
时间:2022-08-01 15:02:27

I have a c++ project having two src folders. Source file in folder 1 may need to include header file in src folder 2. Is it possible? or how should I write my Makefiles? thanks

我有一个c ++项目有两个src文件夹。文件夹1中的源文件可能需要在src文件夹2中包含头文件。是否可能?或者我该如何写我的Makefile?谢谢

2 个解决方案



Depending on how closely the two folders are related (eg, if they're the same project), then it can be as easy as:


#include "../otherfolder/header.h"

If they're separate projects, then it's customary to simply add the other project's header directory to your project's header search path, and include the header like this:


#include <header.h>

(In practice, the brackets/quotes don't matter, but it helps keep external vs. internal header imports separate)




Considering you have src1 and src2 folders in same folder. You have 2 solutions for this:


1 - #include "../src2/header.h"

1 - #include“../src2/header.h”

2 - Add in your project at additional include directories src2 and use normal #include

2 - 在项目中添加其他包含目录src2并使用普通的#include



Depending on how closely the two folders are related (eg, if they're the same project), then it can be as easy as:


#include "../otherfolder/header.h"

If they're separate projects, then it's customary to simply add the other project's header directory to your project's header search path, and include the header like this:


#include <header.h>

(In practice, the brackets/quotes don't matter, but it helps keep external vs. internal header imports separate)




Considering you have src1 and src2 folders in same folder. You have 2 solutions for this:


1 - #include "../src2/header.h"

1 - #include“../src2/header.h”

2 - Add in your project at additional include directories src2 and use normal #include

2 - 在项目中添加其他包含目录src2并使用普通的#include