
时间:2021-02-05 13:53:59

I want to dynamically insert some HTML content and some CSS urls through JS.


I have 3+ CSS files. I want them to be downloaded before my content is inserted on the page.


Is there a way to find out whether the above-mentioned files have been downloaded?


This is how it should work:


  • Download css files;
  • 下载css文件;

  • Show HTML after all the css files have been downloaded;
  • 下载完所有css文件后显示HTML;

  • Start loading JS files after inserting the the HTML;
  • 插入HTML后开始加载JS文件;

  • Trigger callback after all the JS files have been loaded;
  • 加载完所有JS文件后触发回调;

10 个解决方案



You could use YepNope.js, YepNope allows you to build asynchronous conditional tests to see whether resources have loaded. Once your tests have passed you can tell it to inject new CSS or JS files.


Example below has been taken from the YepNope.js site.


yepnope.injectCss( stylesheetSource [, callback ] [, elemAttributes ] [, timeout ]);

// Example
yepnope.injectCss("print.css", function () {
  console.log("css injected!");
}, {
  media: "print"
}, 5000);

You can even make YepNope load the initial CSS files first and then once they have completed loading YepNope can trigger a callback to do additional tasks, such as loading more JS or CSS files.




Source: https://*.com/a/3794242/1292652

Retreiving CSS text using AJAX

Instead of using messy workarounds to determine of the CSS has loaded, you can use AJAX function to create a dynamic CSS URL and fetch the it as plain text.

您可以使用AJAX函数创建动态CSS URL并将其作为纯文本格式获取,而不是使用凌乱的变通方法来确定已加载的CSS。

Inserting the CSS

After fetching the raw text, you can use this function to insert the CSS into a style tag and add a callback:


function loadCss(cssText, callback) {
    var style = document.createElement('style');
    if(callBack != undefined){
        style.onload = function() {
    style.innerHTML = cssText;

Using it

And now you can use this as:


loadCss(ajaxResponseText, function(){
    console.log("CSS loaded, you can show the dialog now :)");

Allowing cross-domain AJAX

In your comment, you mentioned you had to load jQuery and jQueryUI which I'm guessing wil de on a different domain.


To get around the AJAX cross-domain restriction, check out this link or this one or this library




       Put your styles here.  Make sure the *last* CSS file has the following:
       body { display: block !important }

       This will allow the stylesheets to load while the body is hidden.  
       When the last stylesheet is loaded, the body will be visible.

<body style="display: none">
    <!-- Lots of HTML here -->

        Put your script tags here.
        In the first script, I recommend binding to the window.load event...  
        which will be fired once all your scripts are done loading.



I think this is somewhat along the lines of what you wanted:


    <!-- CSS Stuff goes here -->
    <!-- JS Stuff come right after -->
    <!-- HTML Stuff comes withing Body -->

This will cause:-

这将导致: -

  1. All the CSS files to download in parallel;
  2. 所有CSS文件并行下载;

  3. Then the HTML stuff gets parsed and displayed;
  4. 然后解析并显示HTML内容;

  5. The browser gets all the JS;
  6. 浏览器获取所有JS;

  7. The JS is tun and it does whatever inserting it wants;
  8. JS是tun,它可以执行任何插入操作;

Your question is a bit confusing, can you clarify it? I didn't understand why you'd require to have such an order, can you give the big picture? JS is meant to be a fire-and-forget language, it will be awkard to see if everything's downloaded. Did this make sense to you and/or help you?

你的问题有点令人困惑,你能澄清一下吗?我不明白你为什么要这么订单,你能说出全局吗? JS本来就是一种昙花一现的语言,看看是否所有内容都下载都很麻烦。这对你有意义和/或帮助你吗?



I know it is not a pretty solution, but you can fetch the CSS files using AJAX and add their content to a <style>, instead of inserting a <link> to the DOM. Using AJAX, you can know for sure when the CSS is completely downloaded and add the whole thing into the page under your terms.




Source: https://*.com/a/8122005/1292652

I don't recommend this for the same reason why you shouldn't use a while loop to implement sleep(), but if you must, you can try it.


In the linked answer, a reference style was added. For example: #ensure-cssload-8473649 { display: none }. But since you're downloading files not in your control, you'll have to select a few styles from the sheet for detection.

在链接的答案中,添加了参考样式。例如:#ensure-cssload-8473649 {display:none}。但是,由于您下载的文件不在您的控件中,因此您必须从工作表中选择一些样式进行检测。

The cssLoad() function is:


var onCssLoad = function (options, callback) {
    var body = $("body");
    var div = document.createElement(constants.TAG_DIV);
    for (var key in options) {
        if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            if (key.toLowerCase() === "css") {
            div[key] = options[key];

    var css = options.css;
    if (css) {
        var handle = -1;
        handle = window.setInterval(function () {
            var match = true;
            for (var key in css) {
                if (css.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    match = match && utils.getStyle(div, key) === css[key];

            if (match === true) {
        }, 100);

You can use it as:


    "id": <insert element CSS applies to>,
     css: <insert sample CSS styles>
}, function () {
    console.log("CSS loaded, you can show the dialog now :)");



Why don't you add an element on page and check some style that it should have with some js. If it has that style then that stylesheet is probably load.


Like this:

if (document.getElementById("csspage-3-box").style.color === "#somethingUnique") {
    //it is loaded

You could append a few hidden divs with IDs unique to each style sheet. If they have any styles at all then you know that the sheet you want is loaded. This operation is cheap. It does add some non-semantic div elements though. That being said, I feel like everyone has at least one non-semantic element in their DOM.


Just a suggestion, but 3 css files isn't that many. Other easy solutions include the following:

只是一个建议,但3 css文件并不是那么多。其他简单的解决方案包括:

A) You could just cat and minify them and deliver them all at once.
B) Throw them onto a CDN (like aws s3 + cloudfront), which is super cheap and they will get loaded in parallel.
C) Just load them in as normal. You could also put them on a sub domain.

A)您可以将它们缩小并缩小它们并立即将它们全部送出。 B)将它们扔到CDN(如aws s3 + cloudfront)上,这是非常便宜的,它们将并行加载。 C)正常加载它们。您也可以将它们放在子域上。

Now that aside if I were you I'd divide my CSS down into a bunch of files. 3 is too few files. I'd separate out grid and every element type. Then re-assemble them on a per page basis (or page group). This allows you to include each individual piece as you need.

现在除了我是你,我将我的CSS分成一堆文件。 3文件太少了。我将网格和每种元素类型分开。然后在每页(或页面组)的基础上重新组装它们。这允许您根据需要包含每个单独的部分。

After all that it is fairly easily to append a link tag (as long as you can easily get a path to it). I recommend using the link instead of the style tag because if you do go the CDN route or subdomain route you will have issues with cross-domain issues if trying to grab the content of the css file with some xhr.




In building the apps that our team develops there can be many CSS & Script files and the head of your HTML can end up looking rather cumbersome. I built a little script that will load all of your files by passing them to the method as an Array. However, I have the loadCSS() in its own script file and I just invoke and pass in the Array in via a script tag in the HTML. Code is in monolithic format to make it easier to view.


window.onload = function() {//Use $(document).ready() if using jQuery

    var cssArray = ["Style01.css", "Style02.css", "Style03.css"];
    loadCSS(cssArray, function () {

        alert("Style sheets have been loaded.");    
    //Note: You can do a similar process for the JS files.
    //Load HTML when CSS is finished - Shown below

function loadCSS(array, callback) {

var cssArray = array;

    for (var i = 0; i < cssArray.length; i++)
        document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='styles/" + cssArray[i] + "' />");
        //console.log(cssArray[i] + " style sheet has been loaded.");

        //Detects when for loop is finished evaluating the Array
        if (i == cssArray.length - 1) {

            return callback();

    //loadHTML() can also be invoked here to ensure CSS files have been loaded.

If you are attempting to build out some HTML dynamically then you could try something like this after the CSS files are loaded.


function loadHTML() {

//Create Main Table
var mainTable = document.createElement("table");
mainTable.id = "mainTable";
mainTable.cellPadding = 0;
mainTable.cellSpacing = 0;
mainTable.border = 0;       

//Create Body
var mainBody = document.createElement("tbody");   

//Create Table Row
var mainTR = document.createElement("tr");
mainTR.style.height = "50px";
mainTR.className = ""; //Insert class from one of the style sheets

//Create Main Cell
var mainTD = document.createElement("td");
mainTD.id = "mainTD";
//mainTD.style.width = "";
mainTD.style.textAlign = "left";
mainTD.style.padding = "5px 10px 5px 10px";
mainTD.className = ""; //Insert class from one of the style sheets
mainTD.innerHTML = "Test Text";



If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Although there are already some good examples posted, hopefully this can help.




what about :

关于什么 :

$(document).ready(function() {

then, in the downloaded css files :


body { diaplay:block; }



Use loadCSS to load your CSS. and inside onload method put your code you want to execute after all css load.


var counter = 0;
function onload(){
    setTimeout(function(){ // insuring if loaded immediately 
        if(counter == 0){ 
       // your code  here //******** CODEREPLACE ************/
          alert('all css files loaded!');
function loadCSS(href){
    l  = document.createElement('link');
    l.href = href;
    l.onreadystatechange = function () { // For IE
          if (this.readyState == 'loaded'){
              onload.call( this );
    l.rel = 'stylesheet';
    l.onload = onload;




You could use YepNope.js, YepNope allows you to build asynchronous conditional tests to see whether resources have loaded. Once your tests have passed you can tell it to inject new CSS or JS files.


Example below has been taken from the YepNope.js site.


yepnope.injectCss( stylesheetSource [, callback ] [, elemAttributes ] [, timeout ]);

// Example
yepnope.injectCss("print.css", function () {
  console.log("css injected!");
}, {
  media: "print"
}, 5000);

You can even make YepNope load the initial CSS files first and then once they have completed loading YepNope can trigger a callback to do additional tasks, such as loading more JS or CSS files.




Source: https://*.com/a/3794242/1292652

Retreiving CSS text using AJAX

Instead of using messy workarounds to determine of the CSS has loaded, you can use AJAX function to create a dynamic CSS URL and fetch the it as plain text.

您可以使用AJAX函数创建动态CSS URL并将其作为纯文本格式获取,而不是使用凌乱的变通方法来确定已加载的CSS。

Inserting the CSS

After fetching the raw text, you can use this function to insert the CSS into a style tag and add a callback:


function loadCss(cssText, callback) {
    var style = document.createElement('style');
    if(callBack != undefined){
        style.onload = function() {
    style.innerHTML = cssText;

Using it

And now you can use this as:


loadCss(ajaxResponseText, function(){
    console.log("CSS loaded, you can show the dialog now :)");

Allowing cross-domain AJAX

In your comment, you mentioned you had to load jQuery and jQueryUI which I'm guessing wil de on a different domain.


To get around the AJAX cross-domain restriction, check out this link or this one or this library




       Put your styles here.  Make sure the *last* CSS file has the following:
       body { display: block !important }

       This will allow the stylesheets to load while the body is hidden.  
       When the last stylesheet is loaded, the body will be visible.

<body style="display: none">
    <!-- Lots of HTML here -->

        Put your script tags here.
        In the first script, I recommend binding to the window.load event...  
        which will be fired once all your scripts are done loading.



I think this is somewhat along the lines of what you wanted:


    <!-- CSS Stuff goes here -->
    <!-- JS Stuff come right after -->
    <!-- HTML Stuff comes withing Body -->

This will cause:-

这将导致: -

  1. All the CSS files to download in parallel;
  2. 所有CSS文件并行下载;

  3. Then the HTML stuff gets parsed and displayed;
  4. 然后解析并显示HTML内容;

  5. The browser gets all the JS;
  6. 浏览器获取所有JS;

  7. The JS is tun and it does whatever inserting it wants;
  8. JS是tun,它可以执行任何插入操作;

Your question is a bit confusing, can you clarify it? I didn't understand why you'd require to have such an order, can you give the big picture? JS is meant to be a fire-and-forget language, it will be awkard to see if everything's downloaded. Did this make sense to you and/or help you?

你的问题有点令人困惑,你能澄清一下吗?我不明白你为什么要这么订单,你能说出全局吗? JS本来就是一种昙花一现的语言,看看是否所有内容都下载都很麻烦。这对你有意义和/或帮助你吗?



I know it is not a pretty solution, but you can fetch the CSS files using AJAX and add their content to a <style>, instead of inserting a <link> to the DOM. Using AJAX, you can know for sure when the CSS is completely downloaded and add the whole thing into the page under your terms.




Source: https://*.com/a/8122005/1292652

I don't recommend this for the same reason why you shouldn't use a while loop to implement sleep(), but if you must, you can try it.


In the linked answer, a reference style was added. For example: #ensure-cssload-8473649 { display: none }. But since you're downloading files not in your control, you'll have to select a few styles from the sheet for detection.

在链接的答案中,添加了参考样式。例如:#ensure-cssload-8473649 {display:none}。但是,由于您下载的文件不在您的控件中,因此您必须从工作表中选择一些样式进行检测。

The cssLoad() function is:


var onCssLoad = function (options, callback) {
    var body = $("body");
    var div = document.createElement(constants.TAG_DIV);
    for (var key in options) {
        if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            if (key.toLowerCase() === "css") {
            div[key] = options[key];

    var css = options.css;
    if (css) {
        var handle = -1;
        handle = window.setInterval(function () {
            var match = true;
            for (var key in css) {
                if (css.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    match = match && utils.getStyle(div, key) === css[key];

            if (match === true) {
        }, 100);

You can use it as:


    "id": <insert element CSS applies to>,
     css: <insert sample CSS styles>
}, function () {
    console.log("CSS loaded, you can show the dialog now :)");



Why don't you add an element on page and check some style that it should have with some js. If it has that style then that stylesheet is probably load.


Like this:

if (document.getElementById("csspage-3-box").style.color === "#somethingUnique") {
    //it is loaded

You could append a few hidden divs with IDs unique to each style sheet. If they have any styles at all then you know that the sheet you want is loaded. This operation is cheap. It does add some non-semantic div elements though. That being said, I feel like everyone has at least one non-semantic element in their DOM.


Just a suggestion, but 3 css files isn't that many. Other easy solutions include the following:

只是一个建议,但3 css文件并不是那么多。其他简单的解决方案包括:

A) You could just cat and minify them and deliver them all at once.
B) Throw them onto a CDN (like aws s3 + cloudfront), which is super cheap and they will get loaded in parallel.
C) Just load them in as normal. You could also put them on a sub domain.

A)您可以将它们缩小并缩小它们并立即将它们全部送出。 B)将它们扔到CDN(如aws s3 + cloudfront)上,这是非常便宜的,它们将并行加载。 C)正常加载它们。您也可以将它们放在子域上。

Now that aside if I were you I'd divide my CSS down into a bunch of files. 3 is too few files. I'd separate out grid and every element type. Then re-assemble them on a per page basis (or page group). This allows you to include each individual piece as you need.

现在除了我是你,我将我的CSS分成一堆文件。 3文件太少了。我将网格和每种元素类型分开。然后在每页(或页面组)的基础上重新组装它们。这允许您根据需要包含每个单独的部分。

After all that it is fairly easily to append a link tag (as long as you can easily get a path to it). I recommend using the link instead of the style tag because if you do go the CDN route or subdomain route you will have issues with cross-domain issues if trying to grab the content of the css file with some xhr.




In building the apps that our team develops there can be many CSS & Script files and the head of your HTML can end up looking rather cumbersome. I built a little script that will load all of your files by passing them to the method as an Array. However, I have the loadCSS() in its own script file and I just invoke and pass in the Array in via a script tag in the HTML. Code is in monolithic format to make it easier to view.


window.onload = function() {//Use $(document).ready() if using jQuery

    var cssArray = ["Style01.css", "Style02.css", "Style03.css"];
    loadCSS(cssArray, function () {

        alert("Style sheets have been loaded.");    
    //Note: You can do a similar process for the JS files.
    //Load HTML when CSS is finished - Shown below

function loadCSS(array, callback) {

var cssArray = array;

    for (var i = 0; i < cssArray.length; i++)
        document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='styles/" + cssArray[i] + "' />");
        //console.log(cssArray[i] + " style sheet has been loaded.");

        //Detects when for loop is finished evaluating the Array
        if (i == cssArray.length - 1) {

            return callback();

    //loadHTML() can also be invoked here to ensure CSS files have been loaded.

If you are attempting to build out some HTML dynamically then you could try something like this after the CSS files are loaded.


function loadHTML() {

//Create Main Table
var mainTable = document.createElement("table");
mainTable.id = "mainTable";
mainTable.cellPadding = 0;
mainTable.cellSpacing = 0;
mainTable.border = 0;       

//Create Body
var mainBody = document.createElement("tbody");   

//Create Table Row
var mainTR = document.createElement("tr");
mainTR.style.height = "50px";
mainTR.className = ""; //Insert class from one of the style sheets

//Create Main Cell
var mainTD = document.createElement("td");
mainTD.id = "mainTD";
//mainTD.style.width = "";
mainTD.style.textAlign = "left";
mainTD.style.padding = "5px 10px 5px 10px";
mainTD.className = ""; //Insert class from one of the style sheets
mainTD.innerHTML = "Test Text";



If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Although there are already some good examples posted, hopefully this can help.




what about :

关于什么 :

$(document).ready(function() {

then, in the downloaded css files :


body { diaplay:block; }



Use loadCSS to load your CSS. and inside onload method put your code you want to execute after all css load.


var counter = 0;
function onload(){
    setTimeout(function(){ // insuring if loaded immediately 
        if(counter == 0){ 
       // your code  here //******** CODEREPLACE ************/
          alert('all css files loaded!');
function loadCSS(href){
    l  = document.createElement('link');
    l.href = href;
    l.onreadystatechange = function () { // For IE
          if (this.readyState == 'loaded'){
              onload.call( this );
    l.rel = 'stylesheet';
    l.onload = onload;
