如何将值从node / express app传递给AngularJS控制器

时间:2021-07-10 15:12:36

I'm developing an app based on mean.js boiler plate.


In one of my Angular controllers, I need to "know" whether the app is running in dev, test, or prod.


When the hosting Node app starts, this is indicated via the NODE_ENV environment variable, so Node knows where its running.


How do I pass this knowledge onto the Angular part of the app?


2 个解决方案



If you have this knowledge on your backend, why not make an endpoint you can call in an AngularJS run method. While I do not know the details of your backend implementation, surely you can return a variable which represents this information. You can simply craft something like the following...


app.run(['$rootScope', '$http', function ($rootScope, $http) {
    $http.get('/yourEndoint').success(function(response) {
        $rootScope.whereAmI = response.whereAmI;

Where wereAmI is some value you return from your backend and return to this call. If you place it on $rootScope, all other $scope's will inherit this value so you'll have knoweldege of "where you're at" app wide.

其中areAmI是你从后端返回的一些值并返回此调用。如果你把它放在$ rootScope上,那么所有其他$ scope都将继承这个值,这样你就可以知道“你在哪里”app app。

For more info on the run function, check out the AngularJS module docs


Run blocks are the closest thing in Angular to the main method. A run block is the code which needs to run to kickstart the application. It is executed after all of the services have been configured and the injector has been created. Run blocks typically contain code which is hard to unit-test, and for this reason should be declared in isolated modules, so that they can be ignored in the unit-tests.




In my case, I use gulp/grunt build task to select the requested config.js file (ie. production.config.js). Then you can use something like npm args to set an --env=production or --env=development variable when running your build task, which then is used by the gulp/grunt task to grab the requested config file.

在我的例子中,我使用gulp / grunt构建任务来选择所请求的config.js文件(即.production.config.js)。然后,您可以使用npm args之类的东西在运行构建任务时设置--env = production或--env =开发变量,然后gulp / grunt任务使用它来获取请求的配置文件。

Then your actual config file will just be an angular.constant(...) component with settings to use for your app.




If you have this knowledge on your backend, why not make an endpoint you can call in an AngularJS run method. While I do not know the details of your backend implementation, surely you can return a variable which represents this information. You can simply craft something like the following...


app.run(['$rootScope', '$http', function ($rootScope, $http) {
    $http.get('/yourEndoint').success(function(response) {
        $rootScope.whereAmI = response.whereAmI;

Where wereAmI is some value you return from your backend and return to this call. If you place it on $rootScope, all other $scope's will inherit this value so you'll have knoweldege of "where you're at" app wide.

其中areAmI是你从后端返回的一些值并返回此调用。如果你把它放在$ rootScope上,那么所有其他$ scope都将继承这个值,这样你就可以知道“你在哪里”app app。

For more info on the run function, check out the AngularJS module docs


Run blocks are the closest thing in Angular to the main method. A run block is the code which needs to run to kickstart the application. It is executed after all of the services have been configured and the injector has been created. Run blocks typically contain code which is hard to unit-test, and for this reason should be declared in isolated modules, so that they can be ignored in the unit-tests.




In my case, I use gulp/grunt build task to select the requested config.js file (ie. production.config.js). Then you can use something like npm args to set an --env=production or --env=development variable when running your build task, which then is used by the gulp/grunt task to grab the requested config file.

在我的例子中,我使用gulp / grunt构建任务来选择所请求的config.js文件(即.production.config.js)。然后,您可以使用npm args之类的东西在运行构建任务时设置--env = production或--env =开发变量,然后gulp / grunt任务使用它来获取请求的配置文件。

Then your actual config file will just be an angular.constant(...) component with settings to use for your app.
