
时间:2021-07-10 15:12:42

I am currently creating a chrome app just for fun and learning, and then I encountered a problem. From the main window, I created a window that will display your conversation with the name you clicked, but I dont know how to pass data to that new window. Is it possible? if then, how? Here is the code i have.


    chrome.app.window.create('views/templates/chatWindow.html', {
        'bounds': {
            'width': window.screen.availWidth,
            'height': window.screen.availWidth
        state: 'maximized',
        resizable: false

Please note that I am using AngularJS and I'm working on a windows machine.


Also, i have another question. That new window has its own controller, then, how do I get that passed data?


1 个解决方案



Option 1

A callback function for chrome.app.window.create gives you AppWindow object in return. This object have contentWindow property which is a window object in the newly created window. Having this reference you can fire a custom event on document.body object and handle it in your controller.


Option 2

Use angular's NgRoute and URL's hash to pass data. For example you can do something like:


chrome.app.window.create('views/templates/chatWindow.html#/client/1234' //...

Then use router and the same app's code to handle view and action.




Option 1

A callback function for chrome.app.window.create gives you AppWindow object in return. This object have contentWindow property which is a window object in the newly created window. Having this reference you can fire a custom event on document.body object and handle it in your controller.


Option 2

Use angular's NgRoute and URL's hash to pass data. For example you can do something like:


chrome.app.window.create('views/templates/chatWindow.html#/client/1234' //...

Then use router and the same app's code to handle view and action.
