Excel VBA在数组中存储函数或子例程

时间:2021-09-25 15:39:54

In C/C++, when I have a bunch of functions (pointers), I can store them in an array or a vector and call some of them together in a certain order. Can something similar be done in VBA?

在C/ c++中,当我有一堆函数(指针)时,我可以将它们存储在数组或向量中,并按一定的顺序调用它们中的一些。在VBA中可以做类似的事情吗?



1 个解决方案



Yes, but I don't recommend it. VBA isn't really built for it. You've tagged this question with Excel, so I will describe how it is done for that Office Product. The general concept applies to most of the Office Suite, but each different product has a different syntax for the Application.Run method.


First, it's important to understand the two different methods of dynamically calling a procedure (sub/function) and when to use each.



Application.Run will either run a subroutine or call a function that is stored in a standard *.bas module.


The first parameter is the name of the procedure (passed in as a string). After that, you can pass up to 30 arguments. (If your procedure requires more than that, refactor for the love of code.)


There are two other important things to note about Application.Run.


  1. You cannot use named arguments. Args must be passed by position.
  2. 不能使用命名参数。Args必须通过位置。
  3. Objects passed as arguments are converted to values. This means you could experience unexpected issues if you try to run a procedure that requires objects that have default properties as arguments.


    Public Sub Test1()
        Application.Run "VBAProject.Module1.SomeFunction"
    End Sub

The takeaway:

Use Application.Run when you're working with a standard module.



CallByName executes a method of an object, or sets/gets a property of an object.


It takes in the instance of the object you want to call the method on as an argument, as well as the method name (again as a string).


Public Sub Test2()
    Dim anObj As SomeObject
    Dim result As Boolean

    result = CallByName(anObj, "IsValid")
End Sub

The takeaway:

Use CallByName when you want to call a method of a class.


No pointers.

As you can see, neither of these methods use actual pointers (at least not externally). They take in strings that they then use to find the pointer to the procedure that you want to execute. So, you'll need to know the exact name of the procedure you want to execute. You'll also need to know which method you need to use. CallByName having the extra burden of requiring an instance of the object you want to invoke. Either way, you can stores these names as strings inside of an array or collection. (Heck, even a dictionary could make sense.)


So, you can either hard code these as strings, or attempt to extract the appropriate procedure names at runtime. In order to extract the procedure names, you'll need to interface with the VBIDE itself via the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility library. Explaining all of that here would require far too much code and effort, but I can point you to some good resources.

因此,您可以将它们硬编码为字符串,或者尝试在运行时提取适当的过程名称。为了提取过程名称,您需要通过Microsoft Visual Basic与VBIDE本身进行接口,以实现应用程序可扩展性库。在这里解释所有这些将需要太多的代码和精力,但是我可以为您指出一些好的资源。

Articles & SE Questions:


  1. Chip Pearson's Programming The VBA Editor
  2. Chip Pearson的VBA编辑器编程
  3. Extending the VBA Extensibility Library
  4. 扩展VBA扩展库
  5. Ugly workaround to get the vbext_ProcKind is breaking encapsulation
  6. 要获得vbext_ProcKind,最糟糕的解决方案是破坏封装
  7. Automagic testing framework for VBA
  8. VBA的自动测试框架
  9. How to get the procedure or function name at runtime
  10. 如何在运行时获得过程或函数名?
  11. Import Lines of Code
  12. 导入的代码行
  13. Meta Programming in VBA: The VBIDE and Why Documentation is Important
  14. VBA中的元编程:vbe和文档为什么重要

The code from some of my Qs & As:

我的一些q & As代码:

  1. vbeCodeModule
  2. vbeCodeModule
  3. vbeProcedure
  4. vbeProcedure
  5. vbeProcedures
  6. vbeProcedures



Yes, but I don't recommend it. VBA isn't really built for it. You've tagged this question with Excel, so I will describe how it is done for that Office Product. The general concept applies to most of the Office Suite, but each different product has a different syntax for the Application.Run method.


First, it's important to understand the two different methods of dynamically calling a procedure (sub/function) and when to use each.



Application.Run will either run a subroutine or call a function that is stored in a standard *.bas module.


The first parameter is the name of the procedure (passed in as a string). After that, you can pass up to 30 arguments. (If your procedure requires more than that, refactor for the love of code.)


There are two other important things to note about Application.Run.


  1. You cannot use named arguments. Args must be passed by position.
  2. 不能使用命名参数。Args必须通过位置。
  3. Objects passed as arguments are converted to values. This means you could experience unexpected issues if you try to run a procedure that requires objects that have default properties as arguments.


    Public Sub Test1()
        Application.Run "VBAProject.Module1.SomeFunction"
    End Sub

The takeaway:

Use Application.Run when you're working with a standard module.



CallByName executes a method of an object, or sets/gets a property of an object.


It takes in the instance of the object you want to call the method on as an argument, as well as the method name (again as a string).


Public Sub Test2()
    Dim anObj As SomeObject
    Dim result As Boolean

    result = CallByName(anObj, "IsValid")
End Sub

The takeaway:

Use CallByName when you want to call a method of a class.


No pointers.

As you can see, neither of these methods use actual pointers (at least not externally). They take in strings that they then use to find the pointer to the procedure that you want to execute. So, you'll need to know the exact name of the procedure you want to execute. You'll also need to know which method you need to use. CallByName having the extra burden of requiring an instance of the object you want to invoke. Either way, you can stores these names as strings inside of an array or collection. (Heck, even a dictionary could make sense.)


So, you can either hard code these as strings, or attempt to extract the appropriate procedure names at runtime. In order to extract the procedure names, you'll need to interface with the VBIDE itself via the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility library. Explaining all of that here would require far too much code and effort, but I can point you to some good resources.

因此,您可以将它们硬编码为字符串,或者尝试在运行时提取适当的过程名称。为了提取过程名称,您需要通过Microsoft Visual Basic与VBIDE本身进行接口,以实现应用程序可扩展性库。在这里解释所有这些将需要太多的代码和精力,但是我可以为您指出一些好的资源。

Articles & SE Questions:


  1. Chip Pearson's Programming The VBA Editor
  2. Chip Pearson的VBA编辑器编程
  3. Extending the VBA Extensibility Library
  4. 扩展VBA扩展库
  5. Ugly workaround to get the vbext_ProcKind is breaking encapsulation
  6. 要获得vbext_ProcKind,最糟糕的解决方案是破坏封装
  7. Automagic testing framework for VBA
  8. VBA的自动测试框架
  9. How to get the procedure or function name at runtime
  10. 如何在运行时获得过程或函数名?
  11. Import Lines of Code
  12. 导入的代码行
  13. Meta Programming in VBA: The VBIDE and Why Documentation is Important
  14. VBA中的元编程:vbe和文档为什么重要

The code from some of my Qs & As:

我的一些q & As代码:

  1. vbeCodeModule
  2. vbeCodeModule
  3. vbeProcedure
  4. vbeProcedure
  5. vbeProcedures
  6. vbeProcedures