a non-blocking way. This is how node.js achieves concurrency even though it only has a single thread: As soon as any task needs to wait for something, another task gets the CPU.
如果您的长时间运行功能确实执行了很多I / O,请确保以非阻塞方式执行此操作。这就是node.js实现并发的方式,即使它只有一个线程:只要任何任务需要等待某事,另一个任务就会获得CPU。
If your long-running function needs uninterrupted CPU time (or the I/O cannot be made asynchronously) , then you probably need to fork out a separate process, because otherwise every one else will have to wait until you are done.
如果长时间运行的函数需要不间断的CPU时间(或者不能异步进行I / O),那么您可能需要分出一个单独的进程,否则每个人都必须等到完成后再进行。
Or can i be stingy and node will cut off my function when I have used enough time?
No. This is totally cooperative multi-tasking. Node cannot preempt you.
You should put your long running function or the code which takes long to execute into separate process because it can, for example, block other incoming requests while this code/function is executing. From node.js website:
But what about multiple-processor concurrency? Aren't threads necessary to scale programs to multi-core computers? You can start new processes via child_process.fork() these other processes will be scheduled in parallel.
I would suggest to watch these articles/presentations in order to get a bigger picture on this topic:
- Understanding the node.js event loop
- Understanding event loops and writing great code for Node.js
- YUI Theater — Tom Hughes-Croucher: “How to Stop Writing Spaghetti Code” (45 min.)
YUI剧院 - Tom Hughes-Croucher:“如何停止写意大利面条代码”(45分钟)