bash grep json数组的一部分[重复]

时间:2021-07-13 14:02:14

This question already has an answer here:


Inside my bash script I've created a function that returns the following JSON array:


    "access_token": "sjdhjdYdjsdbhggjhSJ78dbdsdbMhd=",
    "scopes": "repository:delete repository:admin repository:write project:write team:write account:write",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "refresh_token": "skdjKJDJDBNBDs",
    "token_type": "bearer"

Now I wan't to grep the access token between the "". So I got sjdhjdYdjsdbhggjhSJ78dbdsdbMhd=

现在我不想在“”之间grep访问令牌。所以我得到了sjdhjdYdjsdbhggjhSJ78dbdsdbMhd =

I've created a regex like below but this returns a grep: invalid repetition count(s) error.


grep -P '\{\s*"access_token"\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*\"' foobar.txt

1 个解决方案



Since you're dependending on nonstandard, nonportable functionality (in the form of grep -P), you might as well switch to a tool that's built for the job at hand (and actually understands JSON syntax, so it'll work even if your input has, say, a newline between the key and value, so long as it's syntactically valid):

由于您依赖于非标准的,不可移植的功能(以grep -P的形式),您也可以切换到为手头的工作构建的工具(并且实际上理解JSON语法,因此即使您的工作也是如此例如,输入有一个键和值之间的换行符,只要它在语法上有效):

jq -r .access_token <foobar.txt



Since you're dependending on nonstandard, nonportable functionality (in the form of grep -P), you might as well switch to a tool that's built for the job at hand (and actually understands JSON syntax, so it'll work even if your input has, say, a newline between the key and value, so long as it's syntactically valid):

由于您依赖于非标准的,不可移植的功能(以grep -P的形式),您也可以切换到为手头的工作构建的工具(并且实际上理解JSON语法,因此即使您的工作也是如此例如,输入有一个键和值之间的换行符,只要它在语法上有效):

jq -r .access_token <foobar.txt