
时间:2022-08-03 15:05:14

I'm writing a source-code editor in Java (for Java source code), and I'd like to add simple syntax highlighting (distinctive coloring for keywords would suffice). Any suggestions?


6 个解决方案


Something like JSyntaxPane, perhaps?


A very simple to use and extend JEditorKit that supports few languages. The main goal is to make it easy to have nice looking Java Swing Editors with support for Syntax Highlighting.

一个非常简单的使用和扩展JEditorKit,支持几种语言。主要目标是让拥有漂亮外观的Java Swing编辑器变得简单,并支持Syntax Highlighting。


What about RSyntaxTextArea? It uses a modified BSD license.



You first should think about using a common parser to create an AST (abstract syntax tree) from the sources. There are some tools around, first I find googling the internet was javaparser. It looks like this parser also records line numbers and columns, so the AST from javaparser can be a nice model for the editor.


Just process the tree, define colors for the AST node types and print it.



Might want to look at an existing editor (Notepad++ for example - http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm) and see how user-defined syntax highlighting is done (oneo of the plugins to check - Gmod 10 Lua Syntax Highlighter). I'd wager that the Java (and other languages) are done similarly...

可能想看一个现有的编辑器(例如Notepad ++ - http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm),看看用户定义的语法高亮显示是如何完成的(要检查的插件之一 - Gmod 10 Lua Syntax荧光笔)。我敢打赌Java(和其他语言)也是这样做的......


You should check Google's prettify.js out. Some pretty neat tricks in there, and you might get a more robust feel for syntax highlighting.



http://www.neathighlighter.com/ is a good JavaScript highlighter



Something like JSyntaxPane, perhaps?


A very simple to use and extend JEditorKit that supports few languages. The main goal is to make it easy to have nice looking Java Swing Editors with support for Syntax Highlighting.

一个非常简单的使用和扩展JEditorKit,支持几种语言。主要目标是让拥有漂亮外观的Java Swing编辑器变得简单,并支持Syntax Highlighting。


What about RSyntaxTextArea? It uses a modified BSD license.



You first should think about using a common parser to create an AST (abstract syntax tree) from the sources. There are some tools around, first I find googling the internet was javaparser. It looks like this parser also records line numbers and columns, so the AST from javaparser can be a nice model for the editor.


Just process the tree, define colors for the AST node types and print it.



Might want to look at an existing editor (Notepad++ for example - http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm) and see how user-defined syntax highlighting is done (oneo of the plugins to check - Gmod 10 Lua Syntax Highlighter). I'd wager that the Java (and other languages) are done similarly...

可能想看一个现有的编辑器(例如Notepad ++ - http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm),看看用户定义的语法高亮显示是如何完成的(要检查的插件之一 - Gmod 10 Lua Syntax荧光笔)。我敢打赌Java(和其他语言)也是这样做的......


You should check Google's prettify.js out. Some pretty neat tricks in there, and you might get a more robust feel for syntax highlighting.



http://www.neathighlighter.com/ is a good JavaScript highlighter
