Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
The maximum depth is the number of nodes along the longest path from the root node down to the farthest leaf node.
1.递归实现,时间复杂度为O(n) 空间复杂度为O(logn)
/** * Definition for binary tree * struct TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode *left ; * TreeNode *right ; * TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left (NULL ), right (NULL ) {} * }; */class Solution {public :int maxDepth(TreeNode *root) {if (root == NULL ){ return 0 ; }int left = maxDepth(root->left );int right = maxDepth(root->right ); return 1 + max(left ,right ); } };
class Solution {public : int maxDepth(TreeNode * root) { int height = 0 ,rowCount = 1 ;if (root == NULL ){return 0 ; }queue < treenode*> queue ;queue . push(root);while (! queue . empty()){ TreeNode * node = queue . front();queue . pop(); rowCount -- ;if (node-> left){queue . push(node-> left); }if (node-> right){queue . push(node-> right); }if (rowCount == 0 ){ height++ ; rowCount = queue . size(); } }return height; } };< /treenode*>
/** * Definition for binary tree * struct TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode *left ; * TreeNode *right ; * TreeNode(int x ) : val(x ), left(NULL), right(NULL) {} * };*/ class Solution { public:int maxDepth(TreeNode *root ) { // Start typing your C/C++ solution below // DO NOT write int main() function if (root == NULL) return 0 ; stack<treenode*> S; int maxDepth = 0 ; TreeNode *prev = NULL; S.push (root); while (!S.empty()) { TreeNode *curr = S.top(); if (prev == NULL || prev->left == curr || prev->right == curr) { if (curr->left) S.push (curr->left); else if (curr->right) S.push (curr->right); } else if (curr->left == prev) { if (curr->right) S.push (curr->right); } else { S.pop (); } prev = curr; if (S.size() > maxDepth) maxDepth = S.size(); } return maxDepth; } }; </treenode*>
********************************** / #include < iostream> #include < malloc. h> #include < stdio. h> using namespace std; typedef struct TreeNode{ int val; TreeNode * left; TreeNode * right; TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL ), right(NULL ) {} }TreeNode,* BiTree; int CreateBiTree(BiTree & T){ int data ; scanf("%d" ,& data );if (data == - 1 ){ T = NULL ; }else { T = (BiTree)malloc(sizeof(TreeNode)); T-> val = data ; CreateBiTree(T-> left); CreateBiTree(T-> right); }return 0 ; } int maxDepth(TreeNode * root) {if (root == NULL ){return 0 ; } int left = maxDepth(root-> left); int right = maxDepth(root-> right);return 1 + max (left,right); } int main() { int i,n; BiTree T = NULL ; CreateBiTree(T); printf("%d\n" ,maxDepth(T));return 0 ; }< /stdio. h>< /malloc. h>< /iostream>