
时间:2021-02-05 13:54:05

The OCaml GC imposes a global lock that prevents mutators (threads) from running in parallel although they can run concurrently (interleaved). I believe the same is true of SML/NJ and MLton but not PolyML, GHC, F#, Clojure and Scala.

OCaml GC强制执行全局锁定,以防止mutators(线程)并行运行,尽管它们可以并发运行(交错)。我相信SML / NJ和MLton也是如此,但不是PolyML,GHC,F#,Clojure和Scala。

What other functional language implementations allow threads to run in parallel?


8 个解决方案


I'm happy to tell you that you're right and that F#, being based on the CLR, doesn't suffer from that limitation at all, and instead benefits from multithreading specific features including async workflows, the mailboxprocessor, and the wonderful upcoming (.NET 4.0) Task Parallel Library.

我很高兴地告诉你,你是对的,基于CLR的F#完全没有受到这种限制,而是受益于多线程特定功能,包括异步工作流,邮箱处理器和即将推出的即将发布的功能(.NET 4.0)任务并行库。


There are a number of good implementations out there. At the moment, the Haskell people seem to be getting the best results (see ICFP 2009 paper by Simon Marlow and others as well as Haskell Symposium 2009 paper by Donnie Jones and others). Erlang is quite close behind, especially if you want to go distributed.

那里有很多很好的实现。目前,Haskell人似乎获得了最好的结果(参见Simon Marlow和其他人的ICFP 2009论文以及Donnie Jones和其他人的Haskell Symposium 2009论文)。 Erlang非常落后,特别是如果你想分发。

In six to twelve months the answers may have changed :-)



Haskell supports parallel threads via Data Parallel Haskell

Haskell通过Data Parallel Haskell支持并行线程


Scala and Clojure are both running on the JVM, which allows real concurrency without any single point of contention bottlenecks.



Erlang implements its own processes and process schedule and allows thousands, tens of thousands and even millions of Erlang processes (inside a single Operating System process).


In SMP and multi-core machines the Erlang Virtual Machine will allocate as many OS threads and OS processes to its process scheduler and process queue to maximise its use of underlying concurrent operations in the hardware architecture.


The concurrency paradigm exposed to the applications remains the same, of course.



In addition to Haskell, you can run processes concurrently in Erlang (Concurrency-Oriented Programming) and you can also do so in F# using .NET Parallel Extensions and Asynchronous Workflows.

除了Haskell之外,您还可以在Erlang(面向并发的编程)中同时运行进程,也可以使用.NET Parallel Extensions和Asynchronous Workflow在F#中执行。


Just some additions to confirm further parts of the speculative list:


  • Poly/ML supports native threads (POSIX threads or Windows threads) since version 5.2 (from 2006). Current Poly/ML 5.5 (summer 2012) has improved support for parallel memory management: some of the GC phases use multiple threads, there is special support for online sharing of immutable values to reduce memory footprint of huge applications.

    Poly / ML支持自5.2版本(2006年起)的本机线程(POSIX线程或Windows线程)。当前Poly / ML 5.5(2012年夏季)改进了对并行内存管理的支持:一些GC阶段使用多个线程,特别支持在线共享不可变值以减少大型应用程序的内存占用。

  • Isabelle/ML provides an add-on future library for Poly/ML threads. Isabelle is an interactive theorem prover, but it is integrated with an augmented version SML based on Poly/ML.

    Isabelle / ML为Poly / ML线程提供了一个附加的未来库。 Isabelle是一个交互式定理证明器,但它与基于Poly / ML的增强版SML集成。


python is not a particularly functional language, and with the GIL, it's not very parallel, either, but combined with the multiprocessing module (standard since 2.6), you get both, but it's not quite as elegant as pure functional languages.


Brief example:

from multiprocessing import Pool

def f(x):
    return x*x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pool = Pool(processes=4)              # start 4 worker processes
    result = pool.apply_async(f, [10])     # evaluate "f(10)" asynchronously
    print result.get(timeout=1)           # prints "100" unless your computer is *very* slow
    print pool.map(f, range(10))          # prints "[0, 1, 4,..., 81]"


I'm happy to tell you that you're right and that F#, being based on the CLR, doesn't suffer from that limitation at all, and instead benefits from multithreading specific features including async workflows, the mailboxprocessor, and the wonderful upcoming (.NET 4.0) Task Parallel Library.

我很高兴地告诉你,你是对的,基于CLR的F#完全没有受到这种限制,而是受益于多线程特定功能,包括异步工作流,邮箱处理器和即将推出的即将发布的功能(.NET 4.0)任务并行库。


There are a number of good implementations out there. At the moment, the Haskell people seem to be getting the best results (see ICFP 2009 paper by Simon Marlow and others as well as Haskell Symposium 2009 paper by Donnie Jones and others). Erlang is quite close behind, especially if you want to go distributed.

那里有很多很好的实现。目前,Haskell人似乎获得了最好的结果(参见Simon Marlow和其他人的ICFP 2009论文以及Donnie Jones和其他人的Haskell Symposium 2009论文)。 Erlang非常落后,特别是如果你想分发。

In six to twelve months the answers may have changed :-)



Haskell supports parallel threads via Data Parallel Haskell

Haskell通过Data Parallel Haskell支持并行线程


Scala and Clojure are both running on the JVM, which allows real concurrency without any single point of contention bottlenecks.



Erlang implements its own processes and process schedule and allows thousands, tens of thousands and even millions of Erlang processes (inside a single Operating System process).


In SMP and multi-core machines the Erlang Virtual Machine will allocate as many OS threads and OS processes to its process scheduler and process queue to maximise its use of underlying concurrent operations in the hardware architecture.


The concurrency paradigm exposed to the applications remains the same, of course.



In addition to Haskell, you can run processes concurrently in Erlang (Concurrency-Oriented Programming) and you can also do so in F# using .NET Parallel Extensions and Asynchronous Workflows.

除了Haskell之外,您还可以在Erlang(面向并发的编程)中同时运行进程,也可以使用.NET Parallel Extensions和Asynchronous Workflow在F#中执行。


Just some additions to confirm further parts of the speculative list:


  • Poly/ML supports native threads (POSIX threads or Windows threads) since version 5.2 (from 2006). Current Poly/ML 5.5 (summer 2012) has improved support for parallel memory management: some of the GC phases use multiple threads, there is special support for online sharing of immutable values to reduce memory footprint of huge applications.

    Poly / ML支持自5.2版本(2006年起)的本机线程(POSIX线程或Windows线程)。当前Poly / ML 5.5(2012年夏季)改进了对并行内存管理的支持:一些GC阶段使用多个线程,特别支持在线共享不可变值以减少大型应用程序的内存占用。

  • Isabelle/ML provides an add-on future library for Poly/ML threads. Isabelle is an interactive theorem prover, but it is integrated with an augmented version SML based on Poly/ML.

    Isabelle / ML为Poly / ML线程提供了一个附加的未来库。 Isabelle是一个交互式定理证明器,但它与基于Poly / ML的增强版SML集成。


python is not a particularly functional language, and with the GIL, it's not very parallel, either, but combined with the multiprocessing module (standard since 2.6), you get both, but it's not quite as elegant as pure functional languages.


Brief example:

from multiprocessing import Pool

def f(x):
    return x*x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pool = Pool(processes=4)              # start 4 worker processes
    result = pool.apply_async(f, [10])     # evaluate "f(10)" asynchronously
    print result.get(timeout=1)           # prints "100" unless your computer is *very* slow
    print pool.map(f, range(10))          # prints "[0, 1, 4,..., 81]"