Use Qt in Debian for OpenCASCADE

时间:2023-02-12 15:40:35

Use Qt in Debian for OpenCASCADE

Recently several OpenCASCADE enthusiasts want to build my simple Qt demo about OpenCASCADE on ubuntu system, but could not compile it successfully. Because I only compiled the occQt in Windows system, do not try it in Linux system. I try to build it on Debian system, also have the same errors as follows:

Use Qt in Debian for OpenCASCADE

Figure 1. Compile errors of Building occQt on Debian

In order to use Qt5 in Debian7, you can input the following commands:

1. Get Qt5 on Debian:

sudo apt-get install qt5-default qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools qtchooser

2. Download the newest version of QtCreator from Qt website:

You can get the following file:

Use Qt in Debian for OpenCASCADE

Figure 2. Download Qt Creator for Linux

3. Install QtCreator manually:

Install Qt Creator manually by the following commands:

chmod u+x ./


Use Qt in Debian for OpenCASCADE

Figure 3. Qt Creator Setup

Use Qt in Debian for OpenCASCADE

Figure 4. Qt Creator Setup

4. It is succeed When the Qt Creator Icon appears in the Applications.

Use Qt in Debian for OpenCASCADE

Figure 5. Qt Creator in Applications

5. I tried the math_Vector, it runs correctly, the code list as follows:

#include <math_Vector.hxx>

void TestVector(void)
    math_Vector aVector(1, 3);


aVector = -aVector;

aVector = aVector.Opposite();


int main()

return 0;

The configuration of the test project as follows:


CONFIG += console

CONFIG -= app_bundle

CONFIG -= qt

SOURCES += main.cpp



INCLUDEPATH += /home/eryar/opencascade-6.8.0/inc

DEPENDPATH += /home/eryar/opencascade-6.8.0

LIBS += -L/home/eryar/opencascade-6.8.0/lib/ -lTKernel -lTKMath

The result shows:

Use Qt in Debian for OpenCASCADE

Figure 6. Test math_Vector in Qt on Debian

can compile and run correctly, the compile error in occQt do not appear
in the test program. you can also debug the code in Qt Creator. So use
Qt Creator to program on Linux is very convenient.