
时间:2022-08-03 15:05:20

I'm looking for to create an android app, and need to find a library of visual effects.


  • For instance: - starting with a blank canvas (1) user draws a geometrical shape and everything in the shape changes color, (2) user splits the screen and the images on either side of where the user split the screen flip and change into 2 separate colors, (3) drawing a circle on the screen will place everything on the canvas into 10 equally sized circles spread around the screen evenly.
  • 例如: - 从空白画布(1)开始,用户绘制几何形状,形状中的所有内容都会改变颜色,(2)用户将屏幕和用户分割屏幕翻转的两侧的图像分割为2单独的颜色,(3)在屏幕上画一个圆圈,将画布上的所有内容均匀分布在屏幕周围的10个相同大小的圆圈中。

These are just examples of visual effects I'm looking for, I'm hoping to find a full library.


Found some good effects here - http://www.hotscripts.com/category/scripts/java/applets/visual-effects/ But I need a larger database.

在这里找到了一些好的效果 - http://www.hotscripts.com/category/scripts/java/applets/visual-effects/但我需要一个更大的数据库。

  • Looking for both free and pay-for effects.
  • 寻找免费和付费效果。

Thank you very much in advance for any information.


1 个解决方案



Try jhlabs: http://www.jhlabs.com/ip/filters/


Do you wanted to find similar effects? Jhlabs is pretty good for image processing in java. You can find other Graphics effects (strokes, shapes, java2d etc..) on http://jhlabs.com

你想找到类似的效果吗? Jhlabs非常适合java中的图像处理。您可以在http://jhlabs.com上找到其他图形效果(笔画,形状,java2d等)



Try jhlabs: http://www.jhlabs.com/ip/filters/


Do you wanted to find similar effects? Jhlabs is pretty good for image processing in java. You can find other Graphics effects (strokes, shapes, java2d etc..) on http://jhlabs.com

你想找到类似的效果吗? Jhlabs非常适合java中的图像处理。您可以在http://jhlabs.com上找到其他图形效果(笔画,形状,java2d等)