
时间:2022-09-03 14:04:45

I am a python and Ipython beginner. This may be a trivial question. It is probably duplicated with other questions. However I do not know what key words I should search.


I have already known how to interactive with shell.


For example:

In [1]: a = !ls
In [2]: a
        ...same ls result as shell...
In [3]: type(a)
Out[3]: IPython.utils.text.SList

However, how to interactive with Ipython magic?


For example

In [1]: a = %history -t 
        ...Ipython result...
In [2]: a
In [3]: type(a)
Out[3]: NoneType

2 个解决方案


For the history command, specifically, the simplest solution is


In [243]: history -t -f history.txt
In [244]: with open('history.txt') as f:
   .....:     HIST = [l.strip() for l in f]

In [245]: len(HIST)
Out[245]: 258

In [246]: HIST[-1]
Out[246]: "get_ipython().magic(u'history -t -f history.txt')"

In [247]: 

Basically, dump it to a file and read it back in.


This may seem a kludge, but I suspect it comes from the nature of IPython. It isn't actually an interpreter, but instead is a command line shell for the underlying interpreter. My suspicion is that the magic commands are handled inside IPython and do not go through the normal path of passing the command to the interpreter, capturing the output, and storing it in the command history as Out[n]. So it is not available for recall and assignment.

这可能看起来像是一块垃圾,但我怀疑它来自IPython的本质。它实际上不是解释器,而是底层解释器的命令行shell。我怀疑魔术命令是在IPython中处理的,并且没有通过将命令传递给解释器,捕获输出并将其作为Out [n]存储在命令历史中的正常路径。因此无法召回和分配。

The alternative is that get_ipython().magic simply returns None.


Either way, the screen output d=for %history is not available. You have to dump it to a file.

无论哪种方式,屏幕输出d = for%history都不可用。您必须将其转储到文件中。

It seems to vary per magic command. alias, for example, does return the screen output


In [288]: a=%alias
Total number of aliases: 17

In [289]: a
[('cat', 'cat'),
 ('clear', 'clear'),
 ('cp', 'cp'),
 ('ldir', 'ls -F -G -l %l | grep /$'),
 ('less', 'less'),
 ('lf', 'ls -F -l -G %l | grep ^-'),
 ('lk', 'ls -F -l -G %l | grep ^l'),
 ('ll', 'ls -F -l -G'),
 ('ls', 'ls -F -G'),
 ('lx', 'ls -F -l -G %l | grep ^-..x'),
 ('man', 'man'),
 ('mkdir', 'mkdir'),
 ('more', 'more'),
 ('mv', 'mv'),
 ('rm', 'rm'),
 ('rmdir', 'rmdir'),
 (u'show', u'echo')]

In [290]: 


Im working on an ipython reload project and want to have a quick way to select from previous %run statements. My solution was the following.


import os

histvar = os.popen("ipython -c 'history -g'").read()

#regex match / do stuff here


For the history command, specifically, the simplest solution is


In [243]: history -t -f history.txt
In [244]: with open('history.txt') as f:
   .....:     HIST = [l.strip() for l in f]

In [245]: len(HIST)
Out[245]: 258

In [246]: HIST[-1]
Out[246]: "get_ipython().magic(u'history -t -f history.txt')"

In [247]: 

Basically, dump it to a file and read it back in.


This may seem a kludge, but I suspect it comes from the nature of IPython. It isn't actually an interpreter, but instead is a command line shell for the underlying interpreter. My suspicion is that the magic commands are handled inside IPython and do not go through the normal path of passing the command to the interpreter, capturing the output, and storing it in the command history as Out[n]. So it is not available for recall and assignment.

这可能看起来像是一块垃圾,但我怀疑它来自IPython的本质。它实际上不是解释器,而是底层解释器的命令行shell。我怀疑魔术命令是在IPython中处理的,并且没有通过将命令传递给解释器,捕获输出并将其作为Out [n]存储在命令历史中的正常路径。因此无法召回和分配。

The alternative is that get_ipython().magic simply returns None.


Either way, the screen output d=for %history is not available. You have to dump it to a file.

无论哪种方式,屏幕输出d = for%history都不可用。您必须将其转储到文件中。

It seems to vary per magic command. alias, for example, does return the screen output


In [288]: a=%alias
Total number of aliases: 17

In [289]: a
[('cat', 'cat'),
 ('clear', 'clear'),
 ('cp', 'cp'),
 ('ldir', 'ls -F -G -l %l | grep /$'),
 ('less', 'less'),
 ('lf', 'ls -F -l -G %l | grep ^-'),
 ('lk', 'ls -F -l -G %l | grep ^l'),
 ('ll', 'ls -F -l -G'),
 ('ls', 'ls -F -G'),
 ('lx', 'ls -F -l -G %l | grep ^-..x'),
 ('man', 'man'),
 ('mkdir', 'mkdir'),
 ('more', 'more'),
 ('mv', 'mv'),
 ('rm', 'rm'),
 ('rmdir', 'rmdir'),
 (u'show', u'echo')]

In [290]: 


Im working on an ipython reload project and want to have a quick way to select from previous %run statements. My solution was the following.


import os

histvar = os.popen("ipython -c 'history -g'").read()

#regex match / do stuff here