Java命令行错误(linux) - 找不到或加载主类

时间:2021-10-21 15:57:59

So I know that this a familar and well-known issue that happens a lot.


Most of the time the issue is that the user did not specificy the package if the class is in package. However I made sure that my case is different.


I tried the following


1- I made sure that the all the java files of the project are in the same folder (4 java files one with main class)


2- I made sure that non of the classes are in any packages


Then I tried to run the program as following (It is a storm hello-world example in case you are familiar with it)


1- Compile using the following command (The jar is needed for storm)


javac -classpath ~/Public/apache-storm-0.9.4/lib/storm-core-0.9.4.jar *.java

2- Run Main class using the following command (The jar is also needed here otherwise I'll get another error)


java -cp ~/Public/apache-storm-0.9.4/lib/storm-core-0.9.4.jar HelloStorm

What I get is the error below


Error: Could not find or load main class HelloStorm

I double checked that HelloStorm is the name of the main class (with no spelling mistakes)


I am not familiar with running framework from command line .. so I might have missed something, however searching similar problem, reading oracle documentation and trying different approaches did not help unfortunately


What would you be your suggestions?


Thanks in advace


3 个解决方案


please check that if you have correctly written the main method like this


public class HelloStorm {

    public static void main(String[] args) {




While you want to execute a java program from command line given the following assumptions:


  1. class name is HelloStorm
  2. 类名是HelloStorm

  3. package is com.a.b
  4. 包是com.a.b.

  5. the directory in which the compiled class file is present is ~/Public/classes/com/a/b
  6. 编译的类文件所在的目录是〜/ Public / classes / com / a / b

To execute the program, you will have to be ~/Public/classes directory and execute the following command:

要执行该程序,您必须是〜/ Public / classes目录并执行以下命令:

 java -cp ~/Public/apache-storm-0.9.4/lib/storm-core-0.9.4.jar com.a.b.HelloStorm


You compile to classes to your current location but you don't use it when you run program. Add it and it will run fine


java -cp .:~/Public/apache-storm-0.9.4/lib/storm-core-0.9.4.jar HelloStorm

If you are on Windows then class separator is semicolon. For Unix it is colon.



please check that if you have correctly written the main method like this


public class HelloStorm {

    public static void main(String[] args) {




While you want to execute a java program from command line given the following assumptions:


  1. class name is HelloStorm
  2. 类名是HelloStorm

  3. package is com.a.b
  4. 包是com.a.b.

  5. the directory in which the compiled class file is present is ~/Public/classes/com/a/b
  6. 编译的类文件所在的目录是〜/ Public / classes / com / a / b

To execute the program, you will have to be ~/Public/classes directory and execute the following command:

要执行该程序,您必须是〜/ Public / classes目录并执行以下命令:

 java -cp ~/Public/apache-storm-0.9.4/lib/storm-core-0.9.4.jar com.a.b.HelloStorm


You compile to classes to your current location but you don't use it when you run program. Add it and it will run fine


java -cp .:~/Public/apache-storm-0.9.4/lib/storm-core-0.9.4.jar HelloStorm

If you are on Windows then class separator is semicolon. For Unix it is colon.
