
时间:2020-11-27 16:00:49

Tried Googling, but couldn't find anything.
I have a few files and folders in my current MATLAB folder.
One of those folders is called 'Map' and it has a 'map1.m' file which I want to call from my code in the current MATLAB folder.
In my code, I can't call it like this:



but I can do so like this:


cd Map;map1;cd ..;

Somehow the above method seems incorrect. Is there a more elegant way to do it?


3 个解决方案


You can run the file without adding the folder to your path manually, using the run command, which is specifically for such cases. From the documentation:


run is a convenience function that runs scripts that are not currently on the path.


You call your function/script as


run /Map/map1 

If you want to run the function/script by merely entering its name and not with the full (or relative) path, then you should add the folder to your path.


As noted by @mutzmatron, you cannot use run to call functions with input/output arguments. So, unless if it's a script/function without input/output arguments, using run will not work and you'll have to add the folder to your path.



Just as a matter of good coding practice, and to work in cases where your function has inputs/outputs, adding/removing the folder from your path is the correct way to go. So for your case,


addpath /Map...map1;...rmpath /Map

The important thing is that your function call is sandwiched between the addpath and rmpath commands. If you have functions of the same name in both folders, then you should sandwich it tighter i.e., a line before and a line after, so as to avoid conflicts.



Just add all those directories to the Matlab path with addpath like gnovice suggests. Then you'll be able to call the functions normally, and they'll be visible to which(), help(), depfun(), and the other Matlab meta-programming commands. You can put the addpath() calls in your startup.m file to have them automatically appear each time you start Matlab.


Changing the path with addpath/map1()/rmpath each time has some drawbacks.

每次使用addpath / map1()/ rmpath更改路径都有一些缺点。

  • It's a performance hit because you're adding path manipulation to each call.
  • 这是一个性能损失,因为您正在为每个调用添加路径操作。

  • Functions in different directories won't be able to see each other.
  • 不同目录中的函数将无法相互查看。

  • It'll be harder to write and debug functions because the path context in which they execute will change dynamically, and won't be the same as what you see when you're in the editor and the base workspace.
  • 编写和调试函数会更难,因为它们执行的路径上下文将动态更改,并且与您在编辑器和基础工作区中看到的内容不同。

  • You need additional error handling code to make sure the path is properly restored if the called function errors out.
  • 您需要其他错误处理代码,以确保在被调用函数出错时正确恢复路径。

  • This won't work with the Matlab Compiler, if you want to deploy this code at some point.
  • 如果您想在某个时候部署此代码,则无法使用Matlab编译器。

And using run() or cd() yourself is ugly, because relative paths are going to have problems.


If you really want to separate the functions in the subdirectories so they can't "see" each other, you can make those directories namespaces by putting a "+" in front of their names, and then qualify the function calls with the namespace, like Map.map1().



Just to contribute to the path-altering debate...


One way to make it a bit "safer" is to write


% start of my code: create function handles % to the functions I need:try   cd Map   map1_func = @map1;catch mexceptionendcd ..

This tries to preserve the current directory, and you get a handle to the function in a different directory.


Only thing is, this method won't work if map1 relies upon other functions in the Map directory.



You can run the file without adding the folder to your path manually, using the run command, which is specifically for such cases. From the documentation:


run is a convenience function that runs scripts that are not currently on the path.


You call your function/script as


run /Map/map1 

If you want to run the function/script by merely entering its name and not with the full (or relative) path, then you should add the folder to your path.


As noted by @mutzmatron, you cannot use run to call functions with input/output arguments. So, unless if it's a script/function without input/output arguments, using run will not work and you'll have to add the folder to your path.



Just as a matter of good coding practice, and to work in cases where your function has inputs/outputs, adding/removing the folder from your path is the correct way to go. So for your case,


addpath /Map...map1;...rmpath /Map

The important thing is that your function call is sandwiched between the addpath and rmpath commands. If you have functions of the same name in both folders, then you should sandwich it tighter i.e., a line before and a line after, so as to avoid conflicts.



Just add all those directories to the Matlab path with addpath like gnovice suggests. Then you'll be able to call the functions normally, and they'll be visible to which(), help(), depfun(), and the other Matlab meta-programming commands. You can put the addpath() calls in your startup.m file to have them automatically appear each time you start Matlab.


Changing the path with addpath/map1()/rmpath each time has some drawbacks.

每次使用addpath / map1()/ rmpath更改路径都有一些缺点。

  • It's a performance hit because you're adding path manipulation to each call.
  • 这是一个性能损失,因为您正在为每个调用添加路径操作。

  • Functions in different directories won't be able to see each other.
  • 不同目录中的函数将无法相互查看。

  • It'll be harder to write and debug functions because the path context in which they execute will change dynamically, and won't be the same as what you see when you're in the editor and the base workspace.
  • 编写和调试函数会更难,因为它们执行的路径上下文将动态更改,并且与您在编辑器和基础工作区中看到的内容不同。

  • You need additional error handling code to make sure the path is properly restored if the called function errors out.
  • 您需要其他错误处理代码,以确保在被调用函数出错时正确恢复路径。

  • This won't work with the Matlab Compiler, if you want to deploy this code at some point.
  • 如果您想在某个时候部署此代码,则无法使用Matlab编译器。

And using run() or cd() yourself is ugly, because relative paths are going to have problems.


If you really want to separate the functions in the subdirectories so they can't "see" each other, you can make those directories namespaces by putting a "+" in front of their names, and then qualify the function calls with the namespace, like Map.map1().



Just to contribute to the path-altering debate...


One way to make it a bit "safer" is to write


% start of my code: create function handles % to the functions I need:try   cd Map   map1_func = @map1;catch mexceptionendcd ..

This tries to preserve the current directory, and you get a handle to the function in a different directory.


Only thing is, this method won't work if map1 relies upon other functions in the Map directory.
