
时间:2021-12-01 13:53:31

I'm just starting to fork() and I'm having some difficulties understanding the parallel execution. I've found this example code and I want to know if the first time it will go true or false (I know if pid1==0 it means it's a child, etc). I also want to know how many copies (children will be created) and some details on the general execution.

我刚刚开始fork(),我在理解并行执行方面遇到了一些困难。我找到了这个示例代码,我想知道它是第一次是真还是假(我知道如果pid1 == 0这意味着它是一个孩子,等等)。我还想知道有多少副本(将创建子项)和一般执行的一些细节。

I have tried to run it and added the return 0; (my original source didn't have it) just to see if exits... but as you can see it "waits"

我试图运行它并添加返回0; (我的原始来源没有它)只是为了看看是否退出...但你可以看到它“等待”

int main(void)
    int pid1, pid2, pid3, pid4;
    if (pid1!=0) 
        printf("\t\t IF(TRUE) pid1=%d and pid2=%d and pid3=%d\n",
               pid1, pid2, pid3);
        printf("\nIF(False) FATHER is talking with pid1=%d and pid4=%d\n",
               pid1, pid4);
    return 0;

2 个解决方案


This program creates five descendant processes, and makes six calls to printf, of which four will be the IF(TRUE) message and two will be IF(FALSE). Here is an ASCII-art diagram of the control flow; every time it branches, both sides are executed, with the parent going straight down and the child to the right. The numbers are the fork calls initializing the pid1, pid2, ... variables, the letters T and F are the IF(TRUE) and IF(FALSE) messages, and the _ is the return 0 at the end of the function. This program does not wait for anything; all control flow paths reach the return 0 eventually.


2       4
|\--\   |\
3   3   | |
|\  |\  | |
| | | | | |
_ _ _ _ _ _

The output messages may appear in any order. And it's possible that the topmost parent process will exit (returning control to the shell) before all of the descendant processes have written their messages, so (as is visible in your screeenshot) the shell prompt may get jumbled up with the messages, too.


Note that, going by the text of the messages, you have your if conditional backward: pid1 != 0 is true in the parent, not the child.

请注意,按照消息的文本,你有if条件向后:pid1!= 0在父级而不是子级中为真。


Both true and false will be used on the first time.


fork() copies the program (creates 1 child) and both programs continue execution from that point. The child process will take one branch and the parent the other.


The number of fork()s is as follows:


You start with 1 process


After pid1 -> +1 processes

在pid1 - > +1进程之后

Parent Branch

After pid4 -> +1 processes

在pid4 - > +1进程之后

Child Branch

After pid2 -> +1 processes

在pid2 - > +1进程之后

BOTH of the newly created processes run fork() for pid3, so after pid3 -> +2 processes

两个新创建的进程都为pid3运行fork(),所以在pid3 - > +2进程之后

You get 5 children + the original process.



This program creates five descendant processes, and makes six calls to printf, of which four will be the IF(TRUE) message and two will be IF(FALSE). Here is an ASCII-art diagram of the control flow; every time it branches, both sides are executed, with the parent going straight down and the child to the right. The numbers are the fork calls initializing the pid1, pid2, ... variables, the letters T and F are the IF(TRUE) and IF(FALSE) messages, and the _ is the return 0 at the end of the function. This program does not wait for anything; all control flow paths reach the return 0 eventually.


2       4
|\--\   |\
3   3   | |
|\  |\  | |
| | | | | |
_ _ _ _ _ _

The output messages may appear in any order. And it's possible that the topmost parent process will exit (returning control to the shell) before all of the descendant processes have written their messages, so (as is visible in your screeenshot) the shell prompt may get jumbled up with the messages, too.


Note that, going by the text of the messages, you have your if conditional backward: pid1 != 0 is true in the parent, not the child.

请注意,按照消息的文本,你有if条件向后:pid1!= 0在父级而不是子级中为真。


Both true and false will be used on the first time.


fork() copies the program (creates 1 child) and both programs continue execution from that point. The child process will take one branch and the parent the other.


The number of fork()s is as follows:


You start with 1 process


After pid1 -> +1 processes

在pid1 - > +1进程之后

Parent Branch

After pid4 -> +1 processes

在pid4 - > +1进程之后

Child Branch

After pid2 -> +1 processes

在pid2 - > +1进程之后

BOTH of the newly created processes run fork() for pid3, so after pid3 -> +2 processes

两个新创建的进程都为pid3运行fork(),所以在pid3 - > +2进程之后

You get 5 children + the original process.
