我如何正确地使用std:: UTF-8上的字符串在c++中?

时间:2021-12-14 15:01:02

My platform is a Mac and C++11 (or above). I'm a C++ beginner and working on a personal project which processes Chinese and English. UTF-8 is the preferred encoding for this project.

我的平台是Mac和c++ 11(或以上)。我是一个c++初学者,正在从事一个处理中英文的个人项目。UTF-8是这个项目的首选编码。

I read some posts on Stack Overflow, and many of them suggest using std::string when dealing with UTF-8 and avoid wchar_t as there's no char8_t right now for UTF-8.


However, none of them talk about how to properly deal with functions like str[i], std::string::size(), std::string::find_first_of() or std::regex as these function usually returns unexpected results when facing UTF-8.


Should I go ahead with std::string or switch to std::wstring? If I should stay with std::string, what's the best practice for one to handle the above problems?


3 个解决方案



Unicode Glossary

Unicode is a vast and complex topic. I do not wish to wade too deep there, however a quick glossary is necessary:


  1. Code Points: Code Points are the basic building blocks of Unicode, a code point is just an integer mapped to a meaning. The integer portion fits into 32 bits (well, 24 bits really), and the meaning can be a letter, a diacritic, a white space, a sign, a smiley, half a flag, ... and it can even be "the next portion reads right to left".
  2. 代码点:代码点是Unicode的基本构建块,代码点只是映射到一个含义的整数。整数部分可以包含32位(实际上是24位),其含义可以是一个字母、一个音符、一个空格、一个符号、一个微笑、半个旗帜……它甚至可以是“下一部分从右向左读”。
  3. Grapheme Clusters: Grapheme Clusters are groups of semantically related Code Points, for example a flag in unicode is represented by associating two Code Points; each of those two, in isolation, has no meaning, but associated together in a Grapheme Cluster they represent a flag. Grapheme Clusters are also used to pair a letter with a diacritic in some scripts.
  4. Grapheme集群:Grapheme集群是一组语义相关的代码点,例如unicode中的一个标志通过关联两个代码点来表示;这两者单独没有任何意义,但在一个Grapheme集群中关联在一起,它们表示一个标志。在某些脚本中,石墨烯簇还被用来将字母与变音符进行配对。

This is the basic of Unicode. The distinction between Code Point and Grapheme Cluster can be mostly glossed over because for most modern languages each "character" is mapped to a single Code Point (there are dedicated accented forms for commonly used letter+diacritic combinations). Still, if you venture in smileys, flags, etc... then you may have to pay attention to the distinction.


UTF Primer

Then, a serie of Unicode Code Points has to be encoded; the common encodings are UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32, the latter two existing in both Little-Endian and Big-Endian forms, for a total of 5 common encodings.


In UTF-X, X is the size in bits of the Code Unit, each Code Point is represented as one or several Code Units, depending on its magnitude:


  • UTF-8: 1 to 4 Code Units,
  • UTF-8: 1至4编码单元,
  • UTF-16: 1 or 2 Code Units,
  • UTF-16: 1或2个代码单元,
  • UTF-32: 1 Code Unit.
  • utf - 32:1代码单元。

std::string and std::wstring.

  1. Do not use std::wstring if you care about portability (wchar_t is only 16 bits on Windows); use std::u32string instead (aka std::basic_string<char32_t>).
  2. 不要使用std::wstring如果你关心可移植性(wchar_t在Windows上只有16位);使用std::u32string(又名std: basic_string )。
  3. The in-memory representation (std::string or std::wstring) is independent of the on-disk representation (UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32), so prepare yourself for having to convert at the boundary (reading and writing).
  4. 内存中的表示(std::string或std::wstring)独立于磁盘上的表示(UTF-8, UTF-16或UTF-32),所以要准备好在边界上转换(读写)。
  5. While a 32-bits wchar_t ensures that a Code Unit represents a full Code Point, it still does not represent a complete Grapheme Cluster.
  6. 虽然32位的wchar_t确保代码单元表示完整的代码点,但它仍然不表示完整的Grapheme集群。

If you are only reading or composing strings, you should have no to little issues with std::string or std::wstring.


Troubles start when you start slicing and dicing, then you have to pay attention to (1) Code Point boundaries (in UTF-8 or UTF-16) and (2) Grapheme Clusters boundaries. The former can be handled easily enough on your own, the latter requires using a Unicode aware library.


Picking std::string or std::u32string?

If performance is a concern, it is likely that std::string will perform better due to its smaller memory footprint; though heavy use of Chinese may change the deal. As always, profile.


If Grapheme Clusters are not a problem, then std::u32string has the advantage of simplifying things: 1 Code Unit -> 1 Code Point means that you cannot accidentally split Code Points, and all the functions of std::basic_string work out of the box.

如果Grapheme集群不是一个问题,那么std: u32string的优点是可以简化:1个代码单元-> 1个代码点意味着您不能意外地分割代码点,std::basic_string的所有功能都是开箱即用的。

If you interface with software taking std::string or char*/char const*, then stick to std::string to avoid back-and-forth conversions. It'll be a pain otherwise.

如果您与使用std::string或char*/char const*的软件进行交互,那么请坚持使用std::string以避免来回转换。否则会很痛苦。

UTF-8 in std::string.

UTF-8 actually works quite well in std::string.


Most operations work out of the box because the UTF-8 encoding is self-synchronizing and backward compatible with ASCII.


Due the way Code Points are encoded, looking for a Code Point cannot accidentally match the middle of another Code Point:


  • str.find('\n') works,
  • str.find(“\ n”)工作,
  • str.find("...") works for matching byte by byte1,
  • find("…")用于通过byte1匹配字节,
  • str.find_first_of("\r\n") works if searching for ASCII characters.
  • 如果搜索ASCII字符,str.find_first_of(“\r\n”)可以工作。

Similarly, regex should mostly works out of the box. As a sequence of characters ("haha") is just a sequence of bytes ("哈"), basic search patterns should work out of the box.


Be wary, however, of character classes (such as [:alphanum:]), as depending on the regex flavor and implementation it may or may not match Unicode characters.


Similarly, be wary of applying repeaters to non-ASCII "characters", "哈?" may only consider the last byte to be optional; use parentheses to clearly delineate the repeated sequence of bytes in such cases: "(哈)?".


1The key concepts to look-up are normalization and collation; this affects all comparison operations. std::string will always compare (and thus sort) byte by byte, without regard for comparison rules specific to a language or a usage. If you need to handle full normalization/collation, you need a complete Unicode library, such as ICU.




Both std::string and std::wstring must use UTF encoding to represent Unicode. On macOS specifically, std::string is UTF-8 (8-bit code units), and std::wstring is UTF-32 (32-bit code units); note that the size of wchar_t is platform-dependent.

字符串和std::wstring都必须使用UTF编码来表示Unicode。在macOS上,std::string is UTF-8(8位代码单元),std:::wstring is UTF-32(32位代码单元);注意,wchar_t的大小与平台相关。

For both, size tracks the number of code units instead of the number of code points, or grapheme clusters. (A code point is one named Unicode entity, one or more of which form a grapheme cluster. Grapheme clusters are the visible characters that users interact with, like letters or emojis.)


Although I'm not familiar with the Unicode representation of Chinese, it's very possible that when you use UTF-32, the number of code units is often very close to the number of grapheme clusters. Obviously, however, this comes at the cost of using up to 4x more memory.


The most accurate solution would be to use a Unicode library, such as ICU, to calculate the Unicode properties that you are after.


Finally, UTF strings in human languages that don't use combining characters usually do pretty well with find/regex. I'm not sure about Chinese, but English is one of them.




std::string and friends are encoding-agnostic. The only difference between std::wstring and std::string are that std::wstring uses wchar_t as the individual element, not char. For most compilers the latter is 8-bit. The former is supposed to be large enough to hold any unicode character, but in practice on some systems it isn't (Microsoft's compiler, for example, uses a 16-bit type). You can't store UTF-8 in std::wstring; that's not what it's designed for. It's designed to be an equivalent of UTF-32 - a string where each element is a single Unicode codepoint.


If you want to index UTF-8 strings by Unicode codepoint or composed unicode glyph (or some other thing), count the length of a UTF-8 string in Unicode codepoints or some other unicode object, or find by Unicode codepoint, you're going to need to use something other than the standard library. ICU is one of the libraries in the field; there may be others.

如果您希望通过Unicode codepoint或组合的Unicode字形(或其他东西)来索引UTF-8字符串,请在Unicode codepoint或其他Unicode对象中计算UTF-8字符串的长度,或者通过Unicode codepoint查找UTF-8字符串,则需要使用标准库之外的其他东西。ICU是该领域的图书馆之一;可能会有别人。

Something that's probably worth noting is that if you're searching for ASCII characters, you can mostly treat a UTF-8 bytestream as if it were byte-by-byte. Each ASCII character encodes the same in UTF-8 as it does in ASCII, and every multi-byte unit in UTF-8 is guaranteed not to include any bytes in the ASCII range.




Unicode Glossary

Unicode is a vast and complex topic. I do not wish to wade too deep there, however a quick glossary is necessary:


  1. Code Points: Code Points are the basic building blocks of Unicode, a code point is just an integer mapped to a meaning. The integer portion fits into 32 bits (well, 24 bits really), and the meaning can be a letter, a diacritic, a white space, a sign, a smiley, half a flag, ... and it can even be "the next portion reads right to left".
  2. 代码点:代码点是Unicode的基本构建块,代码点只是映射到一个含义的整数。整数部分可以包含32位(实际上是24位),其含义可以是一个字母、一个音符、一个空格、一个符号、一个微笑、半个旗帜……它甚至可以是“下一部分从右向左读”。
  3. Grapheme Clusters: Grapheme Clusters are groups of semantically related Code Points, for example a flag in unicode is represented by associating two Code Points; each of those two, in isolation, has no meaning, but associated together in a Grapheme Cluster they represent a flag. Grapheme Clusters are also used to pair a letter with a diacritic in some scripts.
  4. Grapheme集群:Grapheme集群是一组语义相关的代码点,例如unicode中的一个标志通过关联两个代码点来表示;这两者单独没有任何意义,但在一个Grapheme集群中关联在一起,它们表示一个标志。在某些脚本中,石墨烯簇还被用来将字母与变音符进行配对。

This is the basic of Unicode. The distinction between Code Point and Grapheme Cluster can be mostly glossed over because for most modern languages each "character" is mapped to a single Code Point (there are dedicated accented forms for commonly used letter+diacritic combinations). Still, if you venture in smileys, flags, etc... then you may have to pay attention to the distinction.


UTF Primer

Then, a serie of Unicode Code Points has to be encoded; the common encodings are UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32, the latter two existing in both Little-Endian and Big-Endian forms, for a total of 5 common encodings.


In UTF-X, X is the size in bits of the Code Unit, each Code Point is represented as one or several Code Units, depending on its magnitude:


  • UTF-8: 1 to 4 Code Units,
  • UTF-8: 1至4编码单元,
  • UTF-16: 1 or 2 Code Units,
  • UTF-16: 1或2个代码单元,
  • UTF-32: 1 Code Unit.
  • utf - 32:1代码单元。

std::string and std::wstring.

  1. Do not use std::wstring if you care about portability (wchar_t is only 16 bits on Windows); use std::u32string instead (aka std::basic_string<char32_t>).
  2. 不要使用std::wstring如果你关心可移植性(wchar_t在Windows上只有16位);使用std::u32string(又名std: basic_string )。
  3. The in-memory representation (std::string or std::wstring) is independent of the on-disk representation (UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32), so prepare yourself for having to convert at the boundary (reading and writing).
  4. 内存中的表示(std::string或std::wstring)独立于磁盘上的表示(UTF-8, UTF-16或UTF-32),所以要准备好在边界上转换(读写)。
  5. While a 32-bits wchar_t ensures that a Code Unit represents a full Code Point, it still does not represent a complete Grapheme Cluster.
  6. 虽然32位的wchar_t确保代码单元表示完整的代码点,但它仍然不表示完整的Grapheme集群。

If you are only reading or composing strings, you should have no to little issues with std::string or std::wstring.


Troubles start when you start slicing and dicing, then you have to pay attention to (1) Code Point boundaries (in UTF-8 or UTF-16) and (2) Grapheme Clusters boundaries. The former can be handled easily enough on your own, the latter requires using a Unicode aware library.


Picking std::string or std::u32string?

If performance is a concern, it is likely that std::string will perform better due to its smaller memory footprint; though heavy use of Chinese may change the deal. As always, profile.


If Grapheme Clusters are not a problem, then std::u32string has the advantage of simplifying things: 1 Code Unit -> 1 Code Point means that you cannot accidentally split Code Points, and all the functions of std::basic_string work out of the box.

如果Grapheme集群不是一个问题,那么std: u32string的优点是可以简化:1个代码单元-> 1个代码点意味着您不能意外地分割代码点,std::basic_string的所有功能都是开箱即用的。

If you interface with software taking std::string or char*/char const*, then stick to std::string to avoid back-and-forth conversions. It'll be a pain otherwise.

如果您与使用std::string或char*/char const*的软件进行交互,那么请坚持使用std::string以避免来回转换。否则会很痛苦。

UTF-8 in std::string.

UTF-8 actually works quite well in std::string.


Most operations work out of the box because the UTF-8 encoding is self-synchronizing and backward compatible with ASCII.


Due the way Code Points are encoded, looking for a Code Point cannot accidentally match the middle of another Code Point:


  • str.find('\n') works,
  • str.find(“\ n”)工作,
  • str.find("...") works for matching byte by byte1,
  • find("…")用于通过byte1匹配字节,
  • str.find_first_of("\r\n") works if searching for ASCII characters.
  • 如果搜索ASCII字符,str.find_first_of(“\r\n”)可以工作。

Similarly, regex should mostly works out of the box. As a sequence of characters ("haha") is just a sequence of bytes ("哈"), basic search patterns should work out of the box.


Be wary, however, of character classes (such as [:alphanum:]), as depending on the regex flavor and implementation it may or may not match Unicode characters.


Similarly, be wary of applying repeaters to non-ASCII "characters", "哈?" may only consider the last byte to be optional; use parentheses to clearly delineate the repeated sequence of bytes in such cases: "(哈)?".


1The key concepts to look-up are normalization and collation; this affects all comparison operations. std::string will always compare (and thus sort) byte by byte, without regard for comparison rules specific to a language or a usage. If you need to handle full normalization/collation, you need a complete Unicode library, such as ICU.




Both std::string and std::wstring must use UTF encoding to represent Unicode. On macOS specifically, std::string is UTF-8 (8-bit code units), and std::wstring is UTF-32 (32-bit code units); note that the size of wchar_t is platform-dependent.

字符串和std::wstring都必须使用UTF编码来表示Unicode。在macOS上,std::string is UTF-8(8位代码单元),std:::wstring is UTF-32(32位代码单元);注意,wchar_t的大小与平台相关。

For both, size tracks the number of code units instead of the number of code points, or grapheme clusters. (A code point is one named Unicode entity, one or more of which form a grapheme cluster. Grapheme clusters are the visible characters that users interact with, like letters or emojis.)


Although I'm not familiar with the Unicode representation of Chinese, it's very possible that when you use UTF-32, the number of code units is often very close to the number of grapheme clusters. Obviously, however, this comes at the cost of using up to 4x more memory.


The most accurate solution would be to use a Unicode library, such as ICU, to calculate the Unicode properties that you are after.


Finally, UTF strings in human languages that don't use combining characters usually do pretty well with find/regex. I'm not sure about Chinese, but English is one of them.




std::string and friends are encoding-agnostic. The only difference between std::wstring and std::string are that std::wstring uses wchar_t as the individual element, not char. For most compilers the latter is 8-bit. The former is supposed to be large enough to hold any unicode character, but in practice on some systems it isn't (Microsoft's compiler, for example, uses a 16-bit type). You can't store UTF-8 in std::wstring; that's not what it's designed for. It's designed to be an equivalent of UTF-32 - a string where each element is a single Unicode codepoint.


If you want to index UTF-8 strings by Unicode codepoint or composed unicode glyph (or some other thing), count the length of a UTF-8 string in Unicode codepoints or some other unicode object, or find by Unicode codepoint, you're going to need to use something other than the standard library. ICU is one of the libraries in the field; there may be others.

如果您希望通过Unicode codepoint或组合的Unicode字形(或其他东西)来索引UTF-8字符串,请在Unicode codepoint或其他Unicode对象中计算UTF-8字符串的长度,或者通过Unicode codepoint查找UTF-8字符串,则需要使用标准库之外的其他东西。ICU是该领域的图书馆之一;可能会有别人。

Something that's probably worth noting is that if you're searching for ASCII characters, you can mostly treat a UTF-8 bytestream as if it were byte-by-byte. Each ASCII character encodes the same in UTF-8 as it does in ASCII, and every multi-byte unit in UTF-8 is guaranteed not to include any bytes in the ASCII range.
