
时间:2021-08-10 15:12:15

With this function:


mov    1069833(%rip),%rax        # 0x2b5c1bf9ef90 <_fini+3250648>
add    %fs:0x0,%rax

How do I interpret the second instruction and find out what was added to RAX?


2 个解决方案



This code:


mov    1069833(%rip),%rax        # 0x2b5c1bf9ef90 <_fini+3250648>
add    %fs:0x0,%rax

is returning the address of a thread-local variable. %fs:0x0 is the address of the TCB (Thread Control Block), and 1069833(%rip) is the offset from there to the variable, which is known since the variable resides either in the program or on some dynamic library loaded at program's load time (libraries loaded at runtime via dlopen() need some different code).

返回一个线程局部变量的地址。 %fs:0x0是TCB(线程控制块)的地址,1069833(%rip)是从那里到变量的偏移量,这是已知的,因为变量驻留在程序中或程序中加载的某个动态库上加载时间(通过dlopen()在运行时加载的库需要一些不同的代码)。

This is explained in great detail in Ulrich Drepper's TLS document, specially §4.3 and §4.3.6.

这在Ulrich Drepper的TLS文档中有详细解释,特别是§4.3和§4.3.6。



I'm not sure they've been called segment register since the bad old days of segmented architecture. I believe the proper term is a selector (but I could be wrong).


However, I think you just need at the first quadword (64 bits) in the fs area.


The %fs:0x0 bit means the contents of the memory at fs:0. Since you've used the generic add (rather than addl for example), I think it will take the data width from the target %rax.


In terms of getting the actual value, it depends on whether you're in legacy or long mode.


In legacy mode, you'll have to get the fs value and look it up in the GDT (or possibly LDT) in order to get the base address.


In long mode, you'll need to look at the relevant model specific registers. If you're at this point, you've moved beyond my level of expertise unfortunately.




This code:


mov    1069833(%rip),%rax        # 0x2b5c1bf9ef90 <_fini+3250648>
add    %fs:0x0,%rax

is returning the address of a thread-local variable. %fs:0x0 is the address of the TCB (Thread Control Block), and 1069833(%rip) is the offset from there to the variable, which is known since the variable resides either in the program or on some dynamic library loaded at program's load time (libraries loaded at runtime via dlopen() need some different code).

返回一个线程局部变量的地址。 %fs:0x0是TCB(线程控制块)的地址,1069833(%rip)是从那里到变量的偏移量,这是已知的,因为变量驻留在程序中或程序中加载的某个动态库上加载时间(通过dlopen()在运行时加载的库需要一些不同的代码)。

This is explained in great detail in Ulrich Drepper's TLS document, specially §4.3 and §4.3.6.

这在Ulrich Drepper的TLS文档中有详细解释,特别是§4.3和§4.3.6。



I'm not sure they've been called segment register since the bad old days of segmented architecture. I believe the proper term is a selector (but I could be wrong).


However, I think you just need at the first quadword (64 bits) in the fs area.


The %fs:0x0 bit means the contents of the memory at fs:0. Since you've used the generic add (rather than addl for example), I think it will take the data width from the target %rax.


In terms of getting the actual value, it depends on whether you're in legacy or long mode.


In legacy mode, you'll have to get the fs value and look it up in the GDT (or possibly LDT) in order to get the base address.


In long mode, you'll need to look at the relevant model specific registers. If you're at this point, you've moved beyond my level of expertise unfortunately.
