confidence intervals and precision|The One-Mean z-Interval Procedure|When to Use the One-Mean z-Interval Procedure

时间:2021-12-11 14:21:08

Confidence Intervals for One Population Mean When σ Is Known

Obtaining Confidence Intervals for a Population Mean When σ Is Known

confidence intervals  and precision|The One-Mean z-Interval Procedure|When to Use the One-Mean z-Interval Procedure

The z-interval procedure works reasonably well even when the variable is not normally distributed and the sample size is small or moderate, provided the variable is not too far from being normally distributed. Thus we say that the z-interval procedure is robust to moderate violations of the normality assumption.‡


confidence intervals  and precision|The One-Mean z-Interval Procedure|When to Use the One-Mean z-Interval Procedure


†Statisticians also consider skewness. Roughly speaking, the more skewed the distribution of the variable under consideration, the larger is the sample size required for the validity of the z-interval procedure


confidence intervals  and precision|The One-Mean z-Interval Procedure|When to Use the One-Mean z-Interval Procedure



The length of the confidence interval indicates the precision of the estimate, or how well we have “pinned down” μ. Long confidence intervals indicate poor precision; short confidence intervals indicategood precision.


confidence intervals  and precision|The One-Mean z-Interval Procedure|When to Use the One-Mean z-Interval Procedure


confidence intervals  and precision|The One-Mean z-Interval Procedure|When to Use the One-Mean z-Interval Procedure